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South Sea Dragon's Lair

About the South Sea Dragon

Profile: Distinguishing features: the most beautiful of the dragon brothers, chased by lots of women. Has a very sharp tongue with people he doesn't like. Mostly even-tempered, but can occasionally explode in anger. His first change into dragon form is due to Lady L {Patricia Lansdale}, is apparently quite unpleasant (first being poisoned, then being shot, then exploding into a fireball), and leads to the destruction of much of central Tokyo by fire.
(Quoted from Tsuzuku no Miko's Tsuzuku shrine:
Why do I like him?
1: The looks. As if I haven't said it enough by now: I like blond bishonen with brains. *g*
2: The personality. Tsuzuku's intelligent, peaceful but nasty when mad, and has a good sense of humor. Take this scene from Sohryuden the anime:

(The helicopter has latched onto the car and is currently carrying it over the water)
(H) "They're taking us toward Tokyo."
(O) "That's where we want to go! Let's let them."
(T) "Aren't you worried? What if they drop us in the bay?"
(O) "Then, I guess we'll swim, right, Amaru?"
(A) "Un."
(T) "What about the car? Are you going to carry it for me?"
(O) "Whose car is it?"
(T) "It's mine."
(O) "Then you can swim with it on your back, just like a turtle."
(T) "How considerate of you."
(After the helicopter unceremoniously drops the car onto the mini-aircraft-carrier-thingy)
(H) "Well, that was pretty rude."
(T) "At least I don't have to swim with the car on my back."
Hajime Ryudo, Owaru Ryudo, Tsuzuku Ryudo, and Amaru Ryudo, Sohryuden: Legend of the Dragon Kings

3: He's a fire-god. Fire is always interesting...
4: He's a dragon. Need I say more?
5: His family. Hajime is interesting, Owaru is good comic-relief, and Amaru's just kawaii. *g*


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