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After the long chase scene, everyone strolled towards their classrooms for lunch. The three sat down at the lunch table, and took out their assortments of rice balls and sushi. Three boys stood around the table, around Hiya, as was every morning. Hiya reached into her lunch bag, but one of the boys shooed her hand away.
"No, my sweet, what shall I get thee?"
"Noriko," Hiya said in annoyance, " I jus' want my napkin."
"Allow me," said another boy.
"Would you three just go away for a second ... please?" Hiya demanded. Discouraged, they retreated to another table. Hoshin and Samisu stood staring at her.
"What?" Hiya asked as she sunk her teeth into a rice ball.
"Damn man!" said Hoshin, " You are so lucky." But Hiya didn't like it, Hoshin would've given anything for that sorta attention but Hiya hated it.
Just then, Hoshin's friend Murakami came over and sat down next to her. "Hey Hoshin! I was thinking, do you wanna bunk with me on the ship?"
"Um--I'm sorry Murakami, but I already promised Samisu and Hiya..."
Murakami looked hurt and Hoshin felt bad. "Hey, well maybe we can make a special request -- for four."
"No," she said frowning, " I'll just bunk with Keiko and Kodaki."
"Ok...." With that Murakami walked away. Hoshin twisted a frown on her face.
"Don't worry," said Samisu, "she'll get over it." Noriko walked over to the table, and put his tray down next to Hiya's.
"Hello lovely, what's say you ditch these losers and come over to my table?"
Hiya sighed in a routinely sort of fashion at their table covered in crumbs and juice stained but Samisu protested "hey! We're not losers!"
"Yeah!" stood up Hoshin.
"Oh, " said Noriko smugly, "I forgot your best friends with little Ms. spray paint." Hiya sailed her right hook into his jaw causing the sound to echo through the classroom. In seconds, all eyes were turned on them.
"Tell that to the spray paint," said Hoshin raising her can to his face. It hissed, and suddenly his hair was red instead of brown.

Where to?

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