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Bubblegum Crisis OAV 1-8

Even from the viewpoint of world history, there are few cities as prone to disaster as Tokyo. The city was completely destroyed in the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, and the carpet-bombing of Tokyo at the end of World War II, as its name suggests, reduced the city to a smoking pile of rubble. But each time, Tokyo rose again from the ashes. And it is MegaTokyo of the future which is the setting for this story. The time is the year 2032. Tokyo is the world's most overcrowded city - the heart of industry, culture, information, and conflict. The Second Great Kanto Earthquake, only seven years before, dealt the city a devastating blow. Presently, the capital is a city of confusion, in the midst of recovering from the ruins, physical and political, which were the result of the colossal earthquake. Cars running on gasohol and batteries crowd the streets, and a scar of the earthquake remains: a huge fault running through Tokyo, 50 meters wide at its widest point, separating the city into East and West. A gigantic tidal power plant has been established, and the world's first solar power plants have been founded, supplying this megalopolis with the electricity it consumes. Even now, clumps of office buildings, with rooftop-mounted independent photovoltaic collectors, await the sun's first rays, and the start of another day in MegaTokyo. And youth... for youth there has been no change, even now, in Tokyo's standing as "the city of great possibilities." OAV 1 Tinsel City

MegaTokyo, Japan. 2032 AD...

As night falls, a show begins in a dark corner of the city. Armored vehicles, carrying members of the AD Police, the special crimes control unit, are gathering at a highway interchange. Once again, a Boomer is on a rampage!

Boomers are an artificial life form, born of the technological union of mechatronics and biotechnology. They were originally created to substitute for humans in the development of outer space, but recently, a slightly different variant on that original concept has started to appear. They are terrifying cyberdroids, their entire bodies a cluster of weaponry; walking tanks, covered in super-high-density Abotex; and possessed of their own will. Naturally, their existence is illegal. And on top of all that, they even possess the power of matter fusion.

Boomers are primarily manufactured by the Genom Corporation. Genom: a company which rules from behind the scenes over the political and financial affairs of the entire Western World, and whose full aspect is unknown. Its temple-like headquarters, Genom Tower, a skyscraper nearly 1000 meters tall, symbolizes it well, oppressing all other buildings in District Three of Tokyo. It continues to extend towards the heavens even now, eight years since its construction began; a modern-day Tower of Babel.

This particular Boomer tears the Minigun from a police chopper it downed, uses it to replace its lost right arm, and runs amuck, strafing anything and anyone who comes within range! The heavily-armed AD Police are helpless before it. Who would let these things loose, and to what end?

Just then, figures appear before the Boomer. The slim silhouettes possess graceful, elegant lines, as if to say, there are females inside these battlesuits. In the wink of an eye, these women annihilate the Boomer, with the long-needle railguns, rotary lasersword, and laser cannon integrated into the artificial fingers of their suits. They call themselves the "Knight Sabers".

AD Police Officer Leon McNichol, who has rushed to the scene, can only watch in amazement. These women, attired in hardsuits surpassing military battlesuits, are vigilantes who smash lawlessness for money. Having defeated the Boomer, they vanish into the night.

That evening, Leon stops for a burger. Leaving the restaurant is Priss, lead singer of "Priss and the Replicants", whose concert he had been called away from to deal with the Boomer. He introduces himself, but is dismayed when Priss informs him that she hates the police - especially AD Police. She tells him to try doing something to help the citizens for a change, instead of running around chasing girls.

Later that same night at the Genom Tower, Genom Chairman Quincy is conducting business as usual. It seems that international communities want Genom products so much that they are fighting over them. His assistant, Brian J. Mason, informs him that his men have just obtained the items Quincy wanted from USSD, and they will be available within 24 hours. Quincy leaves it to Mason, reminding him not to allow Genom's name to surface.

Still later that evening, a woman, unable to relax, takes a late night swim. Images of the recent fight reveal that she is Sylia, leader of the Knight Sabers. Finally, she just floats on the surface and thinks back several years to the death of her father, the creator of the Boomers, and to her legacy from him, the data used to develop the Knight Sabers's hardsuits.

An advertisement in the next day's newspaper leads to a job offer for the Knight Sabers. Sylia calls a meeting, and soon Linna, Nene, and Priss arrive. After discussion, Sylia and Nene go to meet with the prospective client, USSD (the Space Defense Force), while wearing their hardsuits! ("It's a dangerous world," Sylia says.) Sylia agrees to take the job, which is to find a computer technician, F.G. Frederick, and his little sister, Cynthia, who have been abducted by a group of Boomers.

The Knight Sabers begin to comb the city, but Priss gets too close to the kidnappers and is captured herself. Feigning unconsciousness, she hears her captors mention their base of operations in Aqua City, the abandoned waterborne city in Tokyo Harbor. She manages to escape, but one of her captors gives chase.

Meanwhile, Sylia, Linna, Nene, and Mackie meet in Sylia's apartment, where they wait impatiently for Priss to arrive. As Mackie scans police radio frequencies, they hear a patrol bulletin - a Boomer has been spotted chasing someone on a racing bike in the direction of Aqua City! Although there is a very good possibility that this has nothing to do with the missing Priss, Sylia decides not to take a chance. The three Knight Sabers suit-up and head for Aqua City.

At Aqua City, Priss finds Cynthia alone, drawing maps on a wall. Priss tells Cynthia that they should leave, as Cynthia's parents are probably worried about her. But when Cynthia tells her that she has no parents, Priss begins to wonder... Who is she anyway?

As they start to leave, the Boomers arrive. Priss is questioned as to why she's there, but refuses to answer. She is being alternately thrown around the room and threatened when Frederick arrives. Priss realizes that Frederick is also a Boomer, and asks him what he wants Cynthia for. He answers that it's obvious Priss doesn't know much about Cynthia.

The Boomers prepare to kill Priss, but the Knight Sabers arrival changes things. They deal with all the Boomers, except Frederick, with little trouble while Priss and Cynthia, with a little help from the just arrived Leon, escape the area. But Frederick reveals himself to be something other than a normal Boomer - he begins to grow and extend tendrils, taking over the entire Aqua City platform.

Priss, having been separated from Cynthia during their escape, crosses the bridge out of the city and arrives at the Knight Sabers's equipment truck, where Mackie is waiting. Despite her injuries, she suits-up and heads back to the battle, vowing to rescue Cynthia.

Sylia, Linna, and Nene are having a tough time of it. They are outmatched by the now enormous Frederick, and are unable to mount an effective attack. However, when Priss arrives they renew their attack, mounting a diversion while Priss conducts the real attack, actually going inside Frederick to destroy him.

Cynthia is seen standing atop the wreckage of Aqua City, while a helicopter from Genom hovers nearby. Mason, in the co-pilot's seat, mutters a few words into a microphone, the helicopter pulls away, and the Knight Sabers realize that Cynthia, too, is a Boomer! Suddenly, one of USSD's satellite weapons fires its particle beam into Aqua City, destroying Cynthia and sending the wreckage to the bottom of the harbor.

The four Knight Sabers, back in civilian clothes, and Mackie stand alone on the shore, watching the destruction slip into the sea. At a word from Sylia they pull out - all but Priss, who seems to be looking for something. Suddenly, out of the smoke, she sees Leon running across the bridge to safety. She thanks him for doing something to help MegaTokyo's citizens for once, then follows after the others.

And as she leaves, Leon watches after her, wondering who she is really...


"Born to Kill"
30 minutes

Original Japanese release: September 1987 (Artmic/Youmex)
US release: 1991
Available formats (6/01): Tape (Sub/Dub); LD (Sub); DVD (Sub/Dub)
Contains violence, strong language, brief nudity

The private war between the Knight Sabers and the Genom Corporation heats up when Genom Boomers recover Cynthia's remains from the sunken wreckage of Aqua City. Mason, the Genom executive in charge of the project, incorporates the "black box" salvaged from Cynthia into his pet project, the uprated SuperBoomer android.

Meanwhile, at a Genom laboratory, the development of the uprated Boomer is interrupted by an explosion that claims the lives of the scientists involved. Watching the AD Police investigate the scene is a young Chinese woman named Irene Chang. Irene, the fiancee of one of the dead scientists and an aerobics girlfriend of Linna, demands answers from Mason, but his bodyguard Boomers brush her aside. When Priss and Linna, who have also been watching from the crowd, try to intervene for Irene, Linna is stopped by the ADP.

