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My Pokémon Attacks

Name(s): 001-Furball/002-Furbash/003-Furbattle/004-Furbat
Evolution(s): L19 Furbash, L32 Furbattle, Thunder Stone Furbat
Type(s): Electric, Electric, Electric, Electric/Flying
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal
--- Tail Whip Normal
09 Thundershock Electric
16 Sonic Boom Electric
19/19 Agility Psychic
24/26 Thunderbolt Electric
30/32/32 Swift Normal
35/35/35/X Thunder Wave Electric
X/38/39/41 Tail Edge Normal slices with tail
40/43/45/X Mega Wave Electric heavy damage
X/X/X/45 Sky Attack Flying

Name(s): 005-Roadat/043-Roadicate
Evolution(s): LV18 Roadicate
Type(s): Normal
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal
--- Tail Whip Normal
08 Bite Normal
13 Quick Attack Normal
18/18 Tire Squeal Normal minor damage, lowers defense
23/24 Hyper Fang Normal
28/30 Agility Psychic
34/37 Road Rage Normal major damage, 2-5 hits
40/46 Extremespeed Normal powerful first-strike move

Name(s): 006-Douno
Evolution(s): breed Doduo or Dodrio for Douno
Type(s): Flying
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Peck Flying
--- Growl Normal 
08 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
12 Fury Attack Normal 
21 Rage Normal 
28 Drill Peck Flying 
34 Agility Psychic 

Name(s): 007-Buggy/214-Heracross
Evolution(s): L21 Heracross
Type(s): Bug/Poison, Bug/Fighting
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Leer Normal 
06 Horn Attack Normal 
12 Endure Normal always leaves your Pokémon with at least 1 HP
19 Fury Attack Normal 
X/27 Counter Fighting
27/35 Double Edge Normal 
36/X Poison Spike Poison medium damage, opponent is poisoned
X/44 Reversal Fighting stronger if user's HP is low
45/54 Megahorn Bug powerful charge attack

Name(s): 008-Keewee/009-Maingoe/010-Papaiah
Evolution(s): L16 Maingoe, L32 Papaiah
Type(s): Grass, Grass, Grass/Flying
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Peck Flying
04 Tail Whip Normal
07 Poisonpowder Poison
10 Vine Whip Grass
15 Leech Seed Grass
20/22 Razor Leaf Grass
25/29 Synthesis Grass heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day
32/38/41 Sleep Powder Poison
39/47/53 Solarbeam Grass
X/X/65 Sky Attack Flying

Name(s): 011-Infernoh/012-Omagmadon/013-Omageddon
Evolution(s): L16 Omagmadon, L36 Omageddon
Type(s): Fire
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---Scratch Normal
---Leer Normal
07 Ember Fire
13 Skull Bash Normal
19/20 Blaze Fire slightly weaker Fire attack than Flamethrower; attacks 2 turns in a row
25/27 Sunny Day Fire powers up fire attacks for 5 turns
31/34 Flamethrower Fire
37/41/44 Sacred Fire Fire big fire attack
43/48/54 Mach Punch Fighting always hits first
49/55/64 Fire Blast Fire

Name(s): 014-Platicat/015-Aquatypus/016-Hydrodon
Evolution(s): L16 Aquatypus, L32 Hydrodon
Type(s): Water
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
04 Tail Whip Normal 
07 Bubble Water 
10 Supersonic Normal
13 Water Gun Water 
18/19 Bite Dark 
23/25 Pounce Normal double the damage of Quick Attack and faster speed
28/31 Body Slam Normal
33/37/42 Rain Dance Water powers up water attacks for 5 turns
40/45/55 Bubblebeam Water
X/X/61 Fury Swipes Normal
47/55/68 Hydro Pump Water

Name(s): 017-Skorch
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Fire/Dragon
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tail Whip Normal
--- Tackle Normal
09 Tail Spike Dragon two hits, medium damage
15 Ember Fire
19 Leer Normal
26 Slash Normal
32 Flamethrower Fire
39 Dragon Rage Dragon
47 Fire Blast Fire

Name(s): 018-Vizijewel
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Psychic/Dark
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Psywave Psychic
--- Teleport Psychic
11 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
17 Psybeam Psychic
24 Evil Eye Dark paralyzing move
30 Substitute Psychic
32 Leer Normal
40 Psychic Psychic

Name(s): 019-Micro
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Psychic
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Minimize Normal
--- Tiny Tackle Normal no damage first time, but second time does triple damage
12 Psybeam Psychic
19 Metronome Normal
26 Barrier Psychic
33 Enlarge Normal Pokémon gets bigger, increasing attack power
41 Psychic Psychic

