Quotes (from the anime)

" Make a mental note…tails grow back."

---Piccolo (to his other half)

" I don't have time to take swings at a cricket. I'm going to train myself."

---Piccolo (to "King Kai" a.k.a. Kaio-sama)

"Maybe you should get glasses for both your eyes."

---Piccolo (to Raditz)

"Uh, oh…"

---Piccolo (when he first senses Raditz's ki)

Quotes (from the manga)

"…I pray only that I may contain my nausea at the thought of joining with you…"

---Piccolo (to Goku when they first team-up)

" Spare me your folly…the speed of my flight will speak for itself ."

---Piccolo (to Goku, after Goku asks if Piccolo could keep up with "The Flying Nimbus")

"Raditz…you talk too much."

---Piccolo (to Raditz)
