Dragonball GT Episode 39 (Aired 02/26/97) Kore de Saigo da! Tsui ni bebii shoumetsu This is How it Ends! At Last, Baby's Extinction. There is more of an explosion from both fighters as the rest of the world looks on gape-jawed. Gokuu and Baby face off as the smoke clears, and both of them claim to be able to defeat the other. In anticipation of a good fight, they go into a running attack, throwing energy balls at each other. They work up a sweat and take a breather, allowing Gohan, Trunks, and Goten to speculate that Gokuu has taken serious damage. Pan objects to this, believing that Gokuu can not lose this one. On Dai Kaiou-shin's planet, the old coot is watching the contest on his crystal ball. Kaiou-bit teleports in and asks how it's going. Dai Kaiou-shin roughs up Kaiou-bit and gets the younger Kaiou-shin to root blindly for Gokuu. Kaiou-bit says that he's got the Chou-sui water, and they start planning on how to use it on the infected Earthlings. Baby is showing signs of wear, and Gokuu taunts him for tiring so quickly, and threatening to become boring. Baby takes the bait and fires off a major energy ball. It misses, and Gokuu makes fun of the ape. Baby goes full out, launching a series of cutting disks. Which also miss. Gokuu likes Baby's attempt, and just stands in place as Baby ends up making a large lake of molten lava. Gokuu loses track of Baby in the steam, and the golden Oozaru takes the opportunity to create a massive Revenge Death Ball -- it's his ultimate one-shot, and he launches it at SSJ4 Gokuu. Baby is happy with his RDB, and Gokuu struggles to keep it from plowing over him. Pan has to be restrained from running up to help her grandfather. The ball crushes forward, pushing Gokuu deep into a cliff side. Baby hopes for the best (Gokuu's death), while Gokuu uses thoughts of his children as the reason to keep fighting to the very end. He bulks up some more, and absorbs the energy from the Revenge Death Ball; it turns into a tornado and dissapates. Gokuu tells Baby that Baby can't win that way, and he powers up in preparation to firing Kamehame-ha. [Commercial Message] Baby seems to have forgotten how to use Kamehame-ha to enter an enemy's body. He gets hit by the blast and goes flying into the air. He lands where Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Pan, Uubu, and Satan are hiding. They scatter, then return to look at the motionless were-monkey embedded in the ground. Pan asks if he's dead, and Gohan says no, he can still hear a heartbeat. Gokuu floats up, smiling happily at his foe. Pan cheers him on to kill Baby, and is reminded that Vejiita will die also. Pan forgot about that, but Trunks says it's ok -- if Baby dies, countless innocent lives will be saved in the long run. Gokuu thinks a bit, then fires a blast into Baby's back. Trunks yells and turns away. When the light fades, we see that Gokuu has completely blown off Baby's tail. The monkey screams as he reverts back to Vejiita-Baby's earlier form. Baby tries to figure out what's happening, and concludes that he can't remain an oozaru without the tail. He doesn't need Vejiita's body anymore, and oozes out to the ground. Satan chases the silvery bouncing ball, until it stops and Baby takes on his true shape again. Satan starts apologizing, and the 4 Saiya-jin halfbreeds encircle him. Baby emits a bright light and escapes. Pan tells this to her granddad, and Gokuu reminds them of Vejiita. Trunks comforts his battered father, and Vejiita and Gokuu trade knowing smiles. Baby flies to where Bulma is waiting with a big green space ship. She offers to give her master all of the energy from the Tsufuru-jin so that he can resume fighting. However, Baby bats her away and flies off in the ship (Bulma keeps calling "Baby-sama".) Pan is afraid that the monster will escape, but Gokuu is just biding his time until the ship is in line with the sun. He fires off Kamehame-ha. Baby senses the great "ki" from the Super Saiya-jin before disintegrating into a machine-parts filled vapor. Gokuu can't feel Baby's ki anymore, and Pan rejoices at her granddad's victory. Later, at Dende's palace, Pan is complaining that after reverting from SSJ4 form, Gokuu is once again a small child. She remembers him as a Super Saiya-jin 4, and the boy says that he can now go SSJ4 on command. Pan wants him to do that for her at parties. Kaiou-bit hands over a Chou-sui flask, and it is poured down on Earth as a light rain. Turns out that "Baby" City wasn't destroyed by Baby after all (either that, or it was secretly restored again.) Kuririn, Maron, and #18 return to normal very quickly and wonder what is going on. Gohan and Kaiou-bit go to Plant and give sips of water to the Tsufuru-jin there. Videl and Bulma stand around in wonder. Gokuu is thinking that everything is ok now, as the Earth starts to break up. Gokuu argues with Dende -- this isn't supposed to happen because he'd brought back the Dragon Balls within one year like he was supposed to do. Dende falls to his knees and apologizes for having given the Balls to Baby to use. Pan does a quick calculation, and discovers that even if they get the Balls again, it will be two weeks too late to restore the Earth. ---------------------------- This summary is the copyright of Curtis H. Hoffmann, February 1997. Permission is granted to copy this file as-is. Permission is NOT granted to reprint this summary in a for-profit magazine or publication. If you want to print this summary, in part or whole, in a fan magazine, please contact me first.