Dragonball GT Episode 64 (Aired 11/19/97) Saraba Gokuu... Mata Au Hi Made Goodbye, Gokuu... Till the Day We Meet Again The narrator starts out by saying that Gokuu was fighting Ii-shinlon, and defeated the evil dragon by using a huge Genki Dama. This establishes Gokuu as the Galaxy's #1 fighter. The narrator ends by reminding us that Shenlon has awakened. Shenlon hovers in the sky. Bulma comments that something is wrong -- the sky has not turned dark. Gohan agrees that this isn't the way things normally go. Shenlon speaks in a low, slow rumble, telling Gokuu to stand up. The boy is healed, and looks up (Chi Chi is happy), noticing that all of the Dragon Balls must have been restored. Shenlon asks if he understands why the Dark Dragons had appeared. Gokuu answers that it's because they used the Dragon Balls to make so many wishes. Shenlon continues, adding that this is why they (the Z Fighters) can not be allowed to make any more wishes from now on. Gokuu understands, but asks for Shenlon to grant one final wish anyway. Shenlon asks what it is, and the boy asks for the people killed in the last round of fighting to be brought back to life. He says that the evil dragons had killed innocent people, and they don't deserve to remain dead. He adds that the damage done to the planet can be repaired by the people of Earth themselves. Shenlon agrees, and grants the wish. People everywhere are surprised to find that they are alive again (they'd be more surprised to find themselves at the bottom of one of the crushed buildings at the same time...) Gill comes flying up (apparently, Shenlon considers the robot to be a living creature) calling Pan's name. Gill says that Pan is dangerous, but it loves her anyway. Gokuu thanks Shenlon. The dragon states that the wish is granted, and it's time for them to leave now. Shenlon tells the boy to get on its back, and he asks if it's that time already. The others are surprised by this. Gokuu tells them that he'll be gone for just a short time, and Vejiita runs up to demand a chance to fight him again. Then, Vejiita realizes what's happening, and Gokuu quietly begs for the Prince to keep his secret from the others. Shenlon flies off into the clouds, with all 7 Dragon Balls encircling Gokuu. Chi Chi yells for her husband to come back soon. Bulma thinks about the fact that they can't use the Dragon Balls anymore. She remembers when she first set out to find the Balls, and how that had started the chain of events that caused her to meet Gokuu, and that had brought all of the friends together. Shenlon and Gokuu fly over the planet. (In the desert below, where Yamcha used to be a bandit, Puaru watches as Yamcha tries to fix his car. Tenshinhan and Chau-zu are at the base of a waterfall; Tenshin bursts from under the falls to watch as Shenlon flies by.) Gokuu asks for a short detour. At Kame House, Kuririn comments on Kamesennin's drooling over a porno mag. (Apparently, Kuririn's death at the hands of Super #17 was considered to be part of "this round of fighting". Kuririn, Kamesennin, and the sea turtle are alone at the house.) Kuririn and the turtle make fun of the old pervert, until Gokuu drops by. Kuririn is happy to see his friend again, but since Gokuu still looks like a young boy, and Kamesennin never changes, Kuririn gets depressed that he is the only one that has gotten old with time. Gokuu challenges the grey-haired runt to a fight for old time's sake. They spar, and Gokuu gets punched in the face. He laughs, and says that Kuririn hasn't changed a bit. The runt starts to say that he and #18 still train occasionally, then discovers that Gokuu has disappeared. Kamesennin realizes what is happening, (that Gokuu is saying his final goodbyes to his friends) and thanks the Dragon Balls for this. The ocean waves come in and wash away Gokuu's footprints from the sand on the beach. In Hell, Piccolo is saving some of the oni from a villian that is terrorizing them. The oni cheer him, and Piccolo notices Gokuu sitting on some rocks nearby. The demon berates the boy for getting stuck in Hell again, but all Gokuu wants to do is shake hands. They do, and a spark encircles their grip. Piccolo wonders what this is about, and Gokuu says that he won't forget their time together. Then, the boy disappears again. [Commercial Break] When Shenlon had left them, Chi Chi had shouted for Gokuu to return soon. She is depressed, having had planned to cook a big supper