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     Sammy raced to a phone to call Jake. Contrary to what she had stated earlier, Jake was not wealthy. He resided with his mother in Boston, in the same apartment building that they had grown up in.

     Sam raced frantically around the deck, in search of a phone. Alas, she was unable to find one. "Excuse me, miss." A male voice said from behind her. Samisu turned around to find a crew member facing her, his eye brows arched, "Might I assist you?"
     "Yes, I am looking for a pay phone."

     "Ma'am, we are on a cruise ship. Do you think there is one long telephone pole extended across the ocean?"

     Samisu was uncertain and stood on the water-kissed deck in confusion. "Wow. I feel so...dumb." She shook her head, looking back towards the man, "How can I get in touch with someone? It's very important."

     "I have a cell...but I doubt it would work from here. Besides it would cost me a fortune."

     "Whatever the price is, I'll double it!"

     "Well, I suppose..." He reached into his backpack and pulled out a large black cell phone.

     Her heart raced as she dialed his number. She hadn't talked to him in ages! It rang once. Twice.

     "Hello?" a voice asked, interrupting the third ring, static filled the reception.

     Sammy smiled. "Jake?"
     "Sa-Sammy?" Jake asked, his voice rising in excitement. "Hi!"
     "Hi! How are you? It's been so long!"
     "I'm good, how're you? I know it has!"
     "Guess what?" Sammy asked.
     "I am currently on a cruise ship,"
     "Cool! Where are you going?" Jake asked, flopping into a chair.
     "LA!" Sammy screamed, jumping up and down. Some people walking past looked at her strangely. She stopped jumping.
     "Really? That's great!" Jake said, bolting up to his feet.
     "Yup, and then we're gonna travel around California. Maybe I can sneak away and travel to Boston so I can visit you!"
     "Do you know what'd be even better then having you come to Boston?" Jake asked, suddenly getting an idea.
     "What is it?" Sammy asked, worrying that he didn't want to see her.
     "I could come to LA and go around with you!"
     "Really? You could do that?" Sammy asked, wide-eyed.
     "Yeah! I have enough money, since I've been saving up for a vacation anyway, and I'm outtuh school until September. When are you arriving?"
     "April 4, the Sunday after next," Sammy replied, a huge grin on her face.
     "I'll meet you at the docks, then."
     "Okay, awesome! The boat is called Oriental Princess and it arrives 3:45 PM Eastern Standard Time. Well, I better go now, Jake, otherwise this could get really expensive..." Sammy giggled. "I miss you!"
     "I miss you, too, Sammy. I'll see you soon!"
     "Okay, bye-bye!" Sammy pressed the end button and thanked the man who leant her the phone. Without another word she ran off towards the pool.

     "Wait! What about my money?" The man yelled to her, but he received no reply.

     When she reached the pool, she noticed Hoshin was swimming, acting childishly as usual. Sam rolled her eyes, paying her no mind. Sam's attention then went to Hiya who had strolled back outside, now dry and now immersed in bickering with Yumi, as always.
     "How's the water?" Sammy inquired to Hoshin when she came up for air.
     "Very warm!" Hoshin replied, inhaling a deep breath of oxygen and diving back in.

     Hiya gazed up. The rain had seised as the fervent sun pushed its way into the sky. She beamed and started to walk towards the bow of the ship. But as she approached the railing, the heel of shoe glissaded across the damp ship and she cacaded backwards onto the deck.

     Hearing a loud thud, Yumi glanced up to find Hiya on the floor, her legs sticking into the air. "Hiya-chan?" He called to her. He stood up and made his way toward her.

     Hiya didn't answer. Slipping an arm under her legs and another supporting her neck, Yumi lifted her up. Carefully, he made his way toward a lounge chair and placed her gently upon it.

     "Do you want me to get you some ice?" He offered.
     "No, I should be fine," Hiya replied and took off her shoe. Already, her foot was already turning blue.

     "Hiya, it might be broken..." Yumi informed her.
     "No, it's fine really," Hiya assured him with a confident smile and stood up. She took a step forward but instantaneously her ankle collapsed and she fell forward. Pushing herself back up she limped into the restaurant.

     "She broke it. Definitely broke it." Sammy said, sitting on the side of the pool.

     Hoshin leaned over the pool edge and looked at Yumi. "That was so sweet!" she said.

     "Please, I wasn't doing it... 'cause I like her or anything...I just don't want her to complain that I don't help her." Yumi replied and walked away from them.

     "Someone has a little crush on Hiya!" Hoshin teased.

     "Who could like a ditz like her? She walks around in these giant heels, trying to act taller than she really is..."

     "Yumi and Hiya, sitting in a tree, making l-o-o-v-e!" Sammy sang.

     "Loove?" Hoshin questioned with a smirk.

     "Shut up. It was the best I could come up with on such short notice."
     "Making loove?" Hoshin laughed hysterically, repeating the phrase once again.

     Sammy turned to Hoshin and smiled. "Speaking of breaking ankles, guess what? Jake said he's going to meet us in LA at the dock! Isn't that awesome?"
     "Yeah, but what does that have to do with ankles?" Hoshin replied. Before Samisu could reply, Hoshin reached forward and pulled her into the water.

     **Later that day, when they returned to their room, Hoshin changed out of her wet clothes while Sammy noticed a small yellow piece of paper that had been slid under the door.

