by:Echo Mitchell

Disclaimer: I don’t own Dragon Balls Z or the song Valentine.

A breeze blew through the open window, its cool breath causing Bulma to awaken. She opened her blue eyes, her gaze falling upon her sleeping prince. Bluma smiled at his sleep softened features. Then, she felt a chill as the breeze blew again. Bulma snuggled up to Vegeta and, unbidden, the memories of her happy times with him returned, also the strains of a song came to her.

“If there were no words, no way to speak, I would still hear you.

If there were no tears, no way to feel inside, I’d still feel for you.

And even if the sun refused to shine, even if romance went out of rhyme,

I would give you my heart until the end of time, you’re all I need, my love,

my valentine.”

She fell asleep once again, her face happy and smiling. Vegeta woke suddenly, feeling the presence of a nearby ki. He relaxed then, recognizing the signature as Kakkarott’s. Then he noticed Bulma snuggling up to him in her sleep. He gently placed his arms around her, his tail curling possessively about her waist. Then he placed a soft kiss on her forehead as he thought:

“All of my life, I have been waiting for all you gave to me.

You’ve opened my eyes and shown me how to love unselfishly.

I’ve dreamed of this a thousand times before, in my dreams I couldn’t

love you more. I would give you my heart until the end of time, you’re all I

need, my love, my valentine.”

He lay down to sleep, dreaming of the happy times he had shared with Bulma. “More will come,” he thought, “and wherever I am, she is."