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Feelin' Froggy's Footnote 19

For: Miss Kitty & Softail_man

Many people *~*hop*~*
in & out of our lives
but the puuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrfect ones
leave on our hearts!!

*~*hoppin*~* ya like the kitty thingies I saved for ya!!

Cats are smarter than dogs.
You can't get 8 cats to pull a sled through snow!
~Jeff Valdez

Dogs come when they're called;
Cats take a message and get back to you later!
~Mary Bly

People that hate cats,
will come back as mice in their next life!
~Faith Resnick

Dogs believe they are human.
Cats believe they are God!

The cat has to much spirit,
to have no heart.
~Earnest Menaul

Ya know I couldn't leave ya out!

I got rid of my husband.
The cat was allergic!

My husband said....
"It was him or the cat"
I miss him sometimes!

Jus' a lil' somethin' somethin'...
to show ya I wuvs u guys!!

This is the froggy Miss Kitty adopted

Frog Mania

Thanks girlie,
gonna make a froggy lover out of ya yet!

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Revised: Sept. 2000
