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The Characters of Tenchi Muyo

Masaki Tenchi
The young man for which the entire series revolves. Tenchi lost his mother Achika when he was very young. But now he has a whole harem of adoring alien women who can't leave him alone for five minutes. Being the grandson of Prince Yosho, Tenchi has inherited a command of the Jurai power that surpasses even his grandfathers'. Too bad he can't really control it.

Princess Ayeka
First Princess of Jurai, Ayeka is regal and aloof. And, also prone to fits of jealousy that tend to have "consequences and repecussions"

Washu's second "child," Ryoko was made by combining Washu's eggs with a lifeform called "Mass." Ryoko has been alternatingly called a demon, space pirate and just a nasty woman. When Ryoko is feeling "catty" she has a cat's tail that pops out.

Another Washu creation, Ryo-Ohki was made by combining Washu's eggs with a mineral-based lifeform. Hence the reason she can transform from a furry little thing into a spaceship.

Kuramistu Mihoshi
Granddaughter of the Galaxy Police Grand Marshall, Mishoshi far excells in scatterbrainedness and klutzitude. Somehow she does manages to solve a case, once in awhile.

Princess Sasami
Sasami is Ayeka's little sister, and a wiz in the kitchen. She also frequently gets involved in girlhood "coming of age" type adventures.

Hakubi Washu
Self-proclaimed super-genius and greatest scientist of all time. Washu is good in the lab, if not a bit over-zealous sometimes. Unlike the anime, the manga shows that Washu actually has quite some command of the magical arts.

Masaki Katsuhito
AKA Prince Yosho of Jurai, Katsuhito is caretaker of the Masaki Shinto shrine and has taught Tenchi all he knows about the Jurai Budo. He was also responsible for imprisoning Ryoko on Earth.

Masaki Noboyuki
Noboyuki joined the Masaki clan when he married Katsuhito's daughter Achika. He is the father of Tenchi an complete and total Otaku for Shoujo Manga.

The supreme bad guy from the first "Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki" OVA, Kagato is toast by the time the manga starts. Although his battle with Tenchi and Co, and the resulting outcome partially shape the first 12 chapters of the manga.

Yakage is the last in a long line of clones of himself. This master craftsman dedicated many lifetimes to perfecting a sword that could keep pace with Jurai's Tenchi-ken.

A dead ringer for Ryoko, Minagi is Yakage's android daughter. She is the one for which Yakage spent countless lifetimes making a sword that could compete with Tenchi-ken.

Kuze & Hakkou
Yakage's guardians. Unlike Azaka & Kamidake, they don't speak japanese but only make bleeping sounds. They are however, very fast and very powerful!

Takahashi Hiwa
Tenchi's childhood friend drops by one day for a visit. And, so begins "The Way We Were" (volume 3, chapters 3-4). Hiwa, while getting food for her pet bird, is struck by a car. While lying in the hospital, the bird offers it's body for Hiwa to use for what may be one last visit to Tenchi.

Takebe Asahi
Daughter of Jurai's master wood carver Takebe Nomori, Asahi is well adept at carving, herself. She is also allergic.

Takebe Nomori
Successor to master carver Houran, Takebe is wrongly accused of murdering his master. He is framed and imprisoned by Tatetsuki.

Houran's other "umworthy" disciple. Tatetsuki is insanely jealous of Takebe, and frames him so that he may take the title of Master Carver for himself. He also has other items on his agenda.

Chief Lord of Yatsuka, Ohsa is a tyrannt. He enslaves his people and forces them to work in the mines, digging up mysterious ore Hielzen S. He's also a Grade "A" pervert.

A strange but gentle priest that the gang meets on Yatsuka. Gohgei is a childhood friend of Asahi.

descrip coming soon

descrip coming soon

descrip coming soon

Additional Characters from Magical Girl Pretty Sammy Sidestory

Amano Misao
Sasami's shy and timid best-friend. She also has an alter-ego...

Pixy Misa
Using Misao's body as a vehicle, Ramia turns her into the magical girl Pixy Misa

Ramia is second in line for the throne of Jurai-helm, right after Tsunami. So she is constantly trying to sabotage her in order to take the throne.

Ramia's younger brother. He is under-appreciated and ends up having to pick up after his big sister constantly.