Priss actually reaches Mason and confronts the bodyguard who pushed Irene aside. The Boomer responds by grabbing Priss's hand and squeezing. She is saved from a broken hand when Leon McNichol arrives to break it up.

In an underground parking garage, Sylia teleconferences with the USSD commander. He explains that Cynthia was developed to be a weapon that would synchronize and control USSD's orbital beam satellite systems. Sylia tells him that, to the Knight Sabers, Cynthia was just a little girl that needed to be rescued, and to make the next one a dog or cat. She agrees to recover the missing black box, the actual synchronization and control unit, for USSD.

Leon is disturbed. His AD Police superiors have called off his investigation of the explosion at the Genom laboratory. The Chief tells him there has been no pressure from Genom, it's just that it appears to have been a simple accident with no trace of Boomer involvement. Leon is convinced that Genom is trying to develop an advanced Boomer, but the Chief won't listen to him.

Sylia meets with the other Knight Sabers and Mackie. Because USSD didn't recover it, and taking into account the laboratory explosion, she infers that Genom has the black box. Priss is ready to go after them immediately, but Linna isn't so sure... they're too big. But Nene agrees with Priss, as she's irritated with the ineffectiveness of the AD Police.

While Mackie and Nene comb the computer networks for information, Priss sets out to get information from Leon. Leon agrees to meet Priss for lunch, though he is suspicious of her sudden interest in him. He explains his suspicions about Genom's Boomer development and his theories behind the laboratory explosion to her. He also tells her that at the same time as the explosion, a truck left the laboratory by a normally unused gate. He is convinced that the development project was moved to another location. Having heard all she needs, Priss brushes Leon off with the excuse that she has a rehearsal at the club. He protests that it isn't fair -- they only had lunch!

At the aerobics club, Irene tells Linna about her fiancee. It seems that he was an engineer working on a Boomer for space development. He was always telling her about his research, but recently he had become very scared of something. He told Irene that if he told anyone what he was working on, they would be killed. Irene tells Linna that she talked to the police after the explosion, but they wouldn't listen to her. All she wants to know is what happened to him.

Linna takes Irene shopping for the day. But Irene has been thinking. She now swears to expose Genom's involvement in the tragedy. She jokingly tells Linna that if something happens to her to hire those vigilantes to find out what happened.

As Irene and Linna leave the restaurant, Linna sees that her car has been towed. Irene decides that since she lives nearby, she'll walk home, and Linna tries to figure out how to get home herself. As she enters a phone booth, a car smashes into it, demolishing it and knocking out one headlight, but Linna escapes uninjured. The car then speeds off, and Linna calls Sylia for help. She then follows after Irene on foot.

Linna isn't the only one following Irene. A car with a missing headlight is following Irene too. Irene runs faster and faster, dodging through alleys trying to elude the car, with no luck. Finally she collapses from exhaustion on a highway overpass. A car pulls up, and a woman steps out. Irene immediately recognizes the car and the woman -- she's one of Mason's bodyguard Boomers.

Linna arrives on the scene, followed moments later by Priss, but they are too late -- the Boomer has already killed Irene. The Boomer drops her body off the overpass to the highway below, while Linna and Priss watch in horror. Priss starts to go after the Boomer, but Linna stops her. As Priss watches, Linna cradles Irene's body, mourning her friend. She takes Irene's engagement ring as a momento of her friend.

Priss and Linna travel to the Knight Sabers headquarters, where Sylia, Nene, and Mackie are waiting. The four women suit-up, and Mackie drives them to the factory area where they suspect the Boomer development project was moved to.

As the Knight Sabers arrive, Mason, in another part of the factory, sends his three bodyguards to meet them. The Knight Sabers enter the factory at three different locations. Priss immediately encounters the Boomer that almost broke her hand, while Linna does battle with Irene's killer. Sylia and Nene fight the third. Eventually all the Boomers are destroyed, but a larger threat makes itself known.

The SuperBoomer emerges from the shadows, flattening Nene in the process, and the Knight Sabers attack. It synchronizes with the satellite weapons system, and a particle beam blast destroys part of the factory. As the system begins to lock-on again, the Knight Sabers destroy the SuperBoomer, and the black box with it.

As the factory goes up in flames, a truck, with Mason at the wheel, leaves the premises by an unused gate.

Later that day, due to recent scandals, the commander of the USSD resigns...


"Blow Up"
30 minutes

Original Japanese release: December 1987 (Artmic/Youmex)
US release: 1991
Available formats (6/01): Tape (Sub/Dub); LD (Sub); DVD (Sub/Dub)
Contains violence, strong language, brief nudity

In the battle between the Knight Sabers and Genom (as personified by Brian J. Mason) comes to its inevitable conclusion. Or so it seems...

introduced us to a future Tokyo. The huge shadow of Genom looms over the megalopolis, which, like today, contains endless contradictions, distortions, corruption, and decadence. Genom is a symbol for our worst fears, typified by the Boomers (artificial humanoids) it produces.

Mason is the man who directs the seamy side of Genom. In Part 1, he appeared as the mastermind behind Cynthia's kidnapping, and as a confidante of Quincy, the man who rules Genom. In Part 2, he gave a glimpse of his ambitions: he is not content with being a prince. However, his SuperBoomer project ended in failure, when Irene Chang's murder spurred the Knight Sabers into action. In Part 3, Mason's ambition sets him upon a path from which there is no turning back.

In response to increasingly frequent Boomer rampages, the AD Police retaliate by deploying K-11 armored suits. But with only army-issue machine guns, the K-11's are no match for a Boomer with genuine firepower. The street fighting between the ADP and the Boomers throws Tokyo into a panic, and the damage extends from the slum where Priss resides to the area where Sylia's fashion building (and the Knight Sabers's secret headquarters) is located.

It hasn't been a good night for the Knight Sabers. Sylia's "Silky Doll" lingerie shop was damaged during the ADP-Boomer fighting. During this latest emergency, Linna went to get Priss at Hot Legs, the club where she was singing, and then Linna's car wouldn't start, leaving her stranded. Nene is on report for her actions during the emergency, namely letting Priss through a police roadblock. And Priss, who ran the roadblock en route to Sylia's, got yet another speeding ticket, and may lose her license.

The foursome finally meet at Silky Doll and begin cleaning up the mess left behind by the fighting. Priss, recognizing that recent events have been instigated by Mason specifically, advocates a counterattack, but Sylia, as usual, vetoes precipitous action. Though not pacified, Priss finds a new outlet for her frustrations when Mackie shows her the newly redesigned Motoslave.

On the way home, Priss comes across a friend of hers sitting alone in the park. It's Sho, a young boy Priss has "adopted", keeping an eye on him when his mother must work late. Priss gives him the burger she brought home for dinner, and sits with him until his mother returns.

Later, Priss goes to Linna's apartment for dinner, and Linna takes advantage of the situation by having her friend "work for her supper". As Priss washes the dinner dishes and Linna relaxes on the sofa, Priss asks why Sylia is holding back against Mason. Linna reminds her that the Knight Saber's second rule applies (no personal grudges). Sylia's hands are tied -- she can't do anything.

At Genom Tower, the Genom Technology City Center project is under discussion. To support the project, Genom has been using combat Boomers to terrorize the population into selling their land -- cheap. The entire Third Section of the city is ready to be purchased. The Twelfth Section must also be purchased for the Genom Group Factory Center. Both of these areas must be in Genom hands before the City Center project can proceed. Because of security concerns, it is decided to move on the Third Section first.

In the Third Section, Priss drops in on Sho's 10th birthday party. Although she wasn't invited, Sho's mother makes her welcome. Priss being Sho's "big sister" has been a great help to her. While Sho plays with his birthday present, his mother explains to Priss that she lost both her husband and home in the big earthquake. They've lived in this apartment ever since, but she has been saving for their dream -- to move to the country.

Meanwhile, computers at Genom and in Sylia's back room are humming as both Mason and Sylia plot their next moves. Mason, whose plans have twice been thwarted by the Knight Sabers, is determined to discover their secret identities and destroy them once and for all.

