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Chapter 1

It was early one school morning in Tokyo, Japan. Three best friends were wandering about the school, either trying to get to class, or trying to avoid the teachers.

Hiya, a gorgeous girl who had long flowing blonde hair and emerald green eyes, was running down the hall, carrying numerous school papers and books. All the boys stopped and stared as she passed her locker, many of them calling her name, or looking with their mouths gaping open.

She called back to some of them "You'll let the flies in that way," and laughed.

Meanwhile Hôshin, a school troublemaker with spiky purple-black hair and mysterious silver-blue eyes was hiding underneath the office desk, hiding from the teachers. She could hear the principals voice, " The first semester and already she's vandalized the girls bathroom! When I get my hands on that girl-"

"Now Mr. Uji," said Ms. Laundale, the school psychiatrist, "Violence is not the answer."

"Oh brother!" exclaimed Hôshin as she whacked her head against the desk, unfortunately making a loud clang. The principal stuck his head under the desk and found her.

"Aha!" he said.

"Augh," she moaned in reply.

Sammy, also called Samisu, was already in class, idly twirling her light brown ponytail while talking to a boy named Yumi. He had short, well kept, dark brown hair which almost spiked up in the front. He was well built and fairly popular at his school.

"Guess what?" she said, excitement showing in her deep brown eyes.

"What?" replied Yumi.

"I found out from Hikaru, who found out from Akari who found out from Katsumi who found out from-" Samisu babbled on until Yumi cut her off.

"What IS it, Samisu?" Yumi snapped, shutting her up.

"We're going to America!"

Yumi arched an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Really! I can't wait! Can you? What do you think you'll do there?" she said, hopping onto the desk.

"Well, don't look at me, I have no idea!"

"I don't know who would wanna!" Samisu teased. Just then, Hiya spun around the corner.

"I'll make it! I'll make it!" she said to herself, speeding past the open classroom door.

Samisu saw her and pretended to be an announcer. "And there she goes, past her locker, and she stops. She drops her books and runs back to the locker, twisting the combination. Oh the suspense!"

Hiya turned around and glanced at her evilly.

"She kicks the locker, once, twice, three times and it opens!"

Yumi walked out to greet her, and just then the bell rang. "I'm gonna make it, I'm gonna make it!" Hiya hurried inside.

A minute later she ran outside the classroom grabbing Yumi's sleeve, "I'm not gonna make it, I'm not gonna make it!"

"Why?" questioned Yumi, following Hiya not by choice.

"I left a science report somewhere! You gotta help me look!" She looked at him with pleading eyes and he could not resist.

"Oh..." he said looking back towards the classroom. "Fine. but don't run."

"Why?" Hiya asked, puzzled.

"Because you'd make the entire school shake," he replied.

Ever since they were kids, Yumi was always teasing Hiya. Even though she was physically fit, her thighs were slightly wide. Not by much, but just enough to draw Yumi's attention.

Hiya growled and started running with Yumi. When they turned the corner, they ran into Mr. Uji.

"Uh oh." They both murmured.
"And where are you two supposed to be?"

"Are you two playing hooky?"


"Come with me!" He took them both into his office and sat them on chairs.

"Now I'll be right back," he said. "I have to go make the morning announcements. You two stay here!" Then he slammed the door.

"Hey y'all!" came a voice from behind them. They turned around to see Hôshin, her feet up on the principal's desk, chomping on a piece of gum.

"I didn't expect to see you two in here," she said, surprised. "Don't worry, they've put me in here a million times."

Hiya laughed and said, "Yeah, well once you hit one million and one, they're gonna kick you out of here."

"They can't kick me out! I'm smart." She reapplied her feet to his desk. "I'm makin' them look good." She grinned. Hiya rolled her eyes.

Meanwhile, back in class, Miss Takeuchi, their English teacher, was explaining their trip to America. "We'll cruise to Los Angeles, California, and explore Disneyland and a handful of cultural sights there. We'll then catch a flight from Anaheim, California, to Boston, Massachu-"

All heads turned towards Sammy as she practically jumped out of her seat. "We're gonna go to Boston?" Sammy was born in Boston, but her family moved to Japan when she was thirteen because her father was transferred. She loved Japan, but Boston was always her true home.

Sammy sighed as she noticed everyone staring at her. Not everyone knew she was originally from America. She slowly sat down.

"Now wait a second." Miss Takeuchi silenced the class. "Now remember, this trip isn't going to be ALL fun and games. There will be a lot of hard studying and research done. Remember that."

Hitoshu, who sat behind Sammy, raised his hand. "Does everyone get to go?"

"Actually, no," Miss Takeuchi responded. The class groaned. "Only honor and high honor students will be allowed to go."

"Guess I'm out then," Hitoshu said loudly. He had stayed back three times already and was still failing. The class laughed.

"Samisu, Kodaki, Jadoku, Ueki, Murakami, Nuriko, Hiya, Hôshin, and Yumi are invited to go." A cheer went up from the people who were invited.

"Actually, has anyone seen Hiya, Hôshin, or Yumi?"

"I saw them earlier," Sammy stated. "I don't know where they went after that, though."

"Hôshin's probably down at the office again," a girl named Naoko suggested. The class snickered softly.

"She probably spray-painted Mr. Uji's head again!" Kodaki exclaimed. Everyone knew of the time when Hôshin spray-painted the inside of the principal's toupee blue. His bald head had been blue for a week, since the paint hadn't been dry when he put it on.

"Samisu, will you go see if she's down there? Look for Hiya and Yumi, too," Miss Takeuchi asked politely. Samisu nodded and left the room.

Hiya walked in circles around the office.

"Oh my God. Hôshin, I hate you... You influenced me to do this... You're the devil!"

"Oh don't be such a goody two-shoes," Hôshin replied.

"Goody two-shoes? I'll have you know that just the other day I uh..."

"You what?"

"I kicked Noriko's ass!" she hollered.

Hôshin looked at her for a moment in confusion. Then in an almost quiet whisper she replied, "But you do that everyday."

"That's more then what I can say for you!"

"Oh? And when was the last time you vandalized something?"

"I have much better things to do with my time."
"Like what?"

"Like... Uh... Um..."

"Sure ya do." "I swear."


"You want to make a bet?"

"Sure lets go."

"Girls SIT DOWN!" The principal walked into the room.

Hôshin stuck out her tongue at Hiya and Hiya seconded the gesture. Hôshin sat back down and leaned back in the chair. Mr. Uji pointed at Yumi and Hiya. "I'll deal with you two later!" Hiya scrunched back against Yumi.

"Now Hôshin!" he said sternly turning back at her, "If you keep this up, I'm going to detain you from going to America." She gazed at him wide-eyed, yet calmly in her chair.

Continue with chapter one