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The Kagami Universe(s)

Sage: Well, I see you're looking for SD and Arion-chan's Kagami series. Unfortunately, none of the stories are actually done yet...
Rowan: *under his breath* Twenty-plus planned, plus the sequel series with another bloody quartet at least, plus an alternate trilogy to the sequel, plus side stories and side series, and they're barely halfway through TSOTC...
Sage: *rolls eyes* Anyway, the prologue and first three chapters of the first Kagami story, Two Sides of the Coin, are done, but SD says she isn't planning to put them up until the fic is finished, possibly when they get nearer the end.
Rowan: Read Arion-chan's Prophecy fics first, though. TSOTC takes place in her universe. SD has admitted that her Ronin Renegade is unlikely to ever be finished, but 'SD's Fics' has a link to a timeline and profiles for her created characters, and will eventually have what she's got done of RR.
Sage: Speaking of profiles, character lists will be up on all of the fic pages in the Kagami section save TSOTC (unless Arion-chan writes one up) for created-characters, so you won't get confused.
Rowan: Lastly, just for your convenience, SD's universe is a year behind Arion-chan's in TSOTC, but jumps to a generation ahead in Eizou no Kagami. The reason why will be explained in EnK itself.
Sage: So, where would you like to go?

Setsuwa-tachi no Kagami (Tales of Kagami)

Two Sides of the Coin-- Arion-chan & Shadow Dragon
Setsuna no Kagami-- Arion-chan & Shadow Dragon
Eizou no Kagami-- Arion-chan & Shadow Dragon
Yoha no Kagami-- Arion-chan & Shadow Dragon