A few days later, Mason and Funk, Mason's Boomer bodyguard, arrive in the Third Section slum with a little urban renewal on their minds. The residents are told that Genom has bought the area from the government, and they have to leave -- now. Priss makes a futile attempt to intervene, but is quickly stopped by Funk, who toys with her. Leon McNichol arrives and orders Funk to leave Priss alone. Leon doesn't help matters when he asks Priss if she lives around here, and can he stop by? Priss angrily replies that she's being evicted, and he should stop Mason. But Leon tells her that there's nothing he can do -- everything Genom is doing is legal.

Demolition begins on Sho's apartment building. He starts to run back into the building, but is stopped by his mother, who then runs inside herself. Priss stops him from following, and, after Genom temporarily halts the demolition, goes in after her. She finds Sho's mother dead under the rubble, clutching a fistful of cash -- her savings towards their dream. At the end of the day, all that remains of the building is a pile of debris. Priss takes Sho with her when she leaves.

Later that night, Priss arrives at the Knight Sabers Headquarters and suits up. She is interrupted by Sylia, who tells her that she can't do it alone. Nene and Linna remind her that if she goes off on her own she will be violating rules 2 and 3 of the Knight Sabers Charter ("Do not act on a personal grudge" and "Act only upon the mutual consent of all members"). It seems they have already heard about the death of Sho's mother, and have been waiting for Priss to arrive to join her in an attack on Mason.

Sylia tells Priss that they aren't doing this for her revenge, but to preserve the Knight Sabers Organization.

The Knight Sabers head for Genom Tower. Priss and Linna take their Motoslaves up the ramps on the side of the monstrous building, fighting security Boomers all the way. Sylia and Nene jet directly to the top, where Mason and Funk await them. Mason, in top-of-the-line personal armor, tells Sylia that Genom has changed its mind about the usefulness of the Knight Sabers, and that he intends to kill both her and her organization.

As AD Police choppers watch Priss and Linna duel the security Boomers, Sylia and Nene find their own duel beginning. Funk attacks Nene, who eventually manages to destroy him. Sylia and Mason end up in face-to-face combat: quite literally, as Mason manages to open the visor on Sylia's helmet and see who is inside. He recognizes her immediately.

As Linna and Priss arrive on the scene, Sylia finally manages to stab Mason through the neck with her lasersword, killing him.

The next day, Priss and Sho walk together to an orphanage. They are met at the gate, and after a few moments of conversation and a word to Sho, Priss turns and runs away....


"Revenge Road"
40 minutes

Original Japanese release: July 1988 (Artmic/Youmex)
US release: 1991
Available formats (6/01): Tape (Sub/Dub); LD (Sub); DVD (Sub/Dub)
Contains violence

It is the year 2033 and all is not well in MegaTokyo. A mysterious black car known as the "Griffon" is hunting down the rebellious bikers gangs, known as "Outriders". The Tokyo Highway Patrol is not having much luck in stopping the Griffon alone, and as there have been no fatalities, the case is not a top priority with the AD Police.

On the way to a Knight Sabers training session, Priss stops by Raven's Garage to refuel her new motorcycle. Dr. Raven is a consultant to the Knight Sabers, and has helped in the development of their equipment. She finds Mackie there, working on the "Highway Star", a new type of bike. When she asks to ride it, Mackie says the bike was built for fun and wasn't meant to be ridden. Priss insists, and Mackie quickly gives in.

After Priss wrecks the Highway Star, she takes an interest in a photo on the Doctor's desk -- Dr. Raven, another man, and a young woman. She asks Dr. Raven who the couple in the photo are but he ignores her question, and soon she is on her way.

As part of their training, the Knight Sabers split into two teams and play "war games" armed with paint guns. The current battle involves Priss and Linna assaulting a building defended by Sylia and Nene. As Linna and Priss make their way into the building, they surprise Nene, shoot her, and move in on Sylia. Sylia has a few surprises in store for the attackers, though. Priss and Linna lose -- again -- when Linna steps on a "landmine".

At dinner that evening (the losers paying the bill), the ladies discuss a discouraging turn of events -- there hasn't been much business lately for the Knight Sabers! Linna comments that no work means no new clothes and no new car. Sylia points out that it just gives her more time to spend with her boyfriend, but Linna replies that he's old news. It seems that Linna dumped him because he was a dreamer. Nene finds this outrageous, accuses Linna of being wasteful with her boyfriends, and goes on to tell them all of her own dreams of a passionate romance -- soon! The others find this very amusing, and Nene accuses them of picking on her.

In another part of the city, the man in Dr. Raven's photo tinkers with the mysterious Griffon. Work finished, he takes it onto the highways to run down more Outriders. The chase soon catches up with a lone female motorcyclist.

One her way home after dinner, Priss is in a bad mood. She had to pay half of the dinner bill, and was already broke before that. The sight of the Griffon attacking the Outriders does nothing to improve her attitude, and she quickly gives chase. The Griffon, having already decimated the Outriders, easily outdistances her. She pushes harder to keep up, but the engine blows and she is thrown and run over by her bike.

The next day, Linna takes Priss to the hospital to get her injuries treated. During their walk to the treatment area, Linna stops short to admire a man who is pushing a young woman in a wheelchair. As a group of noisy bikers roar by outside, the woman starts screaming.

Later, at AD Police Headquarters, Nene and Priss search through the ADP computer records, trying to trace the registration of the Griffon. Priss is using the ADP computer, though Sylia's personal system has more power, because she doesn't think Sylia would be too thrilled to let her use hers. Nene isn't too thrilled to have Priss using the ADP system either, but Priss buys her off.

They eventually trace the Griffon back to a man named J.B. Gibson. Six months earlier Gibson was attacked by Outriders, and his car crashed into the highway guardrail. He was badly injured, and his passenger, Naomi Anderson, was traumatized by the incident.

Gibson, the man in the photo, pays a visit to Raven's Garage. He asks the Doctor to help make a mind-control system work in the Griffon. This system would allow him to control the Griffon entirely by thought. Dr. Raven tells him that he should let go of the past and take care of Naomi. Gibson tells him to leave Naomi out of it, and leaves.

Later, Gibson puts final touches on the mind-control system. Unknown to him, however, his hatred of the Outriders has altered the system's programming. As he leaves the garage, he sees the police approaching, and quickly returns to his apartment and Naomi.

Meanwhile, Priss and Linna arrive at Raven's Garage to check on Priss's bike. Priss realizes that the couple in the photo are the same couple from the hospital. They tell the Doctor what happened there, and he realizes why Gibson has been making so many modifications to the Griffon. The phone rings -- it's Gibson. Raven tries to talk him out of his plans, but it's too late. The police have surrounded Gibson's building.

Dr. Raven tells Priss he wants to hire the Knight Sabers to stop Gibson. He is surprised when he realizes that Priss has already made the connection between Gibson and the Griffon. To get her to agree to take the job, Priss tells Sylia that Dr. Raven will upgrade their motoroids for free. When he loudly objects, to Sylia's amusement Priss yells back that it's not anything he shouldn't be doing anyway. Sylia agrees to the job, saying that they can't turn down a request from Dr. Raven after all.

Gibson carries Naomi to the Griffon. They break through the police cordon around his building, and begin leading the THP and ADP on another wild chase through the city.

As the police chase the Griffon, Mackie unveils the newly repaired Highway Star. Priss explains to Linna and Sylia that it's the only thing the Knight Sabers have that can catch the Griffon. As the three Knight Sabers suit-up, Nene, monitoring the chase from ADP HQ, informs Sylia that the ADP have set up a roadblock, and are trying to drive the Griffon into it. Sylia acknowledges the information, and the Knight Sabers go off on their assignments.

In the Griffon, Naomi suddenly wakes from her shock and begs Gibson to stop the car. Overjoyed, he tries, but the control helmet explodes, and the car takes on a life of its own -- with Naomi and Gibson trapped inside.

The Griffon outdistances the police chase vehicles and choppers, but Priss manages to catch up by using the Highway Star's boosters. She jumps from the bike to the car (wrecking the Highway Star once again), tears open the roof, and climbs in.

Though she's standing on the brakes, Priss realizes she won't be able to stop the car before it reaches the massive scrap iron roadblock. Priss climbs back out of the car, and holds Naomi and the still unconscious Gibson on the roof. Sylia and Linna, having taken a short-cut through the subway system, come up behind them. Sylia gives the word, and Priss jumps off the Griffon with Naomi and Gibson in her arms. Sylia and Linna catch all three and take them to safety off the road.

The Griffon reaches the roadblock, and is finally destroyed when Leon McNichol launches a grenade into the engine. Daley Wong remarks that the Griffon's energy seemed to have come from human hatred.

