chapters 51-75

chapters 1-25
chapters 26-50

  Hello, here is the third installment of the time traveling chocobo chapters. 
i know all of the pages have whidth problems, 
and i'm fixing them as i have time.

chapter 51

*the group stands arround LUna as she throws her transmitter to the ground*
Luna: smegg it! i almost had her! well, let's get on with this. Nacho, hold her upright, 
so we can see her face. *nacho does so, and everyone in the party backs up a pace in alarm*
now, tell us why you came here.
O.E. Ivy: i want my lawyer! let me go! i'm not tellin you anythin! 
*ivy holds her breath and turns very red* let me go, or i'll leave myself! 5...4...3...2...1...ka boom!
Warteen: who knew she had a self-destruct mode? hey, where's Nacho?
P.J.: i guess he was standing too close...
Raistlin: that's it! I'm sick and tired of being ignored! I have no problem with being 
"the strong, silent type", but even strong, silent types talk more than this! errrrg! I cant stand this! what's happening? 
have i just been over looked? or is ther a malicious plot against me???? arg! *Raistlin colapses, due to lack of oxygen*
Deuce: um, i didn't know he was here.....
Princess: poor guy, we'll have to make it up to him, somehow.
A.E. Luna: well, we don't know why the girl was here, madam evil is on our tail, 
Ivy and Jeff are in another dimention, with other people, and we don't know what the bird said. 
I suggest taht we make a paradox happen, so that we can talk to the bird. anyone want to voulinteer? 


A.E. Luna 

Chapter 53 

*Shortly before Ivy and the group escapes, a black-clothed figure is walking around the place where they were held*
figure: That time-traveling chocobo is the key to plans of mine...unless those kids get to it again. I must make sure it doesn't happen....
*A servant comes in. The man's name is Michael Oliver*
Oliver: sir...shall I contact Aeris02 about this?
figure: You'd better. And while you're at it, make sure my good counterpart doesn't survive.
Oliver: You mean..
figure: You know damn well who. Make sure they're gone. I didn't leave Dimension B for no reason....
Oliver: Understood.
figure: and make sure my name...*moves into 
the light to reveal a man in a black duster, 
black boots, and a black wide-length flat-brimmed hat completely 
covering his face*...Black Phantom, makes it into his 
head before he dies. HEHEHEHEH!!!!
*Chapter to continue* 

Chapter 52. *glares at CMX*

**As the intrepid group of explorers pushes along on their journey to find the 
time-traveling chocobo, Jeff, A.E. Ivy, and their new friend, 
Rae, have come close to finding their way out of the castle**
Jeff: We should probably go right here.
A.E. Ivy: The path to the left looks better...
Rae: Forget it. Let's go straight ahead.
**So, they're getting on nicely. Anyway back to the group...**
(Raistlin is finally revived)
Raistlin: Woah, Auntie Em, Auntie Em...
Warteen: Raistlin, you're okay! Great... now, we need to figure out where to go once again.
A.E. Luna: Right. That darned O.E. Ivy blew up on us and she was our only source of information!
Deuce: So, where to?
Princess Ditzyhick: Well, I'm in no hurry to find this thing. I need to work on my tan... 
let's go to the beach!
**The group agrees that they are all in need of a break, so they head toward the beach. 
Little do they know that they may find something they don't expect there...**


chapter 54

as the group is on the beach, sunbathing, swimming and just plain relaxing, 
they are able to forget, for the time being that their friends are lost in the unknown, 
and that there are chocobos at home that need to be fed.
Princess: oh, I love the beach, except when it is really crowded. Hey! 
would you hand me the oil? *Alucard squirts Princess with his long-range suntanoil cannon* uh, thanks.

and so the vacation continues for our adventure-weary crew, untill a heavily black clad figure is seen rising from the dunes.
Uncle Elmo: Hey! you! what are you doing, and what do you want?
(because, as every astute person knows, heavily black clad figures don't just hang around for no apparent reason)
Warteen: Hey, why so defensive? he could just be hanging around for no apparent reason. 
* receives pained looks from his companions* What?
PJ: *in stage whisper* You're only supposed to not admit that you can hear the narrator, 
you don't just ignore him.
Warteen: oh *black clad man steps forward*
Man: I need your help. there is a man from another world who wants me dead.
Luna: why would someone want that?
Man: I now some important things. can you help me?
Raistlin: we need some info first, tell us all about it.
Man: well, I found my way into this other world, somehow, 
and it was all strange. there were people there that I knew, but they were different. 
and this guy, the one who wants to kill me, 
looks like me. well, I met this woman there named Aeris 02, 
and she told me some things about the place. 
one of the things washer husband's worst fear.
now,this guy is after me and I don't know what to do.
Luna: how did you get back? 
Man: I don't know. this creepy little guy, named Oliver, drugged me, and the next thing I knew,
i had a horrible headach, but I was home.
Princess: what's your name?
man: um, my name.. it's BERT Yeah, Bert.
Deuce: well, um, Bert, we'll help you as much as we can, as long as you 
take us to this other world. *sees murderous looks from his friends* um, huddle! *Huddle forms* you guys,
Princess: Deuce, What are you doing?
Deuce: maybe this "other world" is the dimension where ivy and Jeff are. if not, 
then at least helping him would be the right thing to do. Pj, will you count for a vote?
PJ: yeah, ok, cover your eyes and raise your hand either for aye or nay when I say got it? 
now, *vote takes place* and it's 2 to 5 , in favor of helpin him. 
let's go get him, and tell him about what we are doing.