     She bent forward, reaching for the paper and grabbed it. It was neatly folded and in a red marker the word, "SOON" was written.

     Samisu quirked a brow, "Soon? What the hell is that supposed to mean? It could be some sort of room service bill threat... 'Pay your restaurant bill or we won't put any more mints on your pillows' I mean, really." Sam crumpled the paper and tossed it aside, after realizing she had been talking to herself. "We don't even have a restaurant bill. Hey, they don't put mints on my pillow either." She paused, glancing around, "Who is this infamous 'they' anyway? And in addition to that, why am I asking myself irrelevant questions, or talking to myself aloud for that matter?"

     Hoshin jumped out of the shower, oblivious to Sam's confused expression, "I'm going to hit the restaurant, catch ya' later."

     "Fine, but pay the bill while you're there. I mean, you know...just...nevermind."

     Hoshin ran downstairs toward the restaurant's entrance. She peered into the window of the restaurant. Families were eating large, juicy meals while couples were sharing sodas. Hoshin sighed then spotted Hiya sitting at the bar. The bartender was smiling as he wiped the cups clean.

     "Does she ever stop flirting?" Hoshin asked herself as she strolled inside.

     Just then, the lively conversations came to a sudden halt. Everyone seamed to turn to Hoshin, staring at her. Hoshin grinned and walked over to Hiya.

     "Hey Hoshin," Hiya greeted as she sipped her Shirley Temple.

      "Hi," Hoshin replied.

"What can I get for you, miss?" The bartender asked.

"Just water for now, thanks," Hoshin ordered.

Hiya grabbed some pretzels and popped them into her mouth. "Where's Sammy?" She asked still chewing the pretzels.

Hoshin grimaced and replied. "Showering."

"Oh," Hiya sipped her drink and stood up.

Immediately she fell over and grabbed onto the bar counter. She looked up at Hoshin then stood back up again. "I uh...almost forgot about that bad ankle." She lied, her cheeks flushed.

"Do you want some help?" Hoshin offered.

"Nope. No thanks. I'm fine," Hiya reassured and wobbled over to a chair.

From there she hopped to the door frame grabbed onto it for a few seconds then she attempted to walk to the stair case. She half-crawled up the stairs but the pain in her ankle became unbearable. She looked down at her ankle for a moment. She knew a bone was out of place. She gripped around her ankle with both hands, pushing her bones back into place. A short shriek escaped her throat but in a moment, she regained herself and stood up again.

"Ah... Much better," She thought aloud, cautiously stepping towards her room. When she managed to reach her cabin, she searched for the key but her pockets were empty except for a pack of gum. Discouraged, she lifted her fist and pounded on the door. A sharp scream came from inside the room.

"Pervert! Ah! Somebody go get that guy!" Hiya heard Samisu holler. Hiya pounded harder upon the door. In an instant, Samisu opened it. Hiya pushed her way through, as Samisu stood shaking in a towel.

Hiya glanced towards the shattered balcony door. The broken glass surrounded the exit. She slowly made her way through it.

"Where'd he go?" Hiya asked.

"Down there," Sammy said, pointing to the lower deck.

Hiya limped outside onto the balcony and looked down. She saw a dark clad figure making its way towards the stern. Hiya swung her legs over the edge of the railing. She glanced down, no time to think, and jumped.

"Hiya, wait! You're ankle...!" Sammy called after her, making her way to the balcony. Hiya rushed after the figure, ignoring the intense pain in her foot. Soon, the pain became unbearable, she leaned forward onto the wall, gasping in sheer agony. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Yumi and Noriko, who had both been watching the masked figure. "Get him!" Hiya ordered.

It was too late, however, the man had disappeared into the crowd of tourists and students.

Ueki looked at Hiya. "You should go back to your room, you shouldn't be running with your ankle in such a condition," He said.

"I'm fine. I mean I was fine until I jumped off the balcony," Hiya replied.

"You what?" Ueki he questioned, arching his eyebrows.

Hiya walked over the wall and whacked her ankle up against it. Hearing another crack, she hopped back over to the staircase and climbed to the top. Hoshin and a security guard were already inside the room.

"Hey Hiya." Hoshin greeted.

Hiya nodded and noticed her suitcase being dragged into another room.

"Where are they taking our stuff?" Hiya asked.

"We're giving you another room for this week. Until we get the glass door fixed," The guard explained.

"Did you catch the guy?" Sammy asked as she walked to her new room.

Hiya looked down with a sigh, "No."


The group walked into the new room. Instead of the bunk beds, it had a large king sized bed.

"This is just great!" Hiya exclaimed with fury. "Where are we going to sleep? One big bed? What do they think we are, bikes?" Hiya yelled and stomped around but then slipped on her ankle and fell onto the coffee table.

"The correct word would be 'dykes,' Hiya..." Samisu informed

"Hiya calm down. It'll be okay," Hoshin comforted, hiding her laugh. "I can sleep on the floor,"

"No! I'm taking my sleeping bag and bunking in Ueki's room." Hiya rolled off the table. "Where is my stuff?" Hiya stepped forward, sliding over a large suitcase and landing flat on her face, again. "Oh."

She regained herself, and with a few more slammed doors, the room was silent.

Chapter 8