The next day, Linna and Nene join Mackie and Sylia at their pool. Linna tells Nene that nothing really happened to Gibson and Naomi, they were just arrested. Sylia says it's difficult to predict what will happen to them because the police can't prosecute the Outriders. Linna asks where Priss is, and Mackie replies that she's doing him a favor.

Meanwhile, in Raven's Garage, Priss tries to rebuild the Highway Star...


"Moonlight Rambler"
45 minutes

Original Japanese release: December 1988 (Artmic/Youmex)
US release: 1991
Available formats (6/01): Tape (Sub/Dub); LD (Sub); DVD (Sub/Dub)
Contains violence, strong language

In episodes 1-3, the Knight Sabers had their first run-in with Genom and with Brian J. Mason, special assistant to Chairman Quincy, climaxing in a duel on the top of Genom Tower and the death of Mason. For Genom, this was but a minor setback, as its power and political clout increase daily. Meanwhile, other forces plot to use Boomer technology to reshape the world into a form more to their tastes...

It is the year 2033. Floating in the sky 320km above MegaTokyo is Genaros, an artificial space island. Four young women steal a patrol car, and, chased by station security, race down one of Genaros's linear highways to the spaceport the fifth has secured for their use. They plan to steal a shuttle and flee to the Earth, where freedom awaits.

Although they manage to evade security, the five are attacked in the shuttle bay by "Dobermans", Boomers designed for space combat. Three of the women sacrifice their lives so that the remaining two, Sylvie and Anri, who has been badly injured, can launch the shuttle. The shuttle is damaged by a pursuing Doberman during the launch, and it crash lands near MegaTokyo.

Leon McNichol and Daley Wong are dispatched by the AD Police to investigate the crash scene. It is determined that the shuttle belongs to the SDPC (the Space Development Corporation), owner of Genaros. There is no sign of the pilot, and SDPC refuses to comment on the occupants.

SDPC later announces that it is launching an inquiry into the situation at Genaros Station. Orchestrating the situation behind the scenes is Flint, head of GPCC (the Genom Corporate Research Center), and Largo, his right-hand man. Using their influence over Kaufman, the head of the SDPC, they have been using the space islands to build high-tech weapons for sale to the Eastern Bloc. Flint informs Kaufman that he expects him to take care of this latest fiasco.

Flint is also concerned about the whereabouts of the prototype "DD" Airborne Battlemover, which was stowed aboard the crashed shuttle. Largo suggests that Flint has bitten off more than he can chew, and if the ADP or Genom Tower find out what he's been doing, Flint might just vanish. Flint, however, is sure that he knows what the escapees are after.

Daley is sent to ask questions at Genaros, but the Chief makes it clear that this is just a formality. The Chief doesn't want to stir things up because the SDPC is Government controlled. Daley has heard rumors that illegal weapons are being sold on Genaros. He tells Leon he plans to investigate a possible connection between the weapons traffic and the crash, regardless of what the Chief wants.

That night, while waiting for Priss after her last set at Hot Legs, Nene and Linna discuss Priss's new best friend, a girl whom everyone seems to instantly like. Priss joins them, and, later, another young woman approaches the trio and asks to join them. Priss quickly introduces Nene and Linna to her new biking buddy, Sylvie.

In a local pool hall, Sylia meets with Fargo, the Knight Sabers go-between. He asks if she has read the report he sent her. It seems that Kaufman is offering a contract for the recovery or destruction of the stolen DD, and for the location of his girlfriend, who stole it. Sylia asks if Genom Tower is behind the theft, but Fargo assures her that the Genom head office knows nothing about it. Sylia remains reluctant until Fargo tells her that half of the fee has already been deposited, at which point she agrees to take the job.

Meanwhile, reports of a "Vampire Killer" attacking people and draining their blood has become the hot topic of conversation in MegaTokyo. After listening to the coroner's report, Leon suspects that these killings might be the work of a 33-S Boomer. A currently prohibited older type, the 33-S required a supply of human blood to operate. He guesses that the 33-S's circulation system may have broken down.

Nene dutifully reports Leon's suspicions to Sylia, and asks why the 33-S series was banned. Sylia tells her that the 33-S, or "Sexaroid", used components that made it easy for it to synchronize with superweapons. Nene wants to hear more about Sexaroids, but Sylia says she thought Nene wasn't interested in "perverted things like that". Undaunted, Nene wonders aloud if Sexaroids are as beautiful as the girl she met the day before. She then proceeds to tell Sylia all about Sylvie and how well she and Priss get along. Sylia dryly replies that she sounds like someone she'd like to meet, asks Nene to keep her informed, and disconnects the call. Having already made the connection between the missing DD and the 33-S, Sylia wonders what Kaufman's girlfriend is after.

While touring with Priss, Sylvie spots the GPCC Building. Priss explains that the building is the Genom Research Center, where Boomers are developed. In a hurry because she has a rehearsal, Priss tells Sylvie that they should leave. Sylvie says she's going to stay a little longer -- because she's free now. Confused by Sylvie's statement, Priss goes on her way alone.

That evening, Flint and Largo discuss recent events. It is obvious to both of them that since the 33-S is an older model, it will be after the 33-S datadisk sooner or later. Flint decides he can't trust Kaufman to handle the situation any longer. He directs Largo to recover the DD by any means, and to eliminate the 33-S.

Anri begs Sylvie to stop killing people for their blood -- if she's caught she'll be destroyed. Sylvie tells her it is the only way she has to keep Anri's damaged systems going. But, now that she's finally located the datadisk, she says she won't have to kill anyone else. Anri is elated that soon they will be able to live completely under their own power.

That night, as Sylia correlates data, Sylvie breaks into the Genom Research Center and quickly locates the datadisk. Her escape is foiled by two Boomer guards she meets in the corridor. After fruitlessly emptying her pistol at them, she dives through a window and roars off on her motorcycle, the Boomers in hot pursuit. As they disappear into the night, Largo steps from the shadows where he has been watching.

As the Chief rails about the ADP's inability to solve the Vampire Killings, Leon gets a call from Daley on Genaros. Kaufman has spilled everything to him. He explains that the DD is not an ordinary Battlemover, but a highly intelligent superweapon. Despite Daley's warnings, Leon decides to go on patrol and capture the DD by himself.

Racing down MegaTokyo's highways, Sylvie is wounded a stray shot from the pursuing Boomers. Unable to lose them, she jumps her bike into the ravine left from the Kanto earthquake, where she has hidden the DD. Using the DD, Sylvie easily disposes the two Boomers, and then turns her attention to the just-arrived Leon.

Leon confronts the DD. In the cockpit, Sylvie, weakened by blood loss, collapses, and the DD's systems synchronize with her. Deciding that the pilot is dead, the J-1 automatic control system takes over control of the DD. The DD grows in size as it's full range of functions come on-line. It shoots down an ADP helicopter, and then begins to demolish Leon in the K-12.

Leon thinks back to Daley's information: the J-1 automatically takes control if the pilot's heart rate goes below a certain level. If the J-1 runs out of power once it activates, the DD explodes in a micro-neutron detonation. Leon decides he must fight back to save the city. The DD grabs him by the throat, but a laser shot severs the arm strangling him. The Knight Sabers have arrived, and are watching events from the edge of the chasm.

As the Knight Sabers descend to the bottom of the rift, Sylvie regains consciousness and realizes what has happened, and that she has no control over the DD. Leon warns the Knight Sabers of the self-destruct, then passes out. Nene scans the DD and confirms his information -- they have 3 minutes until the city is destroyed. Just then the cockpit of the DD opens, revealing Sylvie inside.

Priss gasps out Sylvie's name, and Sylvie recognizes her voice. She asks Priss to kill her: that should cause the DD to shut down and end the threat. If the DD explodes, Anri and Priss will die too, and Sylvie doesn't want to take them with her. Priss refuses to fire. As the DD begins to move, Sylia orders Priss to shoot Sylvie. Priss's agonized cry "No! I can't shoot her!" still echoes in the air as the DD backhands her into the wall of the chasm.

Linna begins her attack, and slices off the DD's rotary cannon, but it snatches her out of mid-air and tosses her to the ground. She lands on her head, and, dazed, slowly sits up. Sylia drops between the stunned Linna and the DD, and punches her lasersword into the cockpit. Before she can move away, the DD grabs her. As Nene stands screaming on the sidelines, and Sylvie screams in impotent protest, the DD swings it's arm to smash the trapped Sylia. A sudden blast severs that arm too, and the DD flings Sylia away as it turns to meet this new threat.