Ivy: how much farther do you think it is?
Rae: if I remember right, it's only a couple more days.
Jeff: Days? ugh, i'm tired. do you think we can stop sometime? 
Protus: you can ride on my back, but later, when the tunnels are larger.
Jeff: thanks
*ivy, who is in the lead, runs smack dab into a wall of bars*
Ivy: what is this for?
Jeff: we're trapped! help!!!!!!!*A small man come forth from the shadows* 
man: who are you? you know, I can't possibly let you ruin my escape.
Rae: Merlin! it's me, Rae. and these are my friends Ivy, Jeff and protus. will you let us out?
Merlin: oh! it's you! well, i'm escaping, and you will not be allowed to ruin it.
Protus: I'll get us out. changes into a boa-constrictor and wraps 
herself around the bars. but to no avail. changes into naga form* These aren't made of steel 
or somthing like that. i can't get through.
Merlin: Ha Ha Ha.. of course not, I made them of magic. are you trying to get out of 
this hell hole too? well, since you have a shape changer with you, you may come along.


A.E. Luna 

Chapter 55

*Dimension B's royalty are on their thrones.*
Emperor Elmo: How did they escape?
Guard: Those people have some WEIRD companions. One could change shape, and one co-
Aeris02: We don't care about those details. You're getting the bubble bath treatment 
for the rest of the week.
Guard: NOOOO! Anything but that!
Aeris02: Keep it up and you'll get another week! *Black Phantom bursts through the doors and he looks pissed*
B. Phantom: Your majesty, I would like to travel to Dimension A.
Emperor Elmo: What is the purpose of this trip?
B. Phantom: There are two main reasons. The first is to capture that time-traveling chocobo.
Aeris02: Yes, we could use some help on that.
B. Phantom: The second purpose is to eliminate the mirror images of the Royalty and myself.
Emperor Elmo: And just HOW do you expect to do that? Our ways of torture are useless against them.
B. Phantom: Ah, but I've done considerable research on this. The reason those brats that escaped 
lived so long is that our version of torture is their version of pleasure. If what 
I've tested on Oliver is accurate, then the vice versa must be true.
Aeris02: You mean pleasure for us is torture for them?
B. Phantom: Exactly. 
Oliver has already wiped out a good deal of memory from my mirror, White Wizard. 
He now wears my clothing and idiotically goes under the name Bert. All that needs to be done from here is to wipe them out before 
Wizard realizes his potential.
Emperor Elmo: Very well. I grant you access to the Omega Gate. 
It is the only way in and out of this place without using magic. I trust, then, 
that your DoubleBlade has been refined to the maximum "pleasure"?
B. Phantom: I also have a few surprises ahead for them. If they thought they had problems BEFORE,
they'll regret sending their friends to this place.
Aeris02: Very well. But remember, we've already lost one warrior thanks to their skills. You're the best assassin we have. DON'T underestimate their abilities.
B. Phantom: They'll more than likely underestimate how long it will take 
to destroy me! Good day, Empress, Emperor. *B. Phantom leaves.*
Aeris02: Get someone to follow him. Phantom and Wizard must not learn 
of what we have done to them.
Emperor Elmo: As you wish, my devilish darling. *Calls a regiment of soldiers to him* 
Your duty is to make sure Wizard never makes it out of Dimension B! NOW MOVE! *Regiment leaves.*
}To Be Continued{ 


Chapter 56 (Flashbacks for the flipside)

*Merlin is sat by the fire with the rest.*
Merlin: We'll leave at first light tomorrow morning.
A.E Ivy: What if they find us?
Merlin: Nah, I've lived down here for years underneath the palace, no-one ever checks this place.
A.E Ivy: Why not?
Merlin: It's too comfortable, they're way of thinking is a little... different than ours.
A.E Ivy: You're telling me, where is this place anyway?
Proteus and Rae speak at the same time
P & R: The flipside
A.E Ivy: Where? 
Merlin: Dimension #101-B. Are you aquainted with the works of Uncle Elmo?
A.E Ivy: You say he's behind all this?
Merlin: Sort of, you see you can't get good without bad, 
balance y'see. So when Elmo created narrative causiality this place 
sprang up as a sort of balance to the goodness.
A.E Ivy: That makes about no sense whatsoever.
Merlin: Common sense got thrown out the window when this place was created. 
That's what Oliver says anyway.
A.E Ivy: Oliver? 
Merlin: Head of the C.O.A, the anti-imperial resistance 
movement, well at least he was until they kidnapped him and cleared his memory, 
he works for the Emporer now. 
Proteus: Which emporer is in charge?
Merlin: Elmo.
Proteus: That fool?! I thought JMC or perhaps Seige but not that idiot!
Merlin: It was because of his creation of the Omega gate. 
He learned to bend Narrative 
causiality to his will and open a gateway to Dimension #101-A. It's 
the only way out of here unless you're a magic user. 
A.E Ivy: So that's where we're heading tomorrow?
Merlin: Yep. 
A.E Ivy: Proteus
Proteus: Yes?
A.E ivy: What was this place like 200 years ago?
Proteus: Emporer Otsider was in charge, totally unsited to the job, 
he was noble and beneavolent. They called him "The Tyrant". I Tried to 
lead the C.O.A against him but I failed and was thrown in that dungeon until you found me.


