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Arion-chan's Fanfiction

Rowan: Dammit! I got roped into another of these! *sighs* Ah, well. These are Arion-chan's fanfics--SD's co-authoress for Kagami. Send feedback to

Anime Included Here

Arion-chan's Fics

The Prophecy Arc-- Arion-chan's universe, that merged with the Kagami series
Alter-Prophecy-- What if a few things had happened differently in 'Prophecy'? Arion-chan's alter-Prophecyverse.
A Kiss For Luck-- Yuu Yuu Hakusho. The Reikai-Tantei run into a new deity-in-training, and a pair of Dragons...
Crystal Castle Crew Fanfiction-- Arion-chan's home on the 'Net
