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"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good
egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked."
Bernard Meltzer

I passed bootie camp!!

I am a crazy Creator!!

from: bosset

another one from: Bosset

from: queen fruitcake

from: msC

Chocolate from: msC

me eating my chocolate from msC

from: lady mouse

lady mouse recommends these everyday!!

think lady mouse is trying to tell me something?

Click below to follow
My Crazy Adventure!!!

Thank you Shirley

Thank you all!!

Click my gifts to go to the next page

This page is part of my dedication pages to
CrAzY LaDiEs SoCiEtY

Copyright © 2005-1999
~lilypad graphics~
Webmistress: Melissa Watkins
Revised: April 2005
Email: me