The group is asleep but Elmo is woken up.
there's a slight pink flash then.....

Aerith: Elmo? Uncle Wake up.,
Elmo: Ursfgl.... wha?
Aerith: Shhh..... I have news to tell you
Elmo: (whispering) and? what is it?
Aerith: The Omega gate is opening, I fear the flipside may be staging an invasion again. your friend Ivy was one of the first to be taken, the rest are in grave danger.
Elmo: What can I do about it?
Aerith (rolls her eyes): You need to combat the emporer.
Elmo: That twat? He's scared of feather dusters.
Aerith: You need to go to the Flipside and combate the Emporer.
Elmo: Alone?
Aerith: You may take Aeris01 with you if you wish but you know how dangerous it is...
Elmo: Yes, yes I get the picture. When should I go.
Aerith: No time like the present.
(THere's a flash and Elmo is gone)

*In Dimension #101-B*
Emporer Elmo: I Can;'t Believe how gullible he is! 
Aeris02:He's half the man you are my love.
Emporer Elmo: This time, there's no more Mr nice guy! 


Uncle Elmo 

Chapter 57 

in sector #101 or whatever, where we left the story last...

Merlin:Let's get some sleep y'all, big day tommorow, plus i'll gonna have 
ta do some magic so i need the sleep...
Proteus:yeah we should get to sleep...

Narrator:As the group sleeps--
Merlin:Dude, shutup! we're trying to sleep!

*Next Day...*
Merlin:Ahhh, what a good night sleep, bad dream, but hey good sleep.
Proteus:Let's get a move on...
A.E.Ivy:yeah, we better...

Narrator:As the group sets off to escape...
the people from 
the other demension have already entered their demension, 
and are right above them on the next floor...ready to leap out and kill at anytime...



Chapter 58

*"Bert" has walked away from the group as is poised to strike at a deer. 
Suddenly, Black Phantom appears from behind.*
B. Phantom: Amazing...*Bert turns*they made you exactly like me.
Bert: Who are you?
B. Phantom: The name is Black Phantom, and I'm about to give you pain you'll never know! 
*Begins assaulting Bert*
Bert: Ooo, that tickles!
B. Phantom: Wha? It doesn't work? Something is wrong. *stabs Bert*
Bert: Even better. Can you get my back? It's kinda sore.
B. Phantom: What the hell has this kid been on? *Princess Ditzyhick arrives*
Princess: What the hell...two Berts?
B. Phantom: Damnit! Omega Gate, open now! *A formation similar to the 
Omega letter shows up.* Uncle Elmo, I'll get your bloody ass if it's the 
last thing I do! We'll finish this another time, Wizard. *B. Phantom leaves through the gate*
Princess: You okay, Bert?
Wizard: That goon called me Wizard. Black Phantom....blank Wizard...
Princess: What are you thinking?
W. Wizard: I know who I am now! White Wizard, defector of Dimension 101-B! 
I gotta get Black Phantom before he gets back to the emperor. I hate to disrespect 
you like this...*kisses Princess on the lips*Hopefully I'll return and help the rest. 
Take this. *Hands her a ring* It's called the Epsilon Key. One of the four keys. 
Find the Beta and Gamma keys, for Phantom has the Delta. *enters gate*
Princess: Why do the stupid ones always have to be nice?
*to be continued* 


chapter 59

A.E. Ivy was flying through the now painfully familiar corridors. M
erlin had been taking them...Wait a seccond, who's Merlin?
She was being led through the labrynth to somewhere important. This is important. Why?
Suddenly, Ivy was flying to a dead end. She stopped. These corridores were unfamiliar. 
Had there been familiar ones? I don't remember.
The stone wall in from of her was jade insted of the slate gray, Imprinted upon 
it was a beautiful tesselation made completely of triangles. In the center, 
a large,raised triangle of marble interupted the tesselation. At each point an 
exquisitely cut jewel was set: sapphire, ruby , and yellow citrine. IN the center was a diamond. 
The ruby flared to life, hurting Ivy's eyes. Then the citrine lighted up, followed by rhe sapphire. 
Finally, the lights drained into the diamond. The white light dominated everything 
and A.E. Ivy was obliterated.

