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Nala is a 2 yr old "brindlequin" (harlequin with brindle spots). She was surrendered to rescue by her previous owner Mrs Nancy Robins (previously of El Paso.) She has, as you can see from her photos, terrible allergic dermatitis which has been compounded by a staph infection and the skin has thickened and become elephant-like due to being left untreated for so long. She also tested posotive for demodectic mange. She has lost all of the hair on her head, ears, and most of her neck. Nala has been bred twice (in this condition) by her previous owner (that we know of). Not only is it beyond belief that she would be put through whelping in that condition, but both demodectic mange and alliergies (autoimmune) are hereditary diseases which can be passed on to puppies

Updated Photos taken 3/27- click here to see Nala's progress!

Updated Photos taken 4/10- click here to see more of Nala's progress!

We are happy to report that Nala was fininally adopted in the spring of 04 and is doing well with her new family!

We are happy to report that Nala was fininally adopted in the spring of 04 and is doing well with her new family!