These are the charachters In the story. All of them, except most of the baddies, are played by members of a messageboard community. I'm going to try to find images to represent each of the charachters.Alter Ego Ivy: Usually refered to as "Ivy" in the story. She initiated the story, and has played a major role all throughout. Alter Ego Luna:
The keeper of the board and this website. She tends to get violent at times, and it one of the less immature charachters. also a constant contributor to the story. Uncle Elmo:
The next contributor. His charachter is a representitive from Narative casualty, who was allarmed by the time hopping the other two were doing. The un-official leader of the group. Warteen:
He's one of the really fun people who liven up the story with unexpected twists and funny lines. Pretty cool guy. Deuce:
He came in kinda strangely, but has deinged to continue posting. He's one of the people who came and posted, but gave up once it got complicated. Nacho:
I'm only repeating what I've heard..... An extremely annoying creature who once came to my board. Some people say i got very mad at the boy, but, frankly, I can't believe he ever existed. oh, and i killed him. Princess Ditzyhick:
Perky contributor who usually keeps it upbeat. Hasn't posted in a really long while. Jeff:
One very cool guy.Origionally picked up in Wales, he accompanied Ivy and was stalked by alucard. He's gotten kinda trampled in the mix, i'm afraid. hasn't posted for a long time. Alucard:
Personally, one of my favourite charachters. His first line was "stick of butter for the butterless?" He actually only posted once in the first 5 months of the story, Now with a record of 3 posts, but he was a good charachter to work with. Raistlin:
Chocobo Farmer from Wales. Keeps track of our chocobos. another funny guy, when he's in the mood. decides to show up every once in a while, looks at the story, leaves in a haze of confustion, not actaully posting. Rae:
Rae was origionially found in the labyrinth by Ivy and Jeff. a "Good witch" who contributed only a few times. Proteus:
Female shape shifter found by Ivy in the Labyrinth. only posted once, an online acquaintance of mine, who lost interest very quickly. Merlin:
A confused, but powerful wizard. also a prisiner in 101-b. only posted twice, because he wasn't confident in his writing. Bert/white wizard:
Charachter who came into the story with an accute case of amnesia. He's the "Alter Ego" of black phantom,who is a mynion of Emporer Elmo. Ends up helping the group a whole lot. His charachter changed during the story, which he firmly blames on UFO. UFO:
Once a brainwashed prisoner of Madam Evil. Firmly believed he was Lala, from Telletubbies. Ended up being a Jedi. BLack Phantom/Shadow:
Origionally the arch nemesis of White Wizard. He introduced the keys to the story. At one time, he posessed all of the keys, but they were all eventually taken from him. inthe end, he became Shadow, who was an asset to the group. these are the first few, in vaguely chronological oorder of when they came into play.
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The Time Traveling Chocobo Saga Messageboard
Chapters 1-25
Chapters 26-50