Name(s): 020-Dragonrath
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Dragon/Electric
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Thunder Tackle Electric medium damage, possible paralysis
--- Tail Whip Normal
14 Slam Normal
21 Thunderbolt Electric
26 Thunder Wave Electric
34 Dragon Rage Dragon
42 Thunder Electric
50 Dragon Tackle Dragon tackle-like move, major damage
59 Dragonbreath Dragon strong attack

Name(s): 021-Slagger
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Rock/Ground
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Bite Dark
--- Leer Normal
16 Crunch Dark major damage
21 Glare Normal
28 Hyper Fang Normal
35 Harden Rock
42 Earthquake Ground
51 Selfdestruct Normal

Name(s): 022-Sky-Kitty/023-Kozmikat
Evolution(s): L38 Kozmikat
Type(s): Psychic/Flying
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal
--- Psywave Psychic
15 Confusion Psychic
21 Leer Normal
29 Pounce Normal double the damage of Quick Attack and faster speed
34 Psychic Blast Psychic medium damage; double damage to other Psychic-types
38/38 Psychic Psychic
49/52 Sky Attack Flying
58/X Psy-Clone Psychic makes two of your Pokémon; speed and evade rise greatly, attacks do double damage

Name(s): 024-Squiddster
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Water
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Ink Shot Water minor damage, never misses
--- Wrap Normal
14 Bubble Water
21 Water Gun Water
28 Constrict Normal
35 Leer Normal
41 Rain Dance Water powers up water attacks for 5 turns
47 Ice Beam Ice
55 Hydro Pump Water

Name(s): 025-Porcuspine
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Poison/Ground
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Poison Sting Poison
--- Tackle Normal
12 Leer Normal
18 Pin Missile Bug
25 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
31 Acid Poison
37 Twineedle Bug
43 Earthquake Ground
55 Sandstorm Rock damages all non-Ground types for multiple turns 

Name(s): 026-Fritening
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Ghost/Dark
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Lick Ghost
--- Hypnosis Psychic
12 Cloak Ghost no attacks can hit your Pokémon for 2 to 5 turns
19 Glare Normal
26 Dream Eater Ghost
31 Scary Face Normal lowers enemy's speed
36 Night Shade Ghost
41 Transform Normal
49 Thief Dark may steal a held item

Name(s): 027-Miceicle
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Ice/Water
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Frost Ice minor damage
--- Tail Whip Normal
10 Charm Normal lowers enemy's Attack
14 Flail Normal stronger if user's HP is low
20 Water Gun Water
27 Gnaw Normal attacks 2-5 times in a row
34 Ice Beam Ice
39 Haze Ice
44 Blizzard Ice

Name(s): 028-Pandora/042-Bamboozal
Evolution(s): LV28 Bamboozal
Type(s): Ice
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal
--- Charm Normal lowers enemy's Attack
14 Powder Snow Ice weak Ice attack
21 Frost Ice minor damage
28/30 Leer Normal
34/36 Ice Beam Ice
39/42 Double Team Normal
X/48 Crunch Dark major damage
43/55 Aurora Beam Ice
50/62 Blizzard Ice

Name(s): 029-Lizari
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Dragon/Poison
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Rollout Rock each time, damage doubles 
--- Tail Whip
15 Acid Poison
21 Tail Spike Dragon two hits, medium damage
28 Pin Missile Poison
34 Evil Eye Dark paralyzing move
39 Outrage Dragon hits 2-3 turns and confuses user
46 Dragon Tackle Dragon tackle-like move, major damage

Name(s): 030-Chipper/031-Chipmunker
Evolution(s): L25 Chipmunker
Type(s): Normal
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Bite Normal
--- Leer Normal
12 Tail Whip Normal
16 Super Fang Normal
21 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
27/29 Agility Psychic
33/36 Hyper Fang Normal
40/44 Slash Normal

Name(s): 032-Rhinosaur
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Ground
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Horn Attack Normal
16 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
22 Sand Attack Ground
29 Thrash Normal
34 Focus Energy Normal
39 Fury Attack Normal
44 Earthquake Ground
50 Horn Drill Normal

Name(s): 033-Mouthra
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Normal
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Bite Normal
--- Leer Normal
13 Crunch Dark major damage
19 Super Fang Normal
25 Digest Normal no attacking for 2 turns; on 3rd turn, HP returns to full
30 Stomp Normal
36 Take Down Normal
42 Double Edge Normal
48 Hyper Beam Normal

