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M Y I S  S I T E  D I A R Y- A p r i l

April 29: Update 2: Hiya again. I just watched the new episode "My Sister's Keeper," and it was SPECTACULAR!! That's gotta be on my top 3 favorite episodes. Man, I just love those guys! *hugs Taichi and Koushiro plushies* And Tai was so kawaii in this episode, but the best thing about this episode was the flashbacks. They were so sad... Now I understand why Tai loves Kari so much. I got SO mad when their mom slapped Tai in the face. How dare she? I mean, I can understand why she'd get so bent out of shape, but there's no excuse of hitting your child in the face! Don't you think he's devastated enough about what happened to his sister?Oh, and Kari! She keeps getting sick, don't you notice that? Anyways, I just love her. Always thinking of other people... How considerate. It probably broke Taichi's heart when she said that thing when she came back from the hospital. It broke mine. And Taichi cried... HE cried. *wails* How sensitive... *hugs Taichi plushie* But did you REALLY have to do that to Koushiro?? It's like he's Matt... And speaking of that... *snifle* Yama... Where are you! *bawls* Oh gosh, I'm blubbering slash ranting... I'll stop...Okay, now for the REAL update. *wipes away tear* Anyhoo, I added a new wallpaper. *grins* It's PpG. I did that since I have to do a report... =P Bleah. Well, buh bye. I congratuate myself for taping today's episode. *is VERY happy* All it needed was a pinch of Mimi and Jyou, a dash of Yamato... and 500 CLOVES OF GARLIC!
Update 1: Hey. I told ya I'd update. ^^ It's not as big as I thought it'd be, but at least it's something. The major updates I have would have to be in Say My Name and Seiyuu Appreciation. In SMN, I added results from a very official survey from a very official site on what they think of the name Matt. ^^ Don't take it, or I'll do something real drastic. And in Seiyuu Appreciation, I added an American VA page. It's funny how I actually have stuff of them. They're so mysterious. Anyhoo, I have names of the VