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Black Shinigami

On Black Shinigami

Profile: Duo is the second-most human Gundam pilot (after Quatre,) and the most chaotic in personality. Many people wonder how the boy who is so _alive_ can personify Death on the battlefield. Duo is an orphan and a street rat. In the series, he states: "I run, I hide, but I never lie. That's me in a nutshell." You may notice that the 'Loves/Loved By' lists have 'Hilde and/or Heero'. That's because, in the OAV, it's obvious that Hilde's in love with him, and she's the preferred female in fanfics to pair off with Duo, but I believe that Duo and Heero were meant to be. (I am an fan of yaoi and yuri, with certain pairs. Duo & Heero happen to be one of them.) He is my favorite pilot for many reasons.
1: The looks. In my opinion, Duo is one of the most bishonen people on GW.
2: The personality. Anyone who refers to himself as Death and is _that_ evil-minded is great in my book.
3: Well, one word. Shinigami. Need I say more?
4: Heero. Heero's my second favorite pilot. Duo's in love with him. They make a _great_ pair.
5: The fashion sense and style. He looks good in his priest outfit, even better in his OAV garb...


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