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After lunch, Hiya walked casually to her locker to get her books for the remaining periods. She thought she'd have enough time to walk to class today.
"Hey Hiya, do you want to go swimming at my pool tonight? I invited Sam, Yumi, Hoshin, and a whole bunch of other people. You interested?" Kodaki asked from behind.
"P-pool?" Hiya stammered.
"Yeah! It's heated and really nice."
"No... I can't I uh... I'm grounded."
"You're grounded? Miss Perfect? Grounded? I find that hard to believe."
"Well, I am. I uh... Didn't clean my room. I gotta go though, now. Bye!" Hiya ran away from her.
"Oi, that's weird." Kodaki said under her breath.
Meanwhile Hoshin and Sammy were walking down the hall together with some boys next to them.
"So are you going to Kodaki's party?" One of the boys asked Sammy.
"Yeah isn't everyone?" Sam replied.
"Do you think Hiya will be there?" Ueki asked.
"Are you kidding? Hiya and Kodaki have been friends since elementary school. Of course she's going."
Ueki was new to the school, he had a bluish colored hair and silvery-brown eyes. His hair was down to his lower ear lobe and combed neatly.
"Good. Wait it IS a pool party right?" Ueki asked again.
"Uh, yeah." Hoshin replied.
"It's a pool party?" Sammy thought to herself, "Well, maybe Hiya isn't going."
They walked to their classrooms.
"See you after school!" Hoshin yelled.
"Okay, Meet me at my locker."
They both raced to their classes. They had exactly 27 seconds to make it on time.
High school was so confusing for the students. Every day was different. The subjects changed and if they didn't they were in different rooms. No day was the same twice and to make matters worse, the school was huge!
Hiya looked at the school map.
"Okay, I have science next. And that's in room B23-7. But I can't find that on the map. I still have plenty of time so I should just calm down and..."
The late bell rang.
"Oh shit!" She frantically searched for the room number on the map. "B22-4, B23-4..." She paused for a moment. "AH-HAH! B23-7 Right next to the gym!" Hiya grabbed her books and ran down the hallway. She read the door numbers as they slammed shut, classes were starting.
"B23-7!" She exclaimed and ran into the room interrupting the teacher.
He sighed. "Do you have a tardy slip? He asked.
"No sir. I'm sorry." Hiya looked down.
"Go out in the hall. 'Sorry' is no excuse for your tardiness. This happens every day Miss Kazuna. Now go!"
"Hai, sir." Hiya looked down and walked outside.
There were already two buckets of water there waiting for her. She picked them up and balanced them in her arms. "Why does this always happen to me?"
Meanwhile Hoshin was sitting in her classroom taking a test.
"Okay class," her teacher announced. "When the clock reaches the 12 your test will begin."
Hoshin looked up at the clock and waited for the hand to strike 12. When it did she picked up her pencil and started writing the answers.
"Done!" She hollered. It had been seventeen seconds.
The class looked up and glared at her. Then they looked back down at their tests. Hoshin got out of her seat and handed her paper to the teacher.
"Thank you." He said and grabbed it. He immediately started correcting it though everything was right.
Hoshin sat back down and took out a paper clip. There she started writing her name on the desk. Then just made giant scratch marks across it.
Hoshin looked up to find the teacher looking over her shoulder. He pointed to the hall. Hoshin sighed and grabbed her books. Without looking back at her classroom, she walked outside and grabbed two water buckets and held them up.
"That ass." She growled and kicked the air. "Well, I wonder what Sam is up to." She thought. Soon, Hoshin lost balance and both buckets landed on her head.
Well, Sam was going through just as bad of a time. She was stuck in her classroom watching a boring history movie on the bombing of Hiroshima.
She yawned. Her eyes closed. Then reopened. She looked around the classroom. Everyone's eyes seemed to be glued to the television set. She looked up at the screen and looked at the large plane. The bomb was dropped from the sky. Samisu made a large whistling sound as the bomb hit the ground. Like they do in cartoons.
The class laughed.
"Who did that?" Her teacher yelled.
Sammy shut up and got back to drawing in her notebook.
"When will this day be over?" She asked herself.
"Samantha! Pay attention!" Miss Mioshi ordered.
"Yes, ma'am." Sammy replied and watched the screen.
An hour later, the dismissal bell rang. Hiya dropped the buckets and ran towards her locker, water spilling all over the floor. She knew that somewhere, Hoshin would be doing the same.
She grabbed her backpack and headed towards the main door.
"Hiya!" A voice cried out from behind her.
Hiya turned around to see a hand flying at her face. She quickly ducked and jumped backwards. Kodaki stood there, her face beet red.
"Kodaki, what's wrong?" Hiya asked
Hiya looked around, a circled formed around the two.
"You lied to me! Just because you have better things to do you don't have to go off saying you're grounded. You think that just because people like you because of your looks that you can get away with anything huh?" Kodaki screamed.
"What are you talking about?" Hiya demanded.
"Sammy told me that you've never been grounded! Why did you lie to me Hiya? I though we were friends!" Kodaki walked away crying.
"But Kodaki, we...are..." Hiya looked down.
The large group that was around her faded and everyone walked home.
"Come on Hiya, I'll walk you home." Said another voice from behind her.
Hiya turned around to find Yumi behind her, a sympathetic smile danced on his lips. He extended his hand and helped her up.
"Hey Yumi." Hiya greeted shyly and together they walked home.
"So, Hiya, why did you lie to her?" Yumi asked as they walked down a busy street.
"I didn't. Well, I did but it wasn't because I didn't want to go... Or I had anything else to do." Hiya tried to explain.
"Then what was it? Someone going that you didn't like?" Yumi asked.
"No, not at all. It's just that I..."
"That you...?"
"I... um..."
"You ... um...?"
"I'm late for work. I gotta go." Hiya ran ahead of him and into her house.
Just as Hiya entered the door Sammy flew out of it.
"Hey Hiya, didn't see you walking home. Stay-after-for-detention?" breathe "Well-whatever-I-have-to-go-to-Kodaki's-party-see-you-there." breathe "bye!" Sammy blurted. She then took off down the street.
Hiya sighed and walked over to the phone. She dialed Kodaki's number.
"Hello?" Kodaki answered.
"Hi Kodaki, it's Hiya..."
"Click" Kodaki quickly hung up the phone.

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