Protus: WAAAAHH!!!
Merlin: HeHeHe. Sush Up!!!!!
A.E. Ivy: *Gulp* Sorry, I...had a dream. Is there a place like...*
ivy explained the wall,which was all she could remember*
Merlin:Well, yes. I'm unsure how to get there, though.
A.E.Ivy:How unsure? This is important, WE HAVE TO GO!!!
Jeff:But we'll get lost!! This place is huge.
Amber: Ivy, if you really want to do this, sacrifice your coat. Unravel it, 
and leave a string trail.
Ivy: I love my coat, but this is important.
So they went, 
leaving the string trail. sometimes Merlin didn't know which way and ivy would say "Maybe this way." 
She was always right.
Ivy:This is it!! It's my dream. Now what? OH! I remember!
*Ivy steped up and touched first the ruby, then the citrine, 
and finally the sapphire. They lit up,and they started to drain into the diamond*
Merlin:It's a trap!!! IVY!!!
*Ivy touched the diamond, and the light flared, then died. slowly, the wall swung open 
to reveal an altar. Floating in midair, spinning above the altar, was a key with a triangular handle.*
Ivy: The...The Delta Key...
Merlin: you're right how id you know?
Ivy: I don't know *she takes the key*


A.E. Ivy 

Chapter 60

*Phantom lands on top of the Emperor's palace. A bit of alterations have happened since he last arrived.*
Phantom: Well, at least things can't get any worse. I'll just use the Delta Key to....
wait a minute! Someone stole my key! That's it! I gotta obtain the Beta or Gamma keys.
*Runs into a guard's spear*OOOOWWW! What the hell are you doing? You lace that 
with bubble bath liquid?
Guard: Sir, it's a normal spear.
Phantom: Eh? Something's matter. *Begins to float toward the Beta Key. Wizard appears*
Wizard: Not so fast, Phantom. *Phantom twirls*
Phantom: Oh shut up Bert. You're no match fo-*Wizard wings an energy ball at Phantom, who gets injured.*OWCH! How exactly did you get down here?
Wizard: The point is, your hidden Delta Key has now been taken from you. That means it's time to claim the remaining two.
Phantom: You may be able to lay claim to the Epsilon Key, but I'll make sure I get the Beta Key. Then I'll destroy you for the remaining keys.
Wizard: Sonic Warp! *Wizard flies off to a hidden dungeon. Four inscriptions are placed 
on a stone wall. Wizard puts his hand in the green one, then fires a thunderbolt into the 
yellow. He lights the red inscription on fire and freezes the blue. The four
 separate to reveal the key with an E on it.*Excellent. Three of the four 
keys are now in our possession. Now, it's a matter of how to con the big boss out of the Beta Key. *grabs the key and is about 
to leave when he runs into the group in Dimension 101B.*

*To Be Continued* 


chapter 61

while the white wizzard and teh black phantom face ti off in dememton 101b, 
teh other group finds Princess Ditzyhick n a daze.
Deuce: Princess? are you ok? is there anything we can do?
PJ: what happened?
Princess D.: This guy came, and he..*stary eyed look**sigh* 
started talking to Bert, but he isn't bert, but he realized he was someone 
else and then theweird guy goes off into this gate thing...uh, Omega gate! 
and then Bert gave me a ring *holds up her hand, has the sign for epsilon on it* and then he kissed me and ran after the other guy who looks just like him.
Alucard: Ditz and Bert, sittin in a tree...
Deuce, warten and Alucard: K..I..S..S..I..N..G..
Luna: Stop that guys! *tries to hide a snigger*
Raistlin: hey yall, i'm worried bout the chocobos, can i go back? please?
Luna: oh, yeah. Remember though..No Nuts! *pulls out bubble soulution 
and blows humongeous bubble* 
Uncle Elmo: good idea. make sure to contact TR if anything weird happens. *Raistlin blows 
into luna's chocobo stables, which contain 6 neon polka dotted chocobos*
Raistlin: Finaly, i'm back where i know how to do somthing. 
*madam evil appears in a cloud of smoke*
M. Evil: hello there...

A.E. Luna 

Chapter 62

*White Wizard glares at Ivy and Jeff*
W. Wizard: If you think you're gonna defeat me for the key, you got another thing coming.
Ivy: What? I thought YOU were after OUR key!
Jeff: No matter, we'll gladly take it from your slimy hands.
W. Wizard: Just because I was born here does NOT mean I'm allied with that excuse 
of an e--did you say you have a key?
Ivy: Yeah, where have YOU been?
W. Wizard: Let me see. *Ivy holds the key up*I can't believe it. You've gotten the Delta Key!
Jeff: You know about this?
W. Wizard: These are basically our way of life! There's four of them: Beta, Gamma,
 Delta, and Epsilon. What I thought was Epsilon is really the Gamma key. I'm curious, though. How did you get the key from Phantom?
Ivy: Hold on a second! We thought YOU were Phantom!
W. Wizard: Damn! I still have these bloody clothes on. *twirls as his outfit c
hanges from black to white* That's better. Now, Epsilon is with Ditzyhick. 
That means that the Beta Key is the only one left.
Merlin: Then what are we waiting for? Let's blast out of here!
W. Wizard: No! We MUST get the Beta Key. Once we do, we can seal the Omega
 Gate and prevent anyone else from escaping.
*Meanwhile, back at the palace*
B. Phantom: I don't understand what is going on! The man is supposed to be an A-Type.
 So why am I not being affected like a B-Type?
Aeris02: It's a spell they cast on you. The properties are reversed.
B. Phantom: Sire, I need the fourth key. I will NOT let it into enemy hands.
Emperor Elmo: Very well. *hands Phantom a key with a B at the top*
 Be forewarned, if you lose this time, you will never hear the end of it!
B. Phantom: Yes Sir! 