It's Priss, standing once again at the edge of the crevasse, and wearing her transformed Motoroid like armor to augment her damaged hardsuit. After a long moment, Priss launches an attack as the DD fires surface-to-air missiles at her airborne Motoroid. The resulting mid-air explosion turns the Motoroid into a fireball. Priss, though, ejected before the explosion and comes through the fireball relatively unscathed. Screaming Sylvie's name, she shoots her. The connections between Sylvie and the DD immediately disintegrate and the DD collapses. Priss lands, throws her shattered helmet to the ground, and catches Sylvie as she limply falls from the DD cockpit.

A sobbing Priss gently lays her dying friend on the ground. Cradled in Priss's arms, Sylvie gives her the datadisk and begs her to pass it on to Anri, who's waiting in their apartment. She tells Priss that if Anri doesn't get it she'll have to kill people too. Anguished, Priss asks her why she did it, and Sylvie, in her dying breath, replies, "I wanted to be free... like you...."

Surrounded by the other Knight Sabers, Priss, grief stricken, cries uncontrollably. Sylia asks her if they should give the datadisk away. Priss, holding her friend's body closer, cries "I know. But Sylvie is my friend. I won't betray my friends!" Sylia gives in, and tells Priss to go to Anri now, and the others to disperse.

As the group leaves, it begins to rain. From the darkness, Sylia hears a voice: "Sylia... Sylia Stingray...."


"Red Eyes"
45 minutes

Original Japanese release: August 1989 (Artmic/Youmex)
US release: 1992
Available formats (6/01): Tape (Sub/Dub); LD (Sub); DVD (Sub/Dub)
Contains violence, strong language

Have the Knight Sabers gone bad? An attack on a Genom warehouse certainly makes it look that way. But the voice emanating from "Nene's" hardsuit is that of Anri, the sole surviving 33-S Boomer. And if that weren't unusual enough, she is reporting the raid's success to Largo of the GPCC (Genom Corporate Research Center). He tells her this is all to secure their passport to their new world. But before they can create their new world, they must destroy "those bitches who confront me at every turn... the Knight Sabers!"

Leon McNichol isn't sleeping well. He dreams of his lopsided defeat by the "DD" Airborne Battlemover, of the Knight Sabers saving MegaTokyo from nuclear destruction... and of Priss's face sitting atop a Knight Saber hardsuit. A call from Daley Wong brings him back from that nightmare, only to plunge him into another one: the Knight Sabers are on a rampage.

Meanwhile, Genom's Executive Board is bickering amongst themselves about why the Knight Sabers stole a container of combat Boomers from the warehouse. Chairman Quincy calls, demanding to know what progress the Board has made. He is told that because the Knight Sabers have interfered with a secret internal project that Genom is advancing through Defense Minister Callahan, they believe that someone with access to classified company documents may be involved. Though there is no proof of this, Quincy assigns Kate Madigan the task of finding and plugging leaks in the company.

Daley and Leon take to the ADP target range and discuss the recent activities of the Knight Sabers. Daley wonders what was in the stolen containers, and Leon replies that the only thing certain is that it was nothing good. Daley reminds him that the Knight Sabers work for money, when all is said and done, implying that their motives can't be trusted. They hear someone else on the range and investigate. It's Nene: tears streaming down her face as she takes out her frustrations on the firing line.

Recent events have not escaped the notice of the other Knight Sabers either. A challenge from the impostors, disguised as advance billing of their next attack, makes Nene in particular see red. This makes them look incredibly evil! Linna calmly replies that as far as everyone's concerned, they are evil. Nene argues that they should accept this challenge, but Sylia, ever cautious, isn't sure that's a good idea. It appears that someone who knows a lot about the Knight Sabers is responsible.

Nene appeals to Priss for help in persuading Sylia to attack. Priss, however, brings the discussion to a halt with her announcement that she's quitting the Knight Sabers. After Priss leaves, Sylia tells the surprised group that Priss is still in shock over Sylvie's death. Linna reminds Sylia that with Priss, the Knight Sabers were at a disadvantage, but without her it's not even a fight. Sylia, in turn, reminds Linna that they do have contingency plans, and things will just take a little longer.

Anri, Largo's spy in Genom, gives him information on the activities of Defense Minister Callahan. Largo is contacted by the "Sylia" impostor, and is informed that the challenge has been given as directed. Largo reminds him to be sure to destroy the real Knight Sabers. Anri asks if they can finally avenge Sylvie, and is overjoyed when Largo tells her yes, and that she will soon be truly free.

That night, the AD Police wait nervously for the Knight Sabers to arrive at Tinsel City Bank. Rooftop spotters and a patrol helicopter are immediately destroyed as the impostors arrive. Leon calls for a K-12S armored suit -- he's going to take care of things himself.

While, the "Knight Sabers" wait on the Bank's roof for the real Knight Sabers to answer their challenge, Sylia pays a personal call on Priss, who has packed her belongings and is preparing to leave town. Sylia tries to convince her that Sylvie's death wasn't her fault, but Priss maintains that it was. She says that she just wasn't strong enough, and she can't go on like this anymore. Nene interrupts with an emergency call to Sylia: the impostors have shown up on schedule and the ADP is fighting them. Sylia tells her to contact Linna and get ready to move out. With a last word of encouragement ("I have faith in you, Priss"), Sylia, alone, leaves for the battle.

Things are going badly as usual for the ADP. "Priss" has Leon in her sights when the real Knight Sabers show up, settling the question of which side they're on conclusively. The three impostors reveal themselves to be Boomers, and the battle begins. As Leon settles back to watch, Daley interrupts to tell him that someone has kidnapped Defense Minister Callahan. Grudgingly, Leon leaves the Knight Sabers to take care of things while he pursues Callahan's abductors.

Largo and Anri, Callahan's kidnappers, are en route to Genom Tower so that Largo may give Quincy his demands for Callahan's return in person. As fate would have it, Priss, on her way out of town, sees Anri driving the getaway car. Wondering what she is still doing in town and who the man with her is, Priss decides to follow.

No sooner does Madigan discover that Anri is the spy in Genom, than the Boomer pursuing Callahan calls to say that he's caught up with the kidnappers. Madigan orders him to destroy their car, but a particle beam blast from the orbital satellite weapons system dispels that plan, surprising both Madigan and the pursuing Leon. Largo uses the remains of the pursuit Boomer to tell Madigan that he is bringing Callahan to the Tower, and that she is to tell Quincy that he wants the OMS (OverMind control System) in exchange.

Leon arrives, and, in typical fashion, tries to arrest Largo. When Largo recognizes him, Leon is surprised but has little opportunity for reflection; first because Largo is choking him to death, and second, because Priss's timely arrival (and exceptional marksmanship) prevents just that. Her arrival also prompts Anri to remember the night Priss told her of Sylvie's death. Another bolt from the blue, now clearly directed by Largo, renders the entire issue of Priss's arrival academic.

As Largo and Anri speed away, Priss picks herself off of the pavement and checks on Leon. He asks what she's doing there, and she sidesteps the question by asking who that guy was. Leon surprises Priss by warning her that Largo isn't like her other foes (he knows she's a Knight Saber), and she should let the ADP take care of things. He doesn't want her to get hurt (he really does care for her). Before she can respond, an ADP chopper arrives. As she gets on her bike, Leon asks if she's OK. Priss flippantly tells him that she won't get into bed with him, and roars off into the night.

Madigan briefs Quincy on Largo's demands. Quincy says giving Largo the OMS is out of the question because it would result in him replacing Genom as ruler of the world. He agrees to meet with Largo, if only to see the guy capable of engineering something like this.

Back at Tinsel City Bank, the Knight Sabers are literally on the brink of disaster. Seriously outclassed by Largo's Boomers, Sylia is about to sacrifice herself to give Nene and Linna time to escape when Mackie arrives in a jet- chopper and takes them from the roof. Once they are safely away, he tells them that there's bigger trouble -- Priss's hardsuit and motoroid are missing.

Largo orders his Boomers to come to Genom Tower for a big show he's putting on. As Anri pulls the car up to the main entrance, Callahan runs to the waiting Madigan. He apologizes for being captured and tells her that he didn't divulge any secrets. Madigan shoots him, ensuring he will never be able to do so in the future.

