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Chapter 5

The following days were hectic and filled with packing. Though they seemed to fly by rapidly. When Monday morning came, Sammy had set her alarm clock for 3:30 a.m. When it went off, she jumped out of bed, dressed and ran downstairs to find Hiya watching TV.

"How long have you been up?" Sammy asked her as she poured a bowl of cereal.
"Since yesterday." Hiya replied and flipped through some channels.
"Why didn't you sleep?" Sammy inquired.
"Well, I was too excited. I've never been on a cruise before." Hiya exclaimed.

Hiya stood up and put her shoes on. Hiya felt awkward about having shoes on in the house but her family didn't seem to mind. Since Sam was born in America, they had American customs. Like leaving your shoes in the house and eating dinner in chairs. Very strange things that Hiya had to adjust to.

"Did you already eat?" Sammy asked.
"Yeah. Three hours ago." Hiya replied and she put her coat on.
"Do you know where my dad is?" Sammy asked.
"I think he's starting the car...?" Hiya replied and looked out the window. "Yeah there he is." She tapped her French manicured nail on the glass.
"Oh, Okay."

Sammy finished her cereal and put her red wind breaker on. Then she and Hiya walked outside and hopped into their fathers Mitsubishi."Good morning, Sammy. Good morning Hi-ya." Sam's father greeted pronouncing Hiya's name as the karate chop cry.

"That's 'eye-ya' that 'H' is silent." Hiya corrected.
"Whatever. Next stop, Hoshin's house!" Her father announced.
"Woo-hoo!" Samisu exclaimed as Hiya mumbled a few words under her breath.

When they pulled up in Hoshin's driveway, the honking of the car horn broke the crisp morning air. After a minute of repetitive beeping, Hoshin walked out dragging a large gray trunk. "All right already! I'm here, I'm here!" Sammy and Hiya giggled as they got out to help her load her trunk into the back.

"To the dock!" Hoshin cried as she sat down next to Hiya.
"To the dock!" Hiya and Sammy replied.

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