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"Okay, starting with me, we are going to go counter clockwise. So it'll be myself, Yumi, Ueki, Noriko, Hiya, Sammy, and Hoshin," Kodaki explained.

"Fine." Everyone agreed.

"I have a pretty good hand what about you Yumi?" Kodaki asked.

Yumi's eyes narrowed as he thought for a moment then he reached over and grabbed another card. He looked over to Ueki who was sweating.

"Ueki?" Kodaki tried to get his attention.
Ueki looked up. "Oh! uh..." he grabbed a card. "Dammit... I mean, awesome." He sighed and looked to Noriko.
"I bet twenty-thousand yen," Noriko shouted.
"Twenty-thousand yen? Someone is confident... Fine I'll give you twenty and raise you five thousand yen." Hiya giggled.

"Ooh tough for me," Sammy placed twenty-five thousand yen on the table. "Hoshin?"
"I fold," Hoshin said. "Off go the mittens."
Everyone showed there cards. Noriko grabbed the money. "Royal flush I win,"
Hiya took off her jacket, Yumi took off his shirt, Ueki took of his shorts, Kodaki took of her bathing suit top and... All the boys looked at Kodaki.

"Ah-hem?" Sammy, Hiya, and Hoshin tried to get the attention back to the game

Sammy started to panic. She had to take off her shirt in front of all these boys?
"Just take off your bandana... It'll count," Hoshin whispered into her ear.
"Take off my bandana! Hells no!" Sammy took her shirt off and revealed a white sports bra. She blushed and dealt the next round.

As the game ended, Hiya, Sammy, and Hoshin seemed to be winning. Ueki sat there entirely naked and Yumi wore a hat. Hiya was sitting in her black laced bra and her jeans, Noriko was in his white briefs, Hoshin was in her shirt and underwear and Sammy was in her bra and shorts. Kodaki, was also completely nude.

The group threw their cards in and sat there not knowing what to do.

"So can I put my clothes back on?" Ueki asked.

The group nodded and reached down to grab their attire but they appeared to be missing. Kodaki put on her clothes then ran to the doorway. There, she stood at the door frame, waving a large pile of everyone's clothing into the air. "Sayonara!"

Sammy got up to chase her but she ran outside and was out of site. Ueki grabbed a washcloth and covered his personal area. Then, he too, ran for the door.

Hiya fixed her bra strap and grabbed Yumi and pulled him along. The red glow of his cheeks illuminated the area. Hiya glanced down, realizing he was also naked. "Uh... Uh... Sorry." She covered her eyes and ran. Yumi pulled the table cloth off his table and wrapped it around himself.

"Toga party!" He cried and ran out the door.

Noriko looked around for something then grabbed a plant in a ceramic red pot. He stood up and started running.

Hoshin and Sammy shrugged, they had clearly won the game. They walked out of the restaurant chatting, oblivious to the dark figure sitting in the corner. Watching. Waiting.

"Do you think that Hiya will stay with the guys all night?" Hoshin asked.

"Nah. Give her a few hours and she'll be knocking at our door.

Chapter 11