Largo and Quincy finally meet face-to-face. Quincy asks why Largo wants the OMS, and Largo replies that Cyberdroids have the potential to be a new species, and it is only right that he have the OMS. Quincy tries to buy Largo off, but Largo demonstrates his power: he commands the orbital weapons satellites to destroy Genom Towers around the world.

Quincy doesn't believe what he sees. Largo has a direct link with the weapons satellites? USSD was supposed to have stopped production of Boomers that could control the satellite weapons after the Aqua City incident. Largo asks him if he'd like another demonstration, then destroys the Genom Research Center in MegaTokyo. Things finally fall into place for Quincy: Largo is a SuperBoomer. Largo announces that he is the maker of the new world, and Quincy is to hand it over -- now.

Enraged, Madigan orders the bodyguard Boomers to kill Largo, but he wipes them out instead. When Quincy still refuses to turn over the OMS, Largo realizes that something isn't right, and kills him. As Quincy falls to the floor, a monitor bank comes to life, revealing the REAL Quincy. Quincy tells Largo that he will never turn over the OMS. Largo blasts the monitors, then tells Anri that they're leaving.

Before they can take a step, Priss arrives. She tells Anri that she's come to rescue her from Largo. Largo introduces the Knight Saber to Anri as Sylvie's killer. Priss tells Largo that she doesn't know what lies he's been telling Anri, but she won't let him drag her any further into this.

A confused Anri asks if it is Priss in the hardsuit. She can't believe Priss is a Knight Saber, and that she killed Sylvie. Largo gestures, and Priss is thrown into a wall, breaking the faceplate of her helmet, and revealing to Anri that it is indeed Priss. Goaded on by Largo, who hands her a knife and tells her that now is the time to kill Sylvie's killer, Anri stabs Priss.

As Anri whispers to Sylvie that she is finally avenged, she feels tears falling on her cheeks. Priss, crying, tries to explain why she had to kill Sylvie, saying there just wasn't anything else she could do. Priss puts her arms around Anri and hugs her close, incidentally pushing the knife Anri still holds deeper.

Largo mockingly asks Priss if she's trying to apologize. He says he is amazed that Priss could shoot the 33-S, Sylvie. If things had continued on, out of control, it would have been amusing. As Anri turns to stare at Largo, dropping the knife, the bleeding Priss falls to her knees. Largo continues, saying that since he took control of the GPCC, the HyperBoomer was developed ahead of schedule. Sylvie was just a tool to be used. Priss is enraged by this, but Largo continues to taunt her: she can't do anything about it now.

Largo tells Anri to step aside -- she too has fulfilled her purpose. He gestures again, blasting at Priss, who, still kneeling, watches her death approach. At the last moment, Anri steps in front of her, intercepting the blast. She collapses into the stunned Priss's arms. Dying, Anri tells Priss that she and Largo just wanted to make a world for their own kind, she but didn't want to kill anyone to do it. Sylvie felt the same way. She asks Priss to live -- for her and Sylvie. As she dies, Priss screams "You little idiot! If you die, what will Sylvie have died for?"

Largo, amusedly watching the scene, asks if the machine has ceased functioning yet. Priss, out of control now, fires her needle gun at him. He catches the spike in mid-air, asks if this is all her anger amounts to, and flips it back at her, spearing her through the right shoulder and pinning her to the wall. He then blasts her through the wall, and she lands on a roof of the next level.

Priss pulls the needle from her shoulder and flings it away. As Largo reveals his true nature to her, she vows not to be beaten in this fight. Priss sees movement in the shadows, then the head of her Motoroid approaching, and begins to smile. The smile quickly dies when she realizes that the head is all that remains of her Motoroid, and that it is being carried by a Boomer. When Largo's other two Boomers arrive, surrounding Priss, he orders them to kill her. They quickly shred her hardsuit and give her a thorough beating.

Priss is flat on her back and barely able to move, surrounded by Largo and his minions, when the cavalry arrives in the form of the enhanced Typhoon II Motoroid. Largo orders his Boomers to destroy the new arrival, but the Typhoon destroys one of the Boomers and lays down suppressing fire as Priss runs toward it. The Motoroid opens, revealing another hardsuit inside. Priss triggers the explosive bolts in her demolished hardsuit, jettisoning its remains, and climbs into the replacement hardsuit. Re-armed, re-armored, and nearly berserk with rage, she destroys Largo's two remaining Boomers.

Largo fires another blast at Priss, which she barely dodges. Even so, the near miss cracks part of her hardsuit. As the combatants set themselves for the next attack, Priss silently vows not to run away again, and asks Anri and Sylvie to give her strength. The battle begins anew, with each charging the other. Their fists meet -- Priss's right to Largo's left.

When the ensuing explosion clears, Largo is missing his left arm. Priss begins to collapse, but suddenly finds herself being held up by a friendly arm -- the Knight Sabers have arrived. Largo, holding the stump of his arm, announces that they will pay for injuring him with their lives. He directs a particle beam from the weapons satellite at them. But Linna and Nene fire the Knight Saber's laser weapon into the satellite, destroying it and knocking the particle beam off target. The beam hits Largo instead.

Standing amidst the flames, Largo surprises Sylia by calling to her by name. He says he knows everything about her because they are two of a kind. While Sylia, still holding Priss up, stares at him, he prepares to blast her and Priss with his mouth-cannon. Largo is finally stopped by a bullet through the head, fired by Leon from the roof of a nearby building. He falls from the roof toward the street below.

As the Knight Sabers watch the sun rise, Nene wonders if Largo is really dead. Linna is convinced that he is. After all, no one could survive a fall like that. Priss thinks about Anri and Sylvie.

As she boards the Knight Saber's chopper, Sylia thinks to herself, "Frail humans need not fear anything more... Brian J. Mason."


"Double Vision"
45 minutes

Original Japanese release: March 1990 (Artmic/Youmex)
US release: 1992
Available formats (6/01): Tape (Sub/Dub); LD (Sub); DVD (Sub/Dub)
Contains violence, strong language, brief nudity

Houston, Texas, USA. March 26, 2033. Yamada, a Genom executive, successfully concludes contract negotiations with the Gulf & Bradley Corporation of Houston, to jointly create a new type of Boomer. While the research will be conducted in MegaTokyo, the project will be headed by Dr. Richard McLaren of G&B.

Shortly after the contracts are signed, a large crab-like mecha appears. Everyone is killed, except for McLaren, who is chased through the corridors of G&B Headquarters. The mecha disappears as the police arrive. McLaren tells them he has no idea who was behind the attack. The police assume the target was the President of G&B, who had many enemies, and that the other victims just got in the way.

MegaTokyo, Japan. June 8, 2033. Vision, a popular and mysterious American rock star, comes out of a self-imposed year-long retirement to start a new world tour, kicking off in MegaTokyo. Watching Vision's press conference on Sylia's television, Priss isn't too impressed. Linna, however, says that she feels like she knows Vision from somewhere. Nene tells her she must be thinking of someone else.

June 9. In a darkened waterfront warehouse, a team of men led by Vision's assistant Kou prepare the GD-42, the mecha that attacked Gulf & Bradley in March, for a midnight run. Upstairs, Vision -- known to the team as Reika Chang -- watches an old videodisc letter from her little sister, Irene Chang. Reika is so distracted by memories of her sister that she doesn't hear Kou come up behind her with a gun. Kou is testing her alertness, and is displeased with her inattention to her surroundings.

At the Genom laboratory later that evening, McLaren and his team check the new Boomer's progress. They are interrupted by the attack of the GD-42, piloted by Reika and Kou. The GD-42 is forced to retreat when Reika, in the pilot's seat, refuses to kill a worker who gets in their way.

June 10. A panicky McLaren tells Quincy that the mecha which attacked the night before is the same one which attacked G&B in Houston. McLaren wants to go back to Texas, but Quincy insists that he remain in MegaTokyo until the testing of the Boomer is complete. He tells McLaren that he was not the target of the attack, and that the Chang Group, the "Hou Bang", was behind it. McLaren is given a few days off to rest.

Meanwhile, Leon McNichol and Daley Wong investigate the crime scene for the AD Police, despite resistance from the "victims" of the attack. Leon suspects Genom of attempting to conceal something illegal, such as the development of a new type of Boomer.

