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My Pokémon- #35, 36, and 37

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This little guy is the pre-evolved form of Onix. This Pokémon was extinct for a period of time due to Onix's odd mating habits. When Onix have babies, they are Onix, not the basic form, Sardonix. Normal Pokémon have basic stage babies. Sardonix is not found in the wild, and can only be caught by using a Devolution Spray on Onix.


This egg-shaped bird may be a sight to see when flying, but never be right underneath it. It practices its Egg Bomb attack at random times, sometimes not on purpose.


This feisty fighting-type doesn't take anything from anybody. If it doesn't like you, Skullmet makes it known. It has a horrible attitude, and can be just plain mean.

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