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Misc. Characters and Planet Info


What they do

Bulma gives rides to other planets. Cost $3,000 for rides.(She may crash land you on a another planet though.) You will encounter monsters on your trips that help raise your power level. Takes 5 days to get to a planet.

Chi Chi's just annoying and tends to yell at people for no reason. If you anger her she might get even to hurt you.

Master Roshi is pretty much a big pervert.  But Occasionally he'll give out training to people if they bring him a hottie!
Dende is the Guardian of Earth.  For a fee you can get healed by him after a tough battle.  Very rarely he can survive someone from death if you're lucky enough!
Guru is the guardian of Namek once again.  Brought back to life from Draco's wish like many others, he can bring out people hidden powers.