Dragonball GT Episode 49 (Aired 06/18/97) Saikyou no teki!? Kyoufu no urawaza o tsukau ryuu The Strongest Enemy!? The Fear of the Underhanded-Trick Using Dragon Note that this episode was scheduled to be pre-empted by baseball, according Newtype magazine. But, it aired on the evening of June 18 anyway. The first part of this episode is played for laughs, and is pretty funny. Ryan-Shinlon warns Pan and Gokuu that it is really strong and they should leave now. The two heroes don't believe it and demand proof, so Ryan play acts out how scared they're going to be of it if they don't go away. Pan isn't impressed, and she flies in to slap it away. Pan does the same play acting back at Ryan (about how scared they are) and asks for its response. Pan demands the Dragon Ball, and Ryan starts inhaling lots of air to become much bigger. Gokuu warns Pan to not attack (she is already doing so, and she bounces off Ryan's belly) because Ryan may be one of those enemy that can shape-change to become insanely strong. Pan waits impatiently. Eventually, Ryan says that it isn't that kind of enemy -- it can't hold its breath anymore, and returns to normal size. Gokuu apologizes for scaring everyone, and Ryan keeps claiming to be able to get stronger and that he will kill them. Pan demands that it power up already, and she easily beats up the dragon. Gokuu feels pity towards it, and wants Pan to lighten up a bit. Pan is pleased with her perfect fighting, since this is the first time she's been able to defeat an enemy, and she asks for the Dragon Ball again. Ryan doesn't want to give up, but Gokuu says that it is no stronger than Mr. Satan. Ryan attacks Pan with its tail, misses, and gets bashed up some more. Pan asks for Gokuu's praise, while the boy asks her to calm down. Ryan stands up again, asking if Pan wants to use the Dragon Balls to wish to have her body made less ugly. This is the kind of talk that Pan hates the most -- she gives her backpack to Gokuu, goes into a rage, and beats up Ryan some more. But this time, Ryan lands on its feet, and Pan is panting heavily. Pan asks for it to give up, Ryan just laughs, and Gokuu tries to figure out what is going wrong here. Pan attacks again, Ryan easily blocks her, and Gokuu yells for his granddaughter to hurry up and finish this. Pan tells Gokuu to shut up and watch. However, Ryan grabs Pan's leg, says that it's now its turn, and punches the girl hard in the stomach. Gokuu flies in to attack, and Ryan evades him easily. Ryan grabs both Pan and Gokuu, spins them around, and rolls them away. It tells them that they are now witnessing its true strength. Pan angrily flies at the dragon, gets grabbed from behind, and complains of having no power left. Gokuu attacks again and is batted away by Ryan's tail. The dragon laughs evilly. [Commercial Break] Gokuu complains of the pain, as Ryan prepares to eat Pan. The boy goes SSJ, runs out of energy, reverts back to normal, and drops to his knees. Ryan explains Gokuu's problem as coming from its "really neat" swamp. Gokuu notices the stench and asks what is happening to the lake. Ryan answers that its "nice body" is the result of the minus energy from the pollution. The entire area has been taken over by minus energy, which has been draining Pan and Gokuu's power and giving it to Ryan while they were fighting. Pan objects to this constant mentioning of minus energy and wants to know what it really is. Ryan asks Gokuu if he remembers Upa. Back when Tao Pie Pie had killed Upa's father -- Bora -- Gokuu had used the Dragon Balls to wish Bora back from the dead. The negative energy that had gathered from that wish had accumulated in the #2 Dragon Ball, ultimately resulting in Ryan-Shinlon's coming to life. Ryan completes its speech by rolling Pan like a bowling ball into Gokuu. Gokuu still doesn't know why Ryan wants to defeat him specifically. Ryan states that it's mainly because he and Gohan are its biggest threats. But, now, its payback time for making it look foolish. The dragon uses a mouth blast to blow Gokuu and Pan into a cliff. They aren't dead afterwards, so Ryan plans on dumping them into the swamp to finish them off. Pan doesn't want to be thrown into the filthy water, while Gokuu recognizes the danger the minus energy presents to them. Then, Gill fires a rocket at the dragon, without damaging it. Ryan knocks Gill into the swamp with its tail, as Pan yells out to the robot. Ryan tells the girl to not worry, since she will be joining it soon. Helpless, Pan is tossed into the lake, followed by Gokuu. Pan sinks to the bottom, where she settles beside some other bones. She begs for someone -- her parents, Goten or Trunks, or even Mr. Satan -- to save her. As she rebels against turning into another pile of bones, and begins to pass out, Gill grabs her by the leg and pulls her towards some clean water at the bottom of the lake. Pan recovers in the clean water, apparently able to breath and talk underwater. She coughs out some polluted water, and tells Gill to go get Gokuu. Up on the surface, Ryan gloats at having won. Gokuu is rescued and he also coughs out pollution. He asks why the water is clean here, and Gill points out a crack in the lake bed where clean water is bubbling up. Pan tells Gokuu to blast at the crack; he doesn't understand why he should do this, but he fires away anyhow. Ryan says that his minus energy pollution will cover the Earth, turning it into his paradise. Then, a fountain of clean water bursts from the lake and hits Ryan. Gokuu and Pan appear behind the dragon, ready to fight back at full power. Ryan panics and flies down to reach the lake. Gokuu and Pan attack with twin energy blasts. Ryan-Shinlon is destroyed, the sky clears up, and the black Dragon Ball arcs up into the sky to land in Gokuu's hand. The cracks in the Ball seal up and it returns to its normal golden color. Pan and Gokuu cheer, and the boy tosses the Ball into the air -- it falls into the lake. Pan refuses to go into the still-dirty lake, and Gokuu objects to having to do it himself. Then, Gill flies up, holding the #2 Ball. Pan takes the Ball so that Gokuu won't drop it again, and the boy pouts. They all celebrate at having gotten the first Dragon Ball. The narrator asks if it will be as easy to get the remaining Dragon Balls. ---------------------------- This summary is the copyright of Curtis H. Hoffmann, June 1997. Permission is granted to copy this file as-is. Permission is NOT granted to reprint this summary in a for-profit magazine or publication. If you want to print this summary, in part or whole, in a fan magazine, please contact me first.