Of My Art

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Thank you for coming in.
Please, enjoy with me some of the art I ever loved to make.

Spirit of Santa Fe

When I went to New Mexico, the good feeling
of ancient earth, bright colors, and beauty everywhere, staid with me.
It has a piece of turquoise inlaid into the painting of the feather.

Buffalo Drum

The Buffalo Drum I did for one of my Native friends.
I gave it to her, and at Christmas, was given another drum
to paint on, this time wolves again.
It is for her sister and they are from the wolf clan.

Wolf Drum

The big Wolf Drum was for the Elders Group.
A donation of mine for the Mission Indian Friendship Centre
in British Columbia where I used to work.


The Choker, made of bone,
glass beads, buffalo horn beads and feathers,
is also given away.

My Stone Carving

It is a chunck of sandstone,
and I used my electric carving tool to cut in the picture,
then painted the cut in with black paint,
and putting my signature on it,
the piece of turquoise inlaid into it.

Barbara Andrea Milito-Smith

Dance Me
My Family
On Wings