for them. Goten and Gohan eagerly look forward to another Pauzu Mountain Stew special. Bulma states that it is time for them to return home as well. Uubu hopes that they will all remain healthy, and flies away. Goten takes Chi Chi home so that she can start cooking right away. Trunks notices that Pan is standing next to the crater, looking sad. She asks if the Dragon Balls are really gone for good. He assures her that as long as they do their best on their own, if they really need to find the Dragon Balls, the Balls will be there for them to find. Pan cheers up, and says that she will try her best. Trunks leaves, and Pan discovers Gokuu's tattered clothing on the ground. She wonders if Gokuu has gone off with Shenlon for good. Vejiita solemnly implies that Kakarot has, and then flies away by himself. Pan sniffs Gokuu's clothing, and says "granpa". Shenlon soars through the clouds. Gokuu comments that the dragon's back feels so nice and warm. The boy falls asleep, and all seven Dragon Balls enter his body. When the #4 Ball enters his forehead, Gokuu disappears. Shenlon coils up, and flies at the camera. The screen turns white. It is now 100 years in the future, and the latest Tenka-ichi Budoukai is about to start. A perky, young, punky announcer works the crowd, telling them to look at the ragged boy standing in the middle of the stage. The announcer points at the two big statues near by -- one is of the Budoukai's greatest fighter: Son Gokuu; the other is of the legendary Mr. Satan. The announcer yells out that Gokuu, Jr. is the great-great-great grandson of both heroes. Pakku is stunned at learning of Gokuu, Jr.'s blood line, and Pan brags that she herself is the granddaughter of both heroes. Gokuu, Jr. repeats "I will win" to himself, when a young Vejiita comes out to start the first round. Pan wonders about this, and a young woman sits down beside her, making fun of Gokuu, Jr.'s chances. The woman's wrist phone rings -- and it turns out that this is the latest head of Capsule Corp. (she looks like a 20-year old Bulma, but her name is not given.) Pan understands why the other boy looks like Vejiita (he is from Vejiita's bloodline.) (Apparently, Chi Chi's family and Bulma's family stopped talking long ago, and they'd dropped out of touch. Pan didn't know that Trunks had had any children to continue the heritage.) Pan looks forward to an interesting confrontation, and she shouts out for Gokuu, Jr. to fight full out. The round starts, and the audience is stunned to see both children flying around, fighting like mad. The boys take a break, and Vejiita, Jr. is amused that Gokuu, Jr. is the first person ever to make him fight at full power. Vejiita, Jr. goes SSJ. Gokuu, Jr. says the same thing back, and goes SSJ as well. Vejiita, Jr. comments that the other boy can make his hair turn yellow, too, and they fight more. Pan, Pakku, and the other kids cheer for Gokuu, Jr., then suddenly, Pan notices an adult Gokuu, Sr. happily watching on from the other side of the stadium. Pan tries to reach him, but loses her grandfather in the crowd. Gokuu, Sr. walks away, and the opening theme song starts playing. The narrator says that with the appearance of baby Gokuu, things have been fun. There now follows a series of short takes showing highlights of the entire TV series, from when Bulma first met Gokuu, up to the defeats of Cell, Buu, and Baby. At the same time as the music plays, the voice actor credits roll by for ALL of the major characters from DB/DBZ/DBGT. When the music ends, the narrator continues, saying that the bright, gentle Gokuu is the one that everyone likes best. Now, as the adult Gokuu takes the expanding staff and flies off with Kintouen, the narrator concludes that Gokuu's story has come to an end. (In Japanese: "Oshimai".) The words "The End/Oshimai" appear on the screen. The preview for next week's show has Gokuu introducing Arale, and the start of Dr. Slump. Arale has a very strange voice -- young and extremely girlish. Arare Tanjou!! Gakkou e ikou The Appearance of Arale!! Let's Go To School The regular DBGT closing credits and theme song follow. ---------------------------- This summary is the copyright of Curtis H. Hoffmann, Nov. 1997. Permission is granted to copy this file as-is. Permission is NOT granted to reprint this summary in a for-profit magazine or publication. If you want to print this summary, in part or whole, in a fan magazine, please contact me first.