Chapter 63

Narrator: TR received a call from Raistlin, but he arrives on the scene too late.

TR: Raistlin? I heard your call. Raistlin? *TR notices neon feathers* What? 
*TR picks up broken pendent* ME? Why would someons have a ME pendent? Oh! Wait!!
 Madam Evil! She's kidnapped Raistlin and the chocobos!! I have to tell the others!
 *TR pops off to where the group is...

In demention 101-b... 
Ivy: The guy who has the Beta key is from this demention, right? So he's weak in ours. 
If we could get him to come to us in our demention... 
W.Wizard: No good. He wouldn't come himself. He'd send his minions.
Ivy: Oh. But, how do we get out of this stupid dungeon?? It's so confusing! It'll take too long!
W.Wizard: Well, it would be easier to go throught the Omega gate and come back through
 at another spot... I think.
Ivy:Let's do it!

They pop back into demention 101-a. Upon arriving...

Jeff: Luna will know where we are! Remember?
Ivy: Oh, yea!! Yes!!!!
*As soon as this was said, Luna and the gang bubble on in.*
Luna, Princess, Warteen and Alucard: We're glad to see you all!
Deuce: Yea!
TR: Raistlin and the chocobos have been kidnapped!
Merlin, Proteus, and Amber: Who?
Ivy and Jeff: Raistlin! Remember? We told you! And the chococbos!
TR: By Madam Evil!
Princess: We have to rescue him!
W.Wizard:No, our first priority is the key!
Luna:But the Big Chocobo said...
Ivy: That ALL of us are needed!
W.Wizard:Oh, all right!!
*The group heads off to Madam Evil's HQ*

B.Phantom:Oh! What a fool! All of the other three keys in the same place!
 How easy he's made it for me! I'll be waiting for them...

A.E. Ivy 

Chapter 64

*B Phantom runs into the rest of the group on accident*
Phantom: WELL Well well....look who's back. Glistening whitey and all his friends! 
Take some time in our pleasure! *stabs Wizard, but Wizard isn't phased* What the hell?
 For the last time, someone tell me what's going on! 
Wizard: I'll take that. *grabs the Beta key from Phantom*
Phantom: DAMN YOU! THat's my only way back into my world!
Wizard: Wrong. Your world doesn't exist anymore. *tosses him into the gate*
Ivy: NOW what do we do?
Uncle Elmo: Well, the most LOGICAL thing to do would be to find that chocobo!
Wizard: That's what I've been trying to tell you morons the entire time. 
The four keys open the gate to the Chocobo's home land. If we put all the keys into the
 four slots...
Emperor Elmo: HOLD IT! *E. Elmo and Aeris02 arrive.*
Wizard: Well if it isn't Emperor El-Retardo!
E. Elmo: Wrong move. *splashes Bubblebath over Wizard, who starts freaking out
.*If anyone is to get that chocobo it will be ME! Phantom failed me before, and I won't let 
you fail me again. OPEN THE GATE!
Luna: Hell no.
Aeris02: While you are down here you answer to us. Now give us the keys!
Jeff: Whacha wanna do, ya gonna hit me? *Aeris02 hits him*OW! Why'd you do that?
Aeris02: And to think, Phantom had actually hit on something.*weilds a sword*
 Normally I pleasure my servants with this, but it's going to find a more practical use in YOU!
 *all but Ditzyhick is able to avoid it. Wizard sees this and is enraged*
Wizard: Spirits of the untold world, your voices torn, your masses whirrled,
 revenge is at the stroke of you, add my part and times it by THIRTYTWO!!! *a HUMONGOUS
 bolt of lightning strikes Aeris02 and E. Elmo. The blast fries them both to a crisp.*
Merlin: How did you do that?
Wizard: Where as your souls go to heaven, the souls of this world can't go anywhere
 without permission from the great ones. Now that they are fried, they can pass on gently.
Warteen: Enough of your bullshit. We need to get Raistlin! Come on!
 *all but Wizard start to head toward the gate, but Warteen notices Wizard stays put.*
 Oh Jesus Christ of Wicca, don't tell me I hurt the poor bastard's feelings! Crybaby Wizard,
 sitting in a tree. Playing with himself like himself could be. First comes spooge, then comes
 Gas, then comes--
Wizard: a fireball right up your ass!!
Warteen: Huh? *a volcano starts to form underneath, setting Warteen's clothes on fire.
 He tries the stop-drop-roll technique.*
Wizard: Oh, did I forget to mention that Stop-Drop-Roll makes flames WORSE down here
. *By this time Warteen is freaking out and jumps into the river of oil.*
Proteus: You idiot! You'll set the river ablaze!
Wizard: He won't. Ironically, oil down here is like water in Elmo's dimension.
Ditzyhick: Let's just find Raistlin before anything ELSE goes wrong!
 *the group heads on their journey, Warteen running behind, to find Raistlin and the 