That evening, Sylia meets Fargo at an amusement park. She initially refuses to accept the offered job of bodyguarding McLaren because of his connections to Genom. After learning the size of their fee she changes her mind. Fargo tells her that the client, McLaren himself, requires their bodyguarding to be done in secret.

June 11. After getting a earful from Leon over being told to drop the investigation, the Chief puts him and Daley on paid leave, telling them "officially" not to engage in any work... Leon and Daley take the hint. Nene's fellow ADP officer and friend, Naoko, presents her with front row tickets to Vision's upcoming concert at the New Tokyo Dome.

June 12. Leon and Daley check out a new Genom artificial island in Tokyo Bay, and catch Quincy himself on an inspection tour. Afterwards, they head for the St. Regis Hotel, where McLaren is taking his R&R under the watchful eyes of the Knight Sabers: Nene and Linna are working at the hotel, while Sylia and Priss monitor things electronically. While Leon waits in the coffee shop, Daley checks his sources and finds out that the new Genom island is a combination construction and testing ground for Boomers.

Kou's men intercept McLaren's order for a call girl that night.

Elsewhere, Leon explains to Daley that he has learned that the mystery mecha was built by Kyuusei Industries, part of the Chang Conglomerate. He thinks that the death of Chairman Chang's son and daughter-in-law, apparently at the hands of Gulf & Bradley, would make an excellent motive for the attack in Houston -- if it hadn't happened fifteen years ago....

Reika, arrives at McLaren's hotel suite, posing as a call girl named "Irene." She drugs McLaren, making it look like a heart attack, and her men, disguised as ambulance attendants, spirit him away. As Nene monitors things from the outside, Linna contacts Sylia and brings her up to date. Sylia sends Priss, now in her hardsuit, to follow McLaren's ambulance, as something about it seems suspicious to her.

As Linna follows Reika from the hotel, Priss stops the ambulance. The GD-42, piloted by Kou, attacks and Priss is quickly beaten to unconsciousness. Kou, however, can't finish her off. ("I must have contracted Miss Reika's disease.")

Meanwhile, the real ambulance arrives at the hotel, and Leon and Daley realize they now have a kidnapping to investigate.

Sylia follows the tracer signal from a bracelet that McLaren was given to wear, only to find the bracelet still inside the now abandoned ambulance. She also finds the badly injured Priss, who collapses in her arms.

Linna, in the meantime, has followed Reika all the way to Irene Chang's grave. One of Reika's men captures her as she is about to report in.

At Sylia's apartment, Priss's injuries are tended by Mackie while Sylia and Nene try to decide what to do next. Nene in particular is depressed over the night's events: McLaren was kidnapped, Priss has a broken arm, and Linna is missing. Sylia decides that since they lost Linna's signal near Irene's grave there must be a connection, and asks Nene to look into it.

Held captive in the waterfront warehouse, Linna confronts Reika with the knowledge that Reika is both Irene's older sister, and also the mysterious Vision. While they talk, Kou takes a call from Mr. Chang. He updates Chang on the situation, and passes on the news that Reika's fighting performance is the same -- she is too soft and can't bring herself to kill people. Kou says that Reika's hatred over Irene's death is driving her to revenge, and Chang replies that this revenge was her wish. He didn't want to get her involved in the shadow world in the first place, and charges Kou with protecting her.

Meanwhile, Reika explains to Linna that her family has led the Hou Bang ("Tiger's Stripes"), a secret society, for generations, and that her father's death created a void in the successorship. She didn't really care about Hou Bang until Irene was killed by Genom. Since then, she's been determined to have her vengeance. Having killed the President of Gulf & Bradley for the death of her parents, she now intends to kill Quincy for the death of Irene. Once she has done so, she will quit singing and take over the leadership of the Hou Bang.

June 13. Kou arranges a meeting with Quincy the next day, to discuss the return of McLaren. Quincy is not interested: the new Boomer is now complete. Kou explains that since McLaren knows the weak points of the Boomer's design, there are many others who would be interested in him. Quincy finally agrees to meet with Kou at Genom's artificial island.

At ADP HQ, Leon, waving photos of Nene working at the St. Regis, blackmails her into tracking down data relating to the Chang murder and the McLaren kidnapping cases, something she was already doing for Sylia.

June 14. The day of Vision's opening concert. Nene has run into a brick wall trying to get information on Irene. Priss, who has cut off her cast and gone to the waterfront, finds and rescues Linna, locked in the now abandoned warehouse. Back at ADP HQ, Naoko reminds Nene of the concert, and ends up giving Nene the password she's been looking for. Nene tries to tell Leon what she has found, but instead of listening, he takes her with Daley and himself in pursuit of Quincy. Quincy, heading for his appointed rendezvous with Kou, is also being followed by Sylia.

On the island, Reika faces Quincy and demands his life as payment for Irene's. He doesn't know what she's talking about, and tells her she's a fool for causing such trouble. Reika pulls her gun on him, but freezes, so Kou shoots him down. Sylia, Linna, and Priss arrive and rescue McLaren, and Kou accuses the Knight Sabers of working for Genom. Before they can correct him, Quincy stands up and does it himself. Now revealed to be yet another android double of Quincy, Reika is finally able to shoot him. That causes no problem for the android, who calls for the "show to start." A new type of mecha appears from Quincy's helicopter and attacks Reika and Kou in the GD-42.

Stuck in a traffic jam, Nene finally fills Leon and Daley in on what she's learned: Irene Chang's death was the cause of all this, the Texas incident was related to the death of Irene's parents, and Vision is the culprit. Nene also tells them that she doubts that Vision is the main one involved, and asks if the circumstances will be taken into consideration.

In the meantime, the battle between the GD-42 and the Genom mecha continues, with the three Knight Sabers taking Reika and Kou's side. As the battle site is also a test area, the many booby-traps cause as much damage as the fight itself. With the GD-42 locked in an embrace with its Genom counterpart, Reika and Kou arm the self-destruct and initiate their escape systems. Kou is successfully launched clear, but the Genom mecha grabs Reika. Linna intervenes and helps her escape just before the massive explosion that destroys the island.

Afterwards, Reika, Kou, McLaren, and the three Knight Sabers wait on a partially submerged rooftop for the police to arrive. Reika tells Linna that she's going to quit singing because her revenge won't be complete until she kills Quincy. Linna slaps her, then gives her Irene's engagement ring which she had kept after Irene's death. Linna explains to Reika that Irene was just an ordinary girl, happy to have been given an engagement ring. If she wants to make Irene's dreams come true, there must be a better way than killing Quincy.

Leon, Daley, and Nene finally arrive, and McLaren quickly points out Reika and Kou as his kidnappers. Kou steps forward and says that Reika had nothing to do with it. But Leon and Daley have other ideas, and arrest McLaren for violating weapons production laws and multiple counts of soliciting prostitution. Leon thanks Vision for her help in arresting McLaren, and offers her an escort to her concert, which she gratefully accepts.


"Scoop Chase"
50 minutes

Original Japanese release: January 1991 (Artmic/Youmex)
US release: 1992
Available formats (6/01): Tape (Sub/Dub); LD (Sub); DVD (Sub/Dub)
Contains violence, strong language, brief nudity

As the year 2033 draws to a close, for once the Knight Sabers seem to have things well in hand; only a few rogue Boomers here and there, all easily destroyed. But, as usual, it's too good to last. It starts out innocently enough, when Priss catches a girl photographing her in action, and trashes her camera.

Unfortunately, the girl is the niece of Nene's boss. The bad news is that aspiring reporter Lisa Vanette is going to be hanging around AD Police over her Winter Break from high school. The worse news is that Nene has been given the job of keeping an eye on her, and helping her get a big scoop. But the worst news of all is Lisa's intended exclusive: exposing the true identities of the Knight Sabers. ("They oppose Genom, shake down the weak for huge amounts of money, and even destroy helpless girls' cameras.")

And then Nene finds that there's something worse than the worst when, because Lisa is with her, she has to give Priss a speeding ticket!

Meanwhile, Dr. Miriam, a genius at Boomer development, has brought his employer, Ebisu Corporation, to the top of the Genom's subsidiaries. He has great personal ambitions too, and is secretly developing some special Boomers with a specific purpose in mind.

