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Feelin' Froggy Footnote 20

For: Bryan
KrimsonGhost , GodThatFailed and ThornWithin

What Makes a Person A Really Good Friend?

What makes a person,
a really good friend?
Is it simply their words,
or their deeds?
What is it about them,
that sets them apart~

Do they fill,
some particular needs?
What makes a person,
a really good friend?

For each of us, it's different things,
But whatever the reasons,
the heart understands,
All the joys,
that jus' knowin' them brings!

I know in my heart ,
That I'll never forget,
The way I could tell,
What a wonderful friend,
You would be!!
By: ~ Emily Matthews ~

I will never forget the day I met ya!
*hangin' head*
Moo and I was stuffin' a lil TREEFROG in a trash can in Rob's.
You and I..we had a fight over that,
you thought I was bein' mean to her.
But that is the way she wuuuuved to play
But soon we had lost our friend,
and the two of us hugged tight
and made it through it together!
Now 5 months later...
I wanna take a moment and thank the
that I have....for what she left me
Because you have became one of my
~ Bestest ~
~ Online Friends ~
So when I saw the above poem,
I had to make ya a page,
and share it with ya!!
Jus' to let ya know,
That you are always a star
Feelin' Froggy's ~Lilypad~
wisperin' if ya ever need me,
ya know how to contact me...wink


The background and line graphics are from:

Thank you: Finger Prints And Paws
froggyhuggerz @ Rita
*~*hop*~* over and check out her Beautiful Graphics

The froggy graphics are of...
*Lilypad Graphics*
please do not copy or use them!!

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Feelin' Froggy's ~Lilypad~ & ~Lilypad~ Graphics
Webmistress: Melissa Watkins
Revised: Sept. 2000