Ch. 65

 *The group runs on to where Wizard says Raistlin is being held captive...*
 Wizard: What the...? This is NOT it! Some powerful force is throwing off my bearings! 
 Deuce: Hmmmmmm... A tomb.... What do you think...? *Deuce goes to open the tomb*
 Wizard: NO!! Are you stupid? Oh, wait, that's a dumb question...
 Princess, Ivy and Luna: HEY!!! 
 Wizard: Oh, sorry... A very powerful being is imprisoned there, I think.
 It would be foolishness to release it...
 PJ: But, yo, like, it could be good, ya know? Just try it. You can handle whatever it is, right?
 Merlin and Alucard: With OUR help he can! 
 Deuce: But, how do we open it? It's locked!
Jeff: Lemme see.... Hey... Look at this! It looks like the shapes of the keys!!!
 Proteus: Yeah, so? 
 Ivy: Maybe that's the lock...
 Luna:...and if we put the keys in there....
 Uncle Elmo: It'll open!
 TR: And release a horrible monster!
 PJ: Like, no way!
 Wizard: This is still foolishness...
 Ivy: Who cares?? *grabs keys and fits them in the slots*
 *Light shimmers over keys, creates a halo around the lid of the tomb. The tomb slides
 open, and a woman floats out. She
 has tringles tatooed all over her body, and she wears trinagle jewelery.*
 Woman: I am The Delta Lady, Bringer of Great Changes. I will need these 
for my work. *Floats the keys to surround
 her* I have no need of you. I will bring about the Great Change. But, since you 
brought me bakc, you can persuade me to
 do good or bad. However, know that the decision is mine, and you can do
 nothing to stop my Changes.

      A.E. Ivy
Chapter 66

 Raistlin: So, are you this madame evil I keep hearing about?
 M. Evil: yes
 Raistlin: ok 


Chapter 67

Shadow: You're that Delta Lady, right?
Delta Lady: Yes.
Shadow: Cool. 


Chapter 68

 *White Wizard reacts*
W. Wizard: Wait a minute...did you say that they were immortal?
 Delta Lady: You're not helping.
 W. Wizard: Maybe I'm not, but you just did. There's only one place 
I know where they can be immortal, but only a few can access it.
Elmo: What are you talking about?
 W. Wizard: You of all people should know this, Elmo. It's the DreamScape!
Delta Lady: The DreamScape?
W. Wizard: Bear with me, it's the first time details of the place have ever went
 public. In that realm, no time exists. You
never age, you never get disease, and you never fade away! I've taken a 
few visits myself, and the landforms are  amazing. But the last time I was there, four 
individuals were being put in prison. The fifth had yet to be found. My guess
is that your immortals are in the DreamScape.
Luna: And how exactly do you know this?
W. Wizard: Because that's the only place where people can become immortal, 
if only for a bit.
Warteen: I say we split up. Luna and Ivy can take our world,Elmo and Ditzyhick will
 take the B dimension, Wizard alone
can investigate the DreamScape, and the rest of us split up and join the other two parties.
W.Wizard: Leaving me by myself. Good going, man. you do 
realize we're down one chapter.*Spirals into the
DreamScape while the rest head to different parts of space.*
Delta Lady: I don't like the looks of this....I think it's time the two work together.
*B. Phantom lands in front of her, but
spirals into the DreamScape*


        Chapter 69

Delta Lady:Wait a minute!I've got someone to elp you upon your quest!
Que big effects.
A boy in a Snowsuit appears.
Tom Cosmo:Hi!I'm Tom Cosmo.I'm super intelligent,brilliant at writing and I eat alot.
Warteen:Even more than me?
Tom Cosmo:Yes.
Luna:So which party are you going with?
Tom Cosmo:I don't give a d*mn
Elmo:Well he's not ocming with me.
W.Wizard:Well,guess that means he'll be comign along with me.
Tom Cosmo:Cool,Fantasy land!
Tom Cosmo:OK

So,Tom Cosmo has joined the team.What will happen nexT?

       Tom Cosmo
  Chapter 70
Ivy: What now? After this, only one chapter left!! We'll never get back in time!
Jeff:Sure we will!
Warteen:Yeah, I mean... Well, uh, this'll be a long chapter!
Luna: Oh, right... Like anyone writes THOSE anymore... Ooops...

Narrator: Shut UP! You can't let them KNOW.... Uh-oh... *ahem* and here we  find the Æ 
sisters and their companions hot on the trail...
Ivy: Do you guys see anything?
Warteen: Nope. 
Luna: Well, of course not! You're looking into the sun! Noqw then... Yes! I know!! 
Red Dwarf!! That's it!!
 Jeff: What??
 Ivy: Oh, yeah! The stasis chambers! He may be there!
 Narrator: So, the team travels through time, going to the future ship of Red Dwarf,
 just before the explosion that killed
 the crew members.
 *Ivy and Luna check the stasis chambers* Ivy and Luna: Let's see... There's Lister...
 Ivy: I always wanted to meet him! *sigh* Look, over here!
*Goes to chamber 4 chambers down* This is he... 
Narrator: They look inside to see a waking man in stasis, whereas chronicals state 
only Lister was.
Jeff: Uh, so who is he?
Ivy: Look! A name tag! Delrey! Yay!!