At AD Police Headquarters, Lisa and Nene sit down for a snack, but are interrupted when Nene receives a pager signal. She leaves suddenly, telling Lisa that she forgot she was supposed to work first shift that day. Left to herself, Lisa is bored until a Boomer-alert sounds. To Daley Wong's dismay, Lisa hops into his car and radios to her uncle that she wants to go out on the alert with Daley. By the time Daley and his unit arrive at the scene the Knight Sabers are already battling three Boomers on the roof of a building. Despite warnings from Daley to stay in the car, Lisa makes her way to the roof of another building so she can take photos of the Knight Sabers in action.

As Sylia, Linna, and Priss take on the three Boomers, Nene calls out encouragement from the sidelines. Priss abandons her Boomer to help Sylia, and, without an opponent, it takes notice of Nene and advances on her. Although she tries to defend herself, it hits her in the head, stunning the hapless Knight Saber and shattering the faceplate of her helmet. Priss returns in time to rescue Nene, and destroys that Boomer too.

Later, Lisa views her photos from the battle. One has a very interesting image: a Knight Saber with a broken faceplate. Lisa zooms in on that part of the image and is surprised to see a very familiar face....

That same night, Sylia meets with Fargo at a drive-in theater. (The star of the movie is a hardsuit-clad Vision.) Fargo tells her that none of the recent Boomer incidents have anything to do with Genom. Instead, they all appear to be the work of a private individual, but he can't find out who. Sylia tells him to keep checking.

The next day, while spying on Nene at work, Lisa hears her tell her friend Naoko that the bandage on her face is because she fell while riding her scooter without a helmet. Lisa calls the ADP station schedule up on the computer, and sees Nene's scheduled shift for the day before being changed as she watches. Lisa then questions Nene's friends. Among other things, Leon McNichol tells her that Nene often disappears during Boomer incidents.

The following day is Nene's day off, and Lisa follows her all over the city. They eventually end up at Raven's Garage, where the Knight Sabers are having a training session. Nene is impressed to see Linna training with the simulator set to Level 8, as she can't seem to clear Level 5 herself. Priss tells Nene that she's too weak, which is why she keeps getting beat up, but Nene fires back that she "contributes to the Knight Sabers with her good looks and amazing brain." ("I wouldn't want to be an apewoman like you.")

After Linna successfully clears Level 8, it's Nene's turn, but she doesn't want to try it. Sylia tells her she has to -- she needs the data for programs for the new hardsuits she's developing. But Nene literally takes one in the head again, to the great amusement of Linna and Priss, and once more fails at Level 5. And Nene's training scores are down, and she's put on a little weight (even though she claims to have been on a diet). Sylia watches while Priss and Linna tease Nene unmercifully until Mackie calls. There's a strange girl wandering around outside the garage.

As Lisa's image comes on the monitor, Nene gasps but it is Priss who identifies her -- as the girl whose camera she trashed. Sylia decides to leave Lisa alone, and asks Nene what she knows of her. Nene fills them in about Lisa and her plan to expose the Knight Sabers. Later, the others help Nene get away without being seen by Lisa.

The next day at ADP HQ, Nene tells Lisa she's too busy to do anything with her that day, but promises to take her to dinner that night. Lisa agrees to go away, but drops something on Nene's desk as a 'parting gift' -- the enlarged picture of Nene's face in a Knight Saber helmet. After Lisa leaves, Nene sits at her desk in shock, then finally decides to try to brazen things out.

Later, Miriam decides that since he has 80% of the data he needs one more data collection will give him enough information to surpass the Knight Sabers' capabilities. He wonders who built the Knight Sabers' hardsuits -- they have defeated the newest Genom Boomers after all. But he's confident that his genius will overcome anything, even Genom or the Knight Sabers.

At dinner that night, Nene's pager once again interrupts things. Nene leaves, telling Lisa that she's sorry, but she just remembered an important appointment. Lisa is muttering to herself about how dinner isn't as good when she's eating alone when she suddenly realizes what's happened....

One AM finds Lisa sitting outside Raven's Garage, waiting for the Knight Sabers to return. A well dressed woman steps out of the darkness, and asks what Lisa's doing out so late. Lisa tells her she's heard there are ghosts in the area and wants to take a photo of one. The woman (Sylia), who introduces herself as the owner of a lingerie shop who lives in the area, decides to join Lisa in her wait. After a while, Lisa asks the woman if she knows about the Knight Sabers, and the two discuss why the Knight Sabers do the things they do.

The next night, as Nene apologizes to Lisa for leaving her at dinner, Dr. Miriam finally completes his four anti-Knight Sabers Boomers. If they work as expected, he can finally get away from Ebisu. As a test, he decides on a target to that will bring the Knight Sabers running: AD Police Headquarters.

Meanwhile, at ADP HQ, Lisa tells Nene that tomorrow will be her last day, and that she still needs definite proof to get her scoop. While they discuss this, Miriam's Boomers attack and the "S" alarm sounds. Nene goes off to find out what's happened and orders Lisa to stay where she is.

Daley pulls up outside, and is told that someone is taking over HQ using Boomers. Most of the people got out, but there are still a few trapped inside. Daley gives orders for Leon, working on another incident, to be called back. Miriam contacts Daley to taunt him -- he has no objectives or demands, he just wants to demonstrate his power and destroy the building. He then orders his Boomers to destroy anything in their way.

With explosions shaking the building, Nene, who has managed to get a pistol and ammunition from an arms locker, is trapped on the 19th floor when one of the Boomers comes through the ceiling. She empties three clips into it, with no result. Out of ammunition and cornered, Nene is saved when Priss blasts her way in and pins the Boomer against the wall. Mackie, wearing a hardsuit of his own, appears and tells Nene he brought her suit too. Leaving the Boomer to Priss, Mackie carries Nene to another floor where she changes into her new hardsuit.

Convinced that there's a Boomer in the Main Computer Room, Nene and Mackie head for a nearby computer subcontrol room while the other Knight Sabers tend to the more conventional Boomers. While attempting to block the computer room Boomer from the system, Nene suddenly remembers she left Lisa alone on the 28th floor. Talking over the building's intercom system, Nene gives Lisa directions for getting to the emergency stairs.

Miriam notices Nene's work in the computer, and orders the computer room Boomer to take her on directly. Lisa contacts Nene -- the emergency stairs have been blown out and she can't go down any further. Nene directs her to the elevator shaft ladder, but the elevator suddenly comes back on-line and Nene and Mackie can't stop it. Lisa barely escapes into a ventilation duct. She then begins to make her way through the building, with much help from Nene, who counters the HQ's defensive systems, including nerve gas, that the Boomer brings to bear against Lisa.

Miriam orders his Boomers to finish off the Knight Sabers, and Lisa too. According to his data, the hardsuits have reached their performance limits. But, to his astonishment, Priss destroys her Boomer ("It can't be! Have they been upgraded?")

Yelling for Nene, Lisa finally arrives at the subcontrol room and finds two hardsuited figures working inside. As the other Knight Sabers and Mackie look on, Lisa, finally faced with her definite proof, walks up to the smaller of the two and says "Nene... you really are one of the Knight Sabers, after all..."

Miriam orders his sole remaining Boomer, the one in the computer room, to overload the building's electrical system and blow up the Knight Sabers along with the AD Police. More alarms sound as the building is bathed in an eerie orange glow. Nene tells the other Knight Sabers to get out and take Lisa with them. She's going to stay behind and try to stop the explosion. The others reluctantly leave, not without some argument, but Mackie stays behind too. He says what Nene's going to try is too much to handle alone.

As the returning Leon captures Miriam, who was trying to escape by helicopter, the three Knight Sabers and Lisa watch events from a nearby roof. There is a final explosion from ADP HQ, then the orange glow fades away. Inside, a relieved Nene explains to Mackie that she made the building's power circuits feed back on the Boomer, causing it to self-destruct. She hears Sylia's voice congratulating her, and turns, stunned, to see Sylia, Priss, and Linna standing in the doorway. They all came back to wait for her.

The next day, as Nene and Naoko watch repairs begin on ADP HQ, Lisa comes up to make her farewells. Nene congratulates her on finally getting her scoop: her photo of Daley and Leon bringing in Miriam is on the front page of the newspaper. Lisa gives Nene an envelope as a parting gift and leaves. Nene opens it enough to see that it contains the photo of her in her in her old hardsuit and the media containing all the other photos of the Knight Sabers in action.

Leaning over Nene's shoulder, Naoko wants to see what the photo is, but when Nene won't let her look she's convinced -- it's photos of a man!

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