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Shadow Dragon's Nexus

My Top Ten Favorite Anime/Manga Villians

Welcome to Shadow Dragon's Nexus! This is home to my favorite anime and manga, and will eventually house a multi-author fanfiction archive, including my Gundam Wing songfic-series, a Ronin Warriors crossover series I am working on, and more. This site is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION, but feel free to take a look around!

8/22/00: I now have a FortuneCity account, and I'll be storing my fics and images there. Sorry about the annoying prompts for anyone who tried to access this page or the fics from 8/20-22.

8/28/00: Thanks to Ghost, who runs the Kitty Adoption Center, I found out that the FortuneCity account makes more problems with accessing images. I'll keep the images on Angelfire, but fanfics (except Arion-chan's Prophecy series and A Kiss for Luck) will remain on FortuneCity. I'm hoping the fact that they're more of a page in themselves than a 'decoration' will mean that there won't be problems getting to them, but... *shrugs* If there _are_ any, let me know, please.

9/16/00: Three new links added. Arion-chan and I are working on designing a tarot deck for one of our series, which may be going up. It'll take awhile, though. Fanfic Challenge added.

10/07/00: Mardrena's Foes From Another World is finished. The last parts are up. Don't worry, though, there's lots more to come for the Age of Defiance saga. *g* Fanfic Challenge added.

11/08/00: Adoptees page built and new adopted character added.

Here's a fanfic challenge to any writer reading this. Write a Sakura Wars fic that uses my translation of Maria Tachibana's name ('Bitter Sword Experience' (Maria=Bitter, Tachi=Longsword, Banare=Experience)) for the basis of the plot. Anyone who enters this will have their fic put up on my page and will get an award if they have a website. (And a link added to their page, of course.) The only rules are that the fanfic must involve this translation in a crucial way, it can't be a meld-fanfic (where the characters from one animeverse replace those in another), and it must not be a lemon/lime. Implying or stating simply that the characters sleep together is fine, but no details. And, if it's a SI fic, no 'munchkins'. This means you can't write a SI character who is omnipotent, all-powerful, and has a huge Aura of Smooth (TM). Yaoi/yuri and crossovers are fine. Send finished works to

FANFIC CHALLENGE II: Original meets Altered/Anything Goes
You heard me right. Take any anime/manga series from the following list.
X (the manga) - X (the movie)
Now, write a fanfic where the characters of one version wind up meeting their counterparts. This can be done in any number of ways. Using RW/YST as an example...
1: The Ronins and/or Warlords wind up in the Trooperverse, or vice-versa.
2: Some of the Ronins/Warlords (but not all) swap places with their Trooper/Ma-Sho counterparts.
3: Your own idea.
This is anything-goes, so you can make it any type of fic as long as it involves one of the four series listed above (the Tenchi list can be TV/OAV, TV/Pretty Sammy, TV/Tokyo, OAV/Pretty Sammy, OAV/Tokyo, or OAV/Pretty Sammy) and the 'Original meets Altered' plot point. Same conditions as Fic Challenge I. Send all entries to

FANFIC CHALLENGE III: Anime Miscast/Anything Goes
Choose any anime series. Then, swap around characters' ranks, personalities, backgrounds, etc. For example:
SAILOR MOON-- Minako/Mina becomes Moon, Usagi/Serena becomes Venus, etc.
PRETTY SAMMY-- Pretty Sammy's the villianess, and Pixy Misa is the heroine.
TOKYO BABYLON: Hokuto is the ultra-polite twin, and Subaru's the manic, perky one.
Etc, etc, etc. Any series is fine, any type of fic (save hentai or SI) is fine. Same conditions as Fic Challenge I. Send all entries to

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