Narrator: With one chapter left, the team heads home with their prize.


       A.E. Ivy


  Chapter 71
*White Wizard and Cosmo arrive on the twisted DreamScape. Landmasses keep changing
 in front of them.*
 Cosmo: SO where do we look first, genius?
  W. Wizard: Allow me. *pulls out a flute.*
  Cosmo: Okay, how is THAT supposed to help us? *Wizard blows into it with a c-e-g-f-c tone.
  Another Wizard comes
 forward, but different clothing. He has JMC marked on his arm.* Oh.
 JMC: Glad to see you again, Wizard.
 Wizard: Likewise, JMC. Where are those four criminals you were taking to the prison
 last time I was here?
 JMC: Ah, you mean Delmarthus, Nishadie, Cristagni and Fusidon. They're still isofrozen,
 but they're DreamScape property.
 Wizard: Let's just say that I need those four chambers to save this place.
 JMC: Great. You better know what you're doing.
 Wizard: You better believe it. *to communicator*Elmo! I got the immortals.
 Warteen (from communicator): Yeah right. Go to hell, asshole. *Cosmo grabs the
Cosmo: Warteen, you're the asshole! We have the four people, isofrozen even,
 and you refuse to help us! This is the last chapter we got! Now either you get here 
and help us, or I'll make you regret this if the Delta Lady doesn't first!
 Elmo (from communicator): Cosmo? Fine, we believe you. 
We just thought Wizard was trying for our attention again.
Voice: Makes you wish you never teamed up with anyone, doesn't it?
 *A black form appears. It's Phantom's voice, but
the appearance is different.* Don't be worried. I've gotten out of the emperor's control. 
The name's Shadow now.
Wizard: Well, good to see you, Shadow.
Shadow: Spare the petty talk. Let's get these four to the Delta Lady, and fast. 
*the three begin to move the
isochambers. Suddenly, Warteen, Elmo, and Ditzyhick arrive.* 
Bout time you three showed up.
 Warteen: You'd better be lucky I don't kill you right now.
Wizard: Then you'd have to deal with me again. Shadow's on our side now, 
so I'd appreciate a bit of TEAMWORK
from now on! *Warteen gets a scared
expression on his face and starts to help again.* To the Delta Lady! *All six are
wrapped in color with the IsoChambers and appear in front of the Delta Lady.*
Elmo: We have Delmarthus, Nishadie, Cristagni and Fusidon. 
*Ivy and Luna appear with Delney*
Ivy: And we have the fifth one!
Luna: So do what you need to from here. *All of the party looks on at the Delta Lady
 and wonders whether she plans to keep her end of the deal.*




  chapter 72

Delta Lady: Very nice. I thank you for helping me in my revenge. Now i no
 longer need to destroy the other worlds. I shal only destroy those I have a vendeta against.
 *glares at her prisoners*
Delray: Please! we never meant to trap you! It was all an accident.....*starts crying*
FUsidon: Yeah... it was all the others fault. 
Then, they thought they could escape unscathed, so didn't take the
precaution of going to a time-irrelevant world. We are also victims who..
Delta Lady: Be quiet! It matters not who instigated my imprisonment then. 
You will die now. *Delta lady gathers energy and throws a spirit bomb at the unfortunate
 former immortals.*
*turning to the group* Now you will leave me while I re-establish myself in this time 
and place. Call me if there is any
need for me. *sweeps hand across the screan and the party drops onto the steps of 
Madam Evil's secret hideout.

       A.E. Luna

  Chapter 73

Ivy: Wow, I guess this is Madam Evil's Headquarters.
Warteen: How can you tell? 
Ivy: The neon flashing sign that says "Madam Evil HQ" was a tip-off.
 Warteen: Oh, yeah, I knew that.
Protis: What do we do now?
Shadow: Charge in there and rescue whoever needs rescueing and put Madam
 Evil out of the picture.
Elmo: No, too rash. She's pretty powerful. Why don't we just concentrate
on a stealthy rescue? 
W. Wizard: Nah, just kill Madam Evil. That'll solve all of the problems regarding this.
PJ: Let's take a vote!
Alucard: Will you stop that!
PJ: No!
Ivy: Will you stop it with the Clue quotations? 
PJ and Alucard: No!
Princess: I've got a plan...
Luna: Oh! A plan! And with the success of previous plans coming spontaniously from 
a randomly chosen character, I say we listen to her!
Princess: All right, here's the plan...
Narrator: Meanwhile, at Madam Evil's hideout...
Raistlin: No more, please! I can't take the stupidity!
Madam Evil: Mwaheehaheehahee! *puts on video for Raistlin, taping his eyes open.
It's a 24 hour marathon of Pokemon, Barney, Care Bears, and a 3 hour special on the 
Shopping Channel for furbies and Pokemon cards* 
Raistlin: NOOOOOOO!!!! AHHHHHH!!!
Madam Evil: Stop yelling, I can't hear! This is the one where Ash finds Charmander!
 *gags Raistlin* I'll stop when you tell me how to get the time-traveling chocobo!
Raistlin: M'mm mmmm mmm!! (Translation: I'll tell you!! But Madam Evil cannot understand 
Madam Evil: Just as I thought! Hope you enjoy the marathon!! 


