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Do you ever wake up in the morning and think to yourself, "if only pizza was juicy, and delectible douses of fluid gushed out of every savory bite?"

pizza.jpg (38186 bytes)

Well that is why we are here.  To answer your call and make really wet pizza.  And juicy, too.

We must warn you ahead of time, though, that the overwhelming sensation of the pure juiciness can make you do something like this:

nasal cleaner(click me)

Of course, doing this hearty exercise can free up your nasal passages for doing other things, like sniffing Cheerios.

If you want to know where the ingredients for our pizza-like-mass came from, go to our ingredients page.

Juicy Pizza...You know you want to sign it....

yum...juicy chat....

If you have any questions, comments, or complaints, email us at
