Alright, folks. Here's a test to see how close your personality is to the Nameks or the Saiyans...or maybe you're just human. (^ ^;) Don't worry...most of us have a little human blood running through our veins.

Take a sheet of paper and number it from 1-18. When you're done read the questions below, and write down the appropriated letter.

Good Luck!

    1. While watching TV, you:
    a) sit cross-legged, ready to meditate during commercial breaks
    b) wear weights on your arms/legs and exercise
    c) ...I sit and watch the show...

    2. After working on the computer for a couple hours, your idea of refreshment is:
    a) A ham sandwich
    b) A glass of ice-cold water
    c) 12 pizza pies topped with anything possible, 11 boxes of doughnuts, 10 quarts of ice cream, 9 bowls of rice, 8 dishes of dumplings, 7 bowls of salad, 6 bowls of Ramen soup, 5 apple-crumb muffins, 4 bowls of fruit, 3.... you get the picture...(^ ^;)

    3. Your main goal is:
    a) To travel around the universe conquering weak planets and ruling them without mercy!!!
    b) To create a set of working Dragonballs
    c) Hmm...

    4. Your favorite color is:
    a) red (color of blood)
    b) green (color of the Nameks)
    c) I find that all the colors of the visible spectrum are delightful to look at.

    5. If you could have a monkey tail or pointed ears, you would choose:
    a) a tail
    b) neither
    c) pointed ears

    6. Your idea of a perfect place to train is:
    a) in a room with the gravity 100/300 times that of Earth's gravity
    b) King Kai's planet
    c) on a deserted island

    7. You're walking down the street and you see a mime. You:
    a) Turn pale and run away screaming
    b) laugh hysterically and then proceed to blow the mime up
    c) walk past the mime without saying a word (while thinking: Idiot...)

    8. When you get a deep cut on your arm, you:
    a) cry
    b) jump into the nearest rejuvination tank
    c) rip off your arm and try to grow a new one

    9. You're cheating on this quiz so that you get a higher:
    a) a higher Namek score
    b) a higher Saiyan score
    c) Are you accusing ME of cheating?????!!!!!!

    10. You cry (or lose your voice) when:
    a) Piccolo gets killed or hurt...(-_-,)
    b) Vegeta was killed by Freeza or...I never cry over anyone's death!
    c) I hated it when anyone was killed/hurt...violence is bad....

    11. You would wear _________ (every day)
    a) The Turle Hermit's sunglasses (Master Roshi)
    b) Saiyan armor
    c) Clothes identical to those those which Piccolo wears

    12.) When you go to a movie, you look for the following genres:
    a- Lots of blood and violence. The more, the BETTER!
    b- Movies? Feh. What a waste of time. I'd rather be spending my life on something important.
    c- Ones that is entertaining, and won't make me need to think about things like destruction.

    13.)While you pass a mirror in a public restroom, you:
    a- move your hair aside, and just walk on.
    b- find that you still have pieces of rice clinging to your chin, and flick them off.
    c- faint. Your face is completly lime green.

    14.) Your house more resembles a:
    a-Albino Turtle Shell
    b-Terracotta Summer cottage/earth house
    c-Shingled TV box

    15.)Your dream pet is a:

    16.)Every morning, before going to school, you:
    a-Gel your hair so that it stands straight up
    b-File your fangs-er-teeth
    c-Watch cartoons

    17.)Whenever someone admire the bright, beautiful FULL moon, you:
    a)admire it too
    b)turn into a giant monkey
    c)point 2 fingers at it and say: "Enjoy it now. It's not going to be around for much longer."

    18.)What do you look for in a guy:
    a)Nice house, Good clothing, Clean shaven
    b)Nice, wide pantry cabinents
    c)Giant collection of things that are Green


    A)1 Namek point
    B)1 Saiyan point
    C)1 Human point

    A)1 Human point
    B)1 Namek point
    C)1 Saiyan point

    A)1 Saiyan point
    B)1 Namek point
    C)1 Human point

    A)1 Human point
    B)1 Namek point
    C)1 Saiyan point

    A)1 Saiyan point
    B)1 Namek point
    C)1 Human point

    A)1 Saiyan point
    B)1 Namek point
    C)1 Human point

    A)1 Human point
    B)1 Saiyan point
    C)1 Namek point

    A)1 Human point
    B)1 Saiyan point
    C)1 Namek point

    A)1 Human point
    B)1 Namek point
    C)1 Saiyan point

    A)1 Namek point
    B)1 Saiyan point
    C)1 Human point

    A)1 Human point
    B)1 Saiyan point
    C)1 Namek point

    A)1 Saiyajin Point
    B)1 Namek Point
    C)1 Human Point

    A)1 Human Point
    B)1 Saiyajin Point
    C)1 Namek Point

    A)1 Namek Point
    B)1 Saiyajin Point
    C)1 Human Point

    A)1 Human Point
    B)1 Saiyajin Point
    C)1 Namek Point

    A)1 Saiyajin Point
    B)1 Namek Point
    C)1 Human Point

    A)1 Human point
    B)1 Saiyan point
    C)1 Namek point

    A)1 Human point
    B)1 Saiyan point
    C)1 Namek point

    Any suggestions are welcome! *gets on her knees* Pleeeeeeeaaaasssssseeeee....

    #'s 12-15 and #18 are from Himegami (Thank you!)
