TM List
Here is a list of the Technical Machines (TM's) available in Pokémon: Red, Blue, and Yellow versions.
- TM01 - Mega Punch. This is a fairly strong battle move. It's good when you first find it, but later in the game, there are stronger moves than this. In Yellow, most people give it to their Pikachu.
- TM02 - Razor Wind. Charge moves aren't always the best, but every time you use this one, It's nearly a 1-hit KO every time. It only works for Flying Pokémon, perhaps Fearow or Dodrio.
- TM03 - Swords Dance. A GREAT move for offensive Pokémon like Hitmonlee. Use it once or twice before launching an assault of your best moves. Other than the offensive Pokémon, the attack is just a waste.
- TM04 - Whirlwind. Trash it. You can always run away. Only wild Pokémon really need to use this.
- TM05 - Mega Kick. A VERY inaccurate move, hardly ever hits. And what's more, it has low PP. Forget this one.
- TM06 - Toxic. Works on most Pokémon, and is great to use on the High-HPers that take a while to take down. Use it right off against the big guns to make sure they go down eventually. Works good on anything.
- TM07 - Horn Drill. Sure, it can kill something in 1 hit, but by the time it DOES hit, your Pokémon will be already be gone. Forget it.
- TM08 - Body Slam. Great move! Average PP and high power, plus the chance of paralyzing. It works great on anything that can use it!
- TM09 - Take Down. This is a good move for High-HP Pokémon to use because of recoil. I suggest giving it to a Snorlax or Lapras.
- TM10 - Double-Edge. Same as Take-Down, but stronger. MUCH stronger. Any opponent with it will be trouble.
- TM11 - Bubblebeam. A good Water move in the beginning, but once you get Surf, then there's no reason to keep it.
- TM12 - Water Gun. Why did they made this a TM? It's a lousy move that can be topped by any other Water move besides Bubble, and most Water-types already know it. Save PC space and trash it.
- TM13 - Ice Beam. Now this is a good move! Good strength, moderate PP, chance of freezing, and Ice moves in general are super-effective against 5 types! Great move!
- TM14 - Blizzard. Like Ice Beam, but much better! Only problem is its low PP.
- TM15 - Hyper Beam. If you actually have enough time to get this move, it pays off! It's the strongest move in the game, other than Selfdestruct and Explosion. We suggest giving it to someone you use a LOT. Only downsides are the recharging time and the low PP.
- TM16 - Pay Day. This move is cool because it gets you cash, but its power is relatively weak. Also, you don't get a lot of money. If you have a Meowth or Persian, put it on them, but don't give it to something else.
- TM17 - Submission. Same conditions for Take-Down, just a little more damage.
- TM18 - Counter. This move hardly ever works. All it does is pay back double the damage that your opponent inflicted on you in the previous move, and ONLY if it was a physical attack! Save your limited move space for something stronger.
- TM19 - Seismic Toss. This move does damage equal to your level. Most other moves can exceed this. At least it looks funny.
- TM20 - Rage. Probably better to trash this move. It's better to have CONTROL over your Pokémon than to let them flip out.
- TM21 - Mega Drain. It's a great move for Grass Pokémon. Does double the damage Absorb does. Give it to someone like Exeggutor.
- TM22 - Solar Beam. Awesome move. Give it to a Grass Pokémon who hasn't been blessed with its power yet. The only downside is the charge-up time.
- TM23 - Dragon Rage. Always does 40 Damage, regardless of type. How sad.
- TM24 - Thunder Bolt. This is actually a good move for WATER Pokémon. It gives them more of a variety. Other than that, Thunder Bolt is great all around, due to its heavy damage and high accuracy.
- TM25 - Thunder. A lot like Thunder Bolt, but a lot better! WAY more damage; however, it's got a lower accuracy rating.
- TM26 - Earthquake. Ground moves are strong against quite a few things. This is a pretty effective move to give to a Fighting Pokémon.
- TM27 - Fissure. A one-hit KO, assuming it actually DOES hit. Get rid of this one.
- TM28 - Dig. This one allows you to avoid an attack, and it does a lot of damage to a lot of opponents. Downside? As with all Ground attacks, it can't hit Flying types.
- TM29 - Psychic. Quite possibly the best all-around move in the game. Always hits, always does mega damage. This is also an effective thing to give to a Water Pokémon, or an unlucky Psychic Pokémon that doesn't have it.
- TM30 - Teleport. Only useful for getting back to the last Pokémon Center when you're trapped in a cave without escape ropes.
- TM31 - Mimic. Interesting move, and it's worth your time to test it out. However, you could just use Mr. Mime if you wanted someone with Mimic.
- TM32 - Double Team. It says your evade goes up, but it doesn't seem to work . What a waste.
- TM33 - Reflect. There's no time for this kind of defense in a flat-out battle. Use an arsenal of offense and avoid stuff like this. Dump it.
- TM34 - Bide. This is actually a pretty good move near the end of the game. Use it, then while your HP gets lower, use a Hyper Potion. If you can keep yourself alive long enough, you'll destroy the other one once the move goes off!
- TM35 - Metronome. A crazy move indeed. Your Pokémon could use any random attack. You could get a loser attack such as Leer, or you could get Solar Beam. Usually better to not risk wasting a turn with it, because you're better off using something that will automatically do a strong move.
- TM36 - Self-Destruct. Who wants to waste their own Pokémon to probably not destroy the other one? It's garbage. Use it in desparation.
- TM37 - Egg Bomb. This is a great battle move, but not many can use it. Works good on Exeggutor or Chansey.
- TM38 - Fire Blast. Nobody knows this move, so pick wisely! Choose a Fire Pokémon you use a lot, because you do NOT want to waste this great move. Most teach it to Charizard.
- TM39 - Swift. It's a semi-strong version of Quick Attack, but not strong enough. A fast Pokémon with a strong move is much better. Use it in times that you absolutely have to hit the opponent, since it never misses. EVER.
- TM40 - Skull Bash. It's a charge move, and it's about as strong as Razor Wind. It might be worth it, but see for yourself.
- TM41 - SoftBoiled. This thing helps immensely when you have a Chansey! Outside of battle, heal up your others, and inside of battle, heal the Chansey! It's unstoppable!
- TM42 - Dream Eater. Use Hypnosis first, and this thing works wonders. This is the #1 reason to have a ghost. Unfortunately, it's a two-move attack, and Hypnosis rarely takes effect.
- TM43 - Sky Attack. Another charge move. Awesome attack, but the TM is hard to pick up and only Moltres knows it automatically. Give it to something good.
- TM44 - Rest. This works good on Pokémon with great defense. I strongly suggest giving it to Cloyster, Rhydon or Golem.
- TM45 - Thunder Wave. Paralyzes the opponent. Good if you have a lower speed, since it makes you faster than them.
- TM46 - Psywave. Does random amounts of damage. Sell it.
- TM47 - Explosion. A better version of Self-Destruct, but it's the same idea. Why kill yourself? Get rid of it.
- TM48 - Rock Slide. Nobody automatically knows this move, so give it to something you'll use a lot. Golem and Machamp do well with it.
- TM49 - Tri Attack. Most Pokémon who can use the move already have it, but giving it to Dodrio helps him out some. At least it looks interesting.
- TM50 - Substitute. If you spent all the time to get this move, then good job! This is the ONE defensive move worth having. Taking no damage is what everyone loves, even though it costs HP to make a substitute in the first place. Good if the opponent just charged up a Solar Beam or Sky Attack.
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