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The Chaos Powers and Slaanesh

With the Raising Concern of what direction there is in the Galaxy, There is but one Warlord to fight under, That is the Banner of Slaanesh "The Corruptor of Men"(And Some Women alike). He capitalizes upon the carnal nature of man and has his will. Though this is only if you do not agree with the teachings of the other Chaos Powers.

Khorne:: "Bloodthirster, Arkhar, Kharnath" The Spiller of Blood, and Bronze. Seeks to Spill Blood, and has lust for War.

Nurgle:: "The Great Unclean One, Nurglitch, Onogal, Neiglen" The Ever-Pestilent one, Rotting and pustulant, he hardens those who follow him.

Tzeentch:: "The Lord of Change, Tchar, Chen" The Changer of Ways, He Seeks to corrupt through Change and the Volatility of True power, and laden with the mutations, and flaws of the warp


“‘Llthluudhuertltlphhhakfleug'goaeshooarppeeflphaireeulccduthlshduuffzilioeolluuppcogssbhrhoanowananaan'nphkweooagzaoiiksiitlyhliidheehlowzhtheoeuirirshulkwcchhdagzarululuuda’ I know....*Hacked to Pieces*” -- Famous Last Words of Warriors who mis-pronounced the True Name of Azazel