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Monthly Poll!
- WeiB KreuZ -

Wai! Utena won last month with a whopping 27+ votes *^^* What'll win this month as it's...
What's your fave WeiB KreuZ song? :D
What's your fave WeiB KreuZ song?
Velvet Underworld
Beautiful Alone
Piece of Heaven
It's Too Late
No Reason
Mellow Candle
Kryptonite Smokes
Isotype, Newtype (Ken)
House of Love (Aya)
[Small Sun in Big Water] (Omi)
The Minority (Youji)
Other Side of the Moon (Youji/Omi)
Oh Mercy
Living in The Pleasure World (Ken)
My Bloody Valenite
Ocean Song (Youji)
Carnival 2000
Brain Damage (Omi)
Hard Lovin' Loser
The End
Last In My Winds
Tokyo Sling
Slim (Youji/Omi)
Bosanova, Casanova (Aya/ Ken)
Perfect Stranger (Youji/Aya)
Southpaw Boxer (Aya)
Future (Omi)

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