Name(s): 034-Granite
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Rock/Flying
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Harden Rock
11 Sand Attack Ground
22 Gust Flying 
33 Slam Normal
44 Aeroblast Flying big beam
55 Swift Normal
66 Wing Attack Flying
77 Rock Throw Rock
88 Sky Attack Flying
99 Ancient Power Rock rock hits you, may raise all stats

Name(s): 035-Sardonix/095-Onix/208-Steelix
Evolution(s): L23 Onix, trade Onix with Metal Coat for Steelix
Type(s): Rock/Ground, Rock/Ground, Steel/Ground
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---/---/--- Tackle Normal 
---/---/--- Screech Normal 
---/X/X Charm Normal lowers enemy's Attack
10/10/10 Bide Normal 
14/14/14 Rock Throw Rock 
23/23/23 Harden Normal 
26/27/27 Rage Normal 
34/36/36 Sandstorm Rock damages all non-Ground types for multiple turns 
38/40/40 Slam Normal 
X/X/48 Crunch Dark major damage

Name(s): 036-Flewjay
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Normal/Flying
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Gust Flying
--- Sand Attack Ground
14 Peck Flying
19 Leer Normal
25 Wing Attack Flying
31 Scratch Normal
37 Aeroblast Flying big beam
43 Rage Normal

Name(s): 037-Skullmet
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Fighting/Steel
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Low Kick Fighting
15 Skull Bash Normal
19 Seismic Toss Fighting
25 Cross Chop Fighting heavy damage
32 Head Butt Fighting
35 Harden Normal
41 Extremespeed Normal powerful first-strike move
48 Reversal Fighting stronger if user's HP is low
55 Vital Throw Fighting 2nd-strike move; never misses 

Name(s): 038-Aereon
Evolution(s): from Eevee using a Sky Stone
Type(s): Flying
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Tackle Normal 
--- Tail Whip Normal 
08 Sand Attack Ground 
16 Gust Flying
23 Quick Attack Normal 
30 Wing Attack Flying
36 Flying Tackle Flying tackle-like move
42 Mirror Move Flying
47 Agility Psychic
52 Sky Attack Flying

Name(s): 039-Eelek
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Electric/Water
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Water Gun Water
--- Bite Normal
15 Thundershock Electric
19 Leer Normal
23 Agility Psychic
27 Bubblebeam Water
32 Thunder Bolt Electric
39 Hydro Pump Water
45 Thunder Electric

Name(s): 040-Duxedo
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Ice/Water
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Frost Ice minor damage
--- Peck Flying
09 Water Gun Water
14 Double Team Normal
20 Sing Normal
26 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
32 Aurora Beam Ice
37 Bubblebeam Water
44 Blizzard Ice

Name(s): 041-Skyther/123-Scyther/212-Scizor
Evolution(s): LV19 Scyther, trade Scyther with Metal Coat for Scizor, breed for Skyther
Type(s): Bug/Flying, Bug/Flying, Bug/Steel
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
---/---/--- Quick Attack Normal
---/X/X Endure Normal always leaves your Pokémon with at least 1 HP
X/---/--- Leer Normal
06/06/06 Focus Energy Normal
11/12/12 Pursuit Dark hits retreating enemy hard
17/18/18 False Swipe Normal normal damage, but CANNOT lower below 1HP 
23/24/24 Agility Psychic
29/30/X Wing Attack Flying
X/X/30 Metal Claw Steel heavy attack; may raise user's Attack
34/36/36 Slash Normal
39/42/42 Swords Dance Normal
45/48 Double Team Normal

Name(s): 044-Lillias/045-Lotusan
Evolution(s): LV26 Lotusan
Type(s): Grass/Poison
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Absorb Grass
--- Leer Normal
10 Razor Leaf Grass
17 Synthesis Grass heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day
24 Poisonpowder Poison
28/30 Take Down Normal
36/X Leech Seed Grass
X/36 Safeguard Normal prevents enemy's next attack
41/44 Sleep Powder Grass
47/51 Giga Drain Grass steals 1/2 of enemy's drained HP
X/57 Solarbeam Grass

Name(s): 046-Burnbloom
Evolution(s): none
Type(s): Grass/Fire
Attacks: Level Learned, Attack, Type, Description of New Attack 
--- Ember Fire
--- Stun Spore Grass
09 Mean Look Normal blocks switching/running 
15 Mind Reader Normal next attack has 100% accuracy
22 Vine Whip Grass
29 Flame Wheel Fire fire spins around you, then hits enemy
35 Faint Attack Dark disappears, then hits enemy 
42 Razor Leaf Grass
50 Synthesis Grass heals Pokémon more or less depending on time of day
58 Fire Blast Fire