Dragonball GT Episode 45 (Aired 05/14/97) Isoge Gokuu!! Jigoku kara no dassutsu daisakusen Hurry, Gokuu!! The Plan to Escape From Hell New attack technique: Flash Bomber: Super #17 can fire off energy blasts from his fingertips at machine gun speeds. Gokuu is sceptical that Piccolo can get him back to Earth, and is then surprised when the demon calls out to Dende. Piccolo claims that he heard from Kaiou-sama that the two #17's had been able to link their powers to make the cosmic bridge between Hell and Earth. Piccolo wants to perform a similar trick to open up a second bridge. The problem is that Piccolo and Dende have to "attack" space exactly at the same time and spot (just as when Pan and Gokuu were trying to destroy Ruudo's heart early on in the DBGT series.) The two Namek will spend the rest of this episode trying to get the timing right (on the count of three) and failing, while tiring themselves out. The result will be that the other Dragon Balls will start to crack. Gokuu doesn't understand, but this looks like Fusion to him, and Piccolo calls it "Fusion of the Heart". Gokuu is hungry, and he asks some passing oni (they are pushing a cage, with Cell and Freeza chained up inside) if they have food. The boy's stomach grumbling disturbs Piccolo's sensitive ears and throws off his concentration. #17 is trashing everyone, and Myuu uses a cybernetic link to send commands mentally to the android. #17 disconnects his hand, to start shooting at Uubu with a machine gun built into his arm. #17 beats up Vejiita, to the distress of Pan and Satan. Black Assistant and Blue Shogun (from the Red Ribbon storyline) are in line to enter heaven. Blue wants to get into heaven this time, and Black says that if that happens, he'll become Kami-sama (Dende's job.) Inside the Gatehouse, Enma is reluctantly letting all of the evil people into heaven; he has no choice because he can't send them to Hell anymore. Vejiita gets pissed again, goes SSJ again, and attacks again. He and #17 trade blows, until #17 blasts him out of the sky. Gokuu asks for Vejiita to hold out a little longer, then an oni brings the boy a bowl of stew. The chunks of boiled potatoes turn out to be small white skulls that bounce and jitter (very funny.) Piccolo complains of the noise. Gokuu apologizes, but his stomach still growls. Somewhere, the #1 Dragon Ball cracks. [Commercial Break] The attempts to open the cosmic bridge cause the floor stones of Dende's palace to shift out of place. Gokuu says that the problem is one of timing; instead of counting "one, two, three", they should say "Ten-don, Katsu-don, Oyaku-don" (names of cooked dishes served over a bowl of rice.) Piccolo hates doing such a stupid thing, but this is what worked when Gokuu and Pan had defeated Ruudo. Piccolo and Dende give in and try again. This time, the beams meet at exactly the right time, and the cosmic bridge opens up. The two Namek spread their arms to widen the hole. Gokuu wastes time, asking why Piccolo doesn't follow him in. But, Piccolo can't move, and he's resigned himself to staying in Hell. Gokuu apologizes for putting his friend in this spot. The demon asks the boy to do his best. Gokuu flies through the hole, and down to Earth. Dende's power gives out, and the hole closes as he collapses. Some of the Ginyuu Team think that they can escape the oni, but run into Piccolo instead. #17 uses Vejiita as a punching bag. Pan can't take this anymore, and wants to fly in to help. But, Satan tells her that she's not strong enough to do anything. Gero commands #17 to finish off Vejiita completely, and the Prince thinks it's all over, since he can't move anymore. Myuu had been impressed with the Saiya-jin's attempts, anyway. Then, Pan sneaks in behind Gero, kicks him away, and grabs him around the neck. She orders Gero to tell #17 to power down. Gero thinks that he's just dealing with a mere child, but finds that she's stronger than she looks. Gill flies up and pokes a machine gun barrel in Gero's ear. Gero gives up and tells #17 to not fire at Vejiita. #17 powers down, then aims his hand at Gero. Gero asks what's going on. Myuu chimes in, saying that #17 only takes orders from Dr. Myuu now. Gero is surprised by this. Myuu had decided to not use android technology on the new #17 -- he used Machine Mutant technology instead, as part of his plan to take over the galaxy. #17 shoots. Pan and Gill escape. Gero asks if #17 is going to kill him a second time. Gero gets destroyed. Satan rushes in to pick up the motionless Pan. Gill gives off lots of sparks. #17 thinks that humans are a waste of resources and wants to rid the Earth of them before continuing on to the rest of the galaxy. Myuu agrees, adding that with Gokuu out of the way, there's nothing left to stop them. This displeases Vejiita no end. The Prince powers up, claiming that he is Number One, and that he'll be the one to protect Earth, not Gokuu. Myuu orders #17 to kill Vejiita, and the android fires just as Gokuu flies in and carries Vejiita to safety. Vejiita calls Kakarot a bastard before passing out. Myuu asks how Gokuu had escaped from Hell, and the boy answers that he'd returned to Earth because the food in Hell tastes bad. Myuu vows to send Gokuu back to Hell, and the boy doesn't think that it will be that easy. He goes SSJ. The narrator asks Gokuu to save Earth, while Myuu tells #17 to "do it". #17 and Gokku fly in to attack; their punches collide. ---------------------------- This summary is the copyright of Curtis H. Hoffmann, May 1997. Permission is granted to copy this file as-is. Permission is NOT granted to reprint this summary in a for-profit magazine or publication. If you want to print this summary, in part or whole, in a fan magazine, please contact me first.