       A.E. Ivy

Chapter 74
*As the group is about to start the plans, W. Wizard heads in the direction 
opposite where the rest are going. Elmo spots this and rushes to him.*
Elmo: And just WHERE do you thing you-*Wizard punches Elmo in the face.
The rest of the group is shocked at this and rushes to Elmo.*
Warteen: Why'd you do that? Good gravy, you're worse than Aeris02!
W. Wizard: You're gonna get the same treatment if you don't shut up.
Luna: Alright, what exactly is going on here?
W. Wizard: I no longer have a reason to be here.
Ivy: What about Raistlin? We still gotta--
W. Wizard: Wrong. YOU still have to get him. I no longer want to socialize with  a group
that doesn't want my talents.
PJ: Where do you get the impression that we....wait a minute.
 Elmo, does this have anything to do with the Dreamscape or 101-B?
Warteen: I say he should go. We really don't need him.
Princess: I think I'm starting to see where half the problems are coming from.
 Elmo and Warteen, both of you have
acted against Wizard since the moment he joined us. Now that I could understand.
 But until now all he's been to us is  help. And yet you've refused to help him?
 Elmo: You don't know the half of it!
Jeff: Really....cause I could sure use a history lesson.
Elmo: The man has threatened my lover on more than one occassion.
W. Wizard: Oh please. You think I'm gonna try to threaten that slut? I don't think so.
Elmo: That's it. This just became personal. *Elmo and Wizard fight for a while.
 They are still at a distance where Madam Evil can't see them. As much as Elmo tries,
 his magick is nothing compared to Wizard's speed and skill at
Proteus: Okay, I've had it with you two! Just cut out the fighting and work together!
 *Both stop the fighting. But when Elmo has his back turned, Wizard hits him with a
Thundara spell, shocking Elmo and draining his energy* YOU IDIOT!
W. Wizard: And for the record....*creates a spiralshaped force and shoots it toward the towers.
 A blast comes from one of the towers, and the voices are heard.*
Raistlin: More Pokemon! More! MORE!!!!!
Madame Evil: What the hell is going on? *The ever-so-ugly Madame Evil leans out 
the window and spots......Emperor
Elmo! He is STILL after the White Wizard and heading toward her castle
.*SOOOOO...that's the freak that threw the
bolt. Well, I'll cut him short a notch! *the castle and the land around it cuts and starts 
levitating.It cuts just before E. Elmo can reach the part of land where the others are on. 
The castle is now a good 15 feet off the ground.*
Shadow: What was that about you leaving? *Elmo laughs and is the victim of another 
THundara spell by Wizard* Let's  wait here till we start the plan. *Wizard runs toward the
 castle* Does he ever listen?
 Ivy: I think he's trying to be the distraction!
 Elmo: I hope he gets himself killed.
 Warteen: You and me both, Elmo....

{To Be Continued} 


Chapter 75

Narater:Madem Evil looks out of her HQ trying to 
work out what is happoning.
Madem Evil: I saw some flashes, Thundra spell?
Rastin:*Softly and mecanicly* Prepare for troble
Madem Evil: Arrr are you ready to tell me where to time travliling Chocobo is?
Rastin: Make that doble
Madem Evil: Where have you hidden the TT chococbo!
Rastin: *More confidently* Stop interuping me! To protect the world from deverstation!
To unite all peoples in our nation!
Do denonce the Evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Team rocket are blasting of at the speed of light!
Madem Evil: I think thats enouth pokemon for you my
dear Rastlin. Shall we move on to Barrny
Rastlin: Who's Rastlin I'm James of teem Rocket!
Madem Evil: NO you Rastlin and you going to tell me were the TT chocobos are.
Rastlin: Surender now or prepare to fight!
Madem Evil: You realy think you James don't you.
Rastlin: What are you talking about I am James 
*With a flick of his wrist he sends a small ball at Madem Evil* Go Cofing 
*Nothing hapens* What have you done to Cofing.
Madem Evil:*Turns away from Rastlan.* Who evers down
there realy needs to be taught a lesson.*Takes a small bag 
with "Not barf" writen on it a chuckes it out of the
window. Go Barf Mahahahahaha.

AE Ivy: Good luck Warteen, Good luck Elmo. Well try
 and get up there our selves.
*The bag lands*
Alucard: *Looks in the bag* Hay the bags a lie... *Barf starts to crawl out* YOU!
Barf: Hello farther. You know time travle dose funny things, 
To your perspecive I have only just been thrown out 
for hell yet I have been here as Madem Evils bodyguard 
for many years. I have learnt many new things like 
this... *Grows to the size of a houce*. Now I shall 
have my revenge...


That's it for that. don't forget to look at the charachter bio's, if you want to know more about individual charachters.