Chapter 3

I can be cruel

I don't know why

Why can my ba-la-loon stay up in a perfectly windy sky

-Tori Amos, "Cruel"

The next two weeks were the toughest that Montana and Miura had ever experienced in their young lives. Along with training with Vegeta, Bulma had drilled them everyday on different scenarios that could happen and how they would handle them.

The Gravity Room, however, was their worst enemy. That is where the two demi-Saiya-jins had most of their physical training. Montana, being 1/2 Saiya-jin, was the top priority on Vegeta's list. So that left Miura training with Trunks.

Chamber #1

"To defeat your enemy, you must be clever as well as strong," Vegeta commented as he blasted a ki beam at Montana. She dodged it, then threw her own attack at the prince, who deflected it.

"Not to bad," he commented, "For a weak female!"

The blue-haired girl screamed in rage and felt her ki rise to new heights. Her silvery-white flames grew from a small fire to a raging inferno as she brought her hands together and yelled,


The blast was powerful enough to single the left side of Vegeta's hair as he weaved out of the attack's path.

"Not bad," he smirked, "For a weak female."

Montana snorted and gave her own smirk. Gathering herself into her fighting stance, she winked at the older Saiya-jin and said, "Let's see what you've got. And don't you dare hold out on me, because the androids won't."

Vegeta flew at the girl, and caught her of guard. Forcing his fist into her gut, he hissed evilly in her ear, "Never underestimate your enemy. You are letting your Saiya-jin blood get the upper hand. You must control yourself if you expect to defeat the androids."

"Great," she wheezed, then fell to her knees.

Chamber #2

"Get up, you weakling!' Trunks yelled at Miura, who was presently lying on the floor, gasping for breath. They had just gone six rounds without stopping, and she was exhausted.

"Weakling?!?" Miura struggled to her feet, wiping sweat out of her eyes, "If you would teach me on technique instead of just beating me to a bloody pulp every time we spar, I MIGHT have a chance!"

Trunks sighed. He had forgotten that she wasn't a warrior. "OK, the first thing you do is-" He was cut off by Miura's fist embedding itself in his midsection. Landing on his back, the girl straddled him and hit him repeatedly. He grabbed her wrists and flung her back, were she crashed into the far wall.

"Not to bad," Trunks commented, brushing his short hair out of his face. "But you shouldn't play dirty. Its not right."

"Well, I'm sorry, Moral Boy," Miura retorted, "But if I can win by playing dirty, then won't it catch the androids off guard? It caught YOU off guard." She went over and helped him up. Brushing himself off, he suggested,

"Why don't we knock off for tonight and take a break."

Miura gladly agreed and headed towards the door. As soon as her back was turned, Trunks tackled her from behind and pinned her hands behind her back.

"Never trust you enemy."

The violet-haired girl struggled against him as first, then resigned herself to her fate. Not that she minded. Actually, she was quite enjoying herself. Being alone with a good looking guy was always a great way to pass time away. And if she learned something in the process, then all power to her.

"Umm, Trunks?" she asked, looking up at him.

"What?" he responded, his face falling into his hair, hiding the blush that was growing across his cheeks.

"Could you please get off me? I can't breathe."

"Oh, sorry." he quickly rose to his feet, and held out his hand to help her up. Taking it, Miura stood. She put a hand on his chest and raised an eyebrow.

"I bet you are."

He put his hand on hers and answered,

"What do you want?"

Once again, Miura raised her eyebrow .

"I thought that it was quite obvious."

She leaned in towards him, into his body. Trunks licked his lips and ran his fingers through his hair. Closing his eyes, he waited for the forward girl's lips to meet his. He landed on the floor. Opening them, he saw Miura gloating over him.

"I play dirty, remember?"

He sighed in frustration; this was going to be a long training session.