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Beautiful nurse Ling Ling

Ling Ling Hsu is the Daughter of bio-technology pioneer Dr. Hsu and the famous author Feiffer. She was born in Yellow River City, and has one older sister. After her father died in an "accident", his brain was placed inside the megamaton he created, Goriki. Ling Ling soon after became a nurse in order to try to save her father. The Phantom Knight, manipulated Ling Ling, making her believe he could save her father if she cooperated with him. After discovering the "Steam Snatcher", who haunts the nightime Steam City Streets stealing people's blood is actually Goriki, Narutaki confronts the Phantom Knight and saves Ling Ling and Goriki from his clutches. The two of them soon after become important members of the Narutaki Detective Agency.

Ling Ling is 16 years old. She enjoys drinking tea, taking baths, reading and collecting small antiques.

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