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The Links! + Webrings *^^*

Hehe, Alli's finally gonna do something! :beams:

Hiyas! The picture links on main page seemed to take a long time to load, so to make it easier, heres a link page!

We support:
Unico Now! :D
Zoe and Alli Are Unico Fans! :D

Acid man!
Alli is also a fan of Acid @.o
Along with Mei! XD!

CoolAnime Fansubs

Firearm doods webbie

Psymanga -- Ulta Big Manga Site

Webring Links

MangaArt Ring
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Mailing List Links


Other o.o

If you would like to e-mail someone to annoy, send it to My Meanie Poo Head just because. o.o;;; ^_^ He may be a meaniepoohead, but he's *MY* meaniepoohead. >D

Mei/Elara's email!
Alli's email!
Sharkz email!
Zohra-chan's email!

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