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Sammy walked through the gate and onto Kodaki's patio. She spotted Kodaki immediately in her bright orange bikini.
"Hey Kodaki!" she said, waving and walking over to her.
"Hey," Kodaki replied sullenly. She sighed and shifted in the white plastic lounge chair.
"What's wrong? Did you break up with Jadoku or something?" Sammy asked, setting her bag down on the ground. She sat in the chair next to Kodaki's.
"No, it's just this whole Hiya thing, that's all."
"Oh? What happened?"
"Well, I invited Hiya, and she said that she was grounded, but of course she's never grounded, so I got mad at her and then she isn't here."
"Oh... Well, you guys have been friends for a long time... I'm sure you'll get over it." Sammy replied.
Just then Jadoku, Kodaki's boyfriend, walked though the gate. Kodaki stood up and ran to him.
"Oh I'm so glad you could make it!" She screamed with excitement.
"Oh well, I got off from practice early so of course I'd come!" Jadoku replied.
Jadoku had been the school's leading Kempo champion. Even though Hiya was a much better martial artist then Jadoku, due to the sexist segregation, she couldn't be on the team never mind the captain.
More and more people walked in through the gate. Yumi, Hoshin, Noriko, Ueki, Murakami, and others followed.
"Hi guys! I'm so happy you all could make it. Come on in though, the water is 80 degrees!" Kodaki greeted.
Noriko looked around. "Where's Hiya?" He asked her.
"Oh... Hiya wont be coming tonight. Her invitation was um... Well, she just couldn't make it," Kodaki stated.
The boys sighed with sadness. Hoshin made a face at some of the boys, then walked over to Sammy.
"Hi!" she said cheerfully as she sat down next to her.
"Hi," Sammy replied, pulling off her shirt and shorts, revealing a navy blue bikini. "Spray-painted any clean walls lately?"
"Actually, I got one side of the Mini Mart on the way here," she said, laughing. She opened her bag to show Sammy four cans of spray paint.
A few guys had jumped into the water and began splashing Murakami and Kodaki who were lounging on the other side of the pool. The girls laughed until they turned on them.
"Hey!" Sammy shouted. She jumped up and dove into the pool. She chased the guy who had started splashing her and dunked him. Just then, Noriko looked to the gate. Hiya stood there watching. Her face was expressionless as she stared at the water.
"Good afternoon Hiya-chan." Noriko greeted and bowed formally
Hiya didn't respond she just watched Kodaki.
Suddenly, the music silenced and the crowd turned to her. They gasped to see her there. No one was sure why she wasn't invited but there she stood.
Kodaki walked over to the pool. Hiya cupped her hand to Kodaki's ear and whispered something into it. A few moments later Kodaki hugged her.
"I'm sorry Hiya, I overreacted. Please forgive me?"
Hiya nodded and smiled.
"Do you want to stay here for a while?" Kodaki asked.
"No, I'd better not. I have to pack anyway." Hiya replied and looked down.
"Oh... Are you sure?"
Hiya nodded again and turned around.
"Bye." Kodaki said quietly.
Hiya continued to walk.
"What is it her time of the month?" Jadoku asked Sammy. Sammy didn't respond. The music resumed and the party continued late into the night... Without Hiya.

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