Yep, still awake so here is part two of the three part. Hope you enjoy. Keep in mind, still no money being made here, so you might as well look somewhere else. . March 2000 1x2 POV- Duo

By Ebonydove

Well here's goes nothing, I mean really what do I have to lose? 'Cept everything. Still, even when he doesn't forgive me, I can still go out to battle and get myself killed for the colonies, maybe even making it look like it was supposed to happen that way. I just know that I have to face this. No more running, no more lies. Just the truth for once and for all, even if it falls on deaf ears. I actually feel...right. Maybe I'm not a complete waste of a human soul.

He's tinkering with Wing and pretending like he can't hear me walking towards him. It's reassuring to know that he can put on an act too. Maybe we can at least save our partnership; we could still reek havoc on Oz together. Damn, he's going to ignore me now. True, I have it coming, it's been two days since I...fucked everything up.

"Hey, Heero, ya gotta sec?" He's ignoring me. He's not even gonna turn around. This is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid...


"What do you want?" it's not my imagination. He is pissed. Here I was hoping for indifference, and I get pissed. Perfect Soldier pissed to be precise. Say that ten times fast. "What cha workin' on?"

Now for the Yuy Death Glare. I wonder if he's patented it yet? I deserve it. Procrastination has always been one of my weaknesses. Rushing into battle is one thing, rushing into matters of the heart is a completely different story. He's turning to give me the cold shoulder again. Better make my move quick. "Heero, I came to apologize." Okay that wasn't so hard. 'Cept he's still ignoring me. Almost. I see him stand and turn around to face me still scowling. Oh shit, he's gonna swing, I just know it.

"Whatever." He brushed by me.

Ouch. I would have preferred a black eye over a brush off.

Okay...I'm the one who fucked up, I deserve this, but I'll be damned if I roll over and play dead. "The least you could do is stand still long enough to let me say I'm sorry for..." Shit, duck...roll...okay...definitely on the defensive now. He actually was gonna hit me. Why am I surprised?

"You made a fool of me."

Wow, the growl in his voice is unnerving to say the least. I ain't movin'. Lay low, anticipate another swing. He's still pissed. I can feel the anger radiate from him. I am such an asshole. "I didn't mean to."

"That's your problem, you never mean to do anything, you don't think, you...just...just..."

Did he stutter? I think I just heard Heero Yuy stutter. If this wasn't so tense I'd take time to gloat. He actually looks like he's at a loss for words. Wow. Did I do that?

Staring contest. I'm already losing. He doesn't look so angry all the sudden...fuck, he looks...hurt. "I never wanted to make you feel foolish." My knees where getting tired in their crouch, so I sat down resting my hands on my kneecaps as I lower my eyes. Like I said, sometimes submissive is good.

"Don't presume to know how I feel."

Ouch. That was harsh, still I have this coming. I asked for all this, after all. I started it. I felt myself flinch. "Like you said Heero, I don't know anything." I hoped I played my 'pitiful card' at the right time. I was starting to run out of tactics and the truth was still looming over me like the sun ready to fall from the sky and burn me alive.

"I didn't say you didn't know anything. I said you don't think...sometimes."

I think my card worked. I actually felt pitiful, which could only help. Now that he was actually letting the wall down again, I could feel myself starting to panic. This is right about where I screwed up the last time. His defenses are down and mine are up. Tread lightly.

"I think I love you." Oops. That was about as subtle as a heart attack.

This time it was his turn to run. He turned and walked from the hanger in the time it took me to blink, twice. Did I mention that I hate the truth sometimes? Lies are so much easier. I could have just told him it was adrenaline after our last battle, that I was glad to be alive and I didn't think, again. But noo, didn't lie, did I? Told the truth...shit.

Like I said before, I should've just stayed with my original plan and not hooked up with these guys. It would have saved us all a lot of torture. I got up and dusted myself off. For someone who was afraid of nothing, Heero certainly just did a great impression of myself. Definitely got the running and hiding part down, let's see about rule number three...


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