Froggy's ~Lilypad~

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Please Bare w/froggy she plays w/HTML!

Welcome to Froggy's
~webring's and internet awards~

Ya'll *~*hop*~* back now....ya here?

I believe that No Matter What...
hand you are dealt in life...
Ya Gotta Keep Hoppin'!!!

this is my group..
check us out!

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Below are the seals that hit home to me within the phenomenal women agency...

Thank you Phenomaenal Women.Com

Official PWOTW Artistic Expression Seal
Disclosure Statement

this one is from MyMyrtle aka Gail...
Love ya much girlie!!

This Hopping Frog Webring Site Ring site is owned by froggy .
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Frog Mania

This candle burns for all the victims of
The Columbine High School tragedy
in Littleton, Colorado,
and for all other victims of school violence.
Please visit
the Littleton Memorial Site

The below pictured links are of...

Feelin'froggyTM *Lilypad Graphics*

please do not copy or use them!!

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Copyright © 1999-2005
Froggy's ~Lilypad~ & ~Lilypad~ Graphics
Webmistress: Melissa Watkins
Revised: Sept. 2000
Revised: March 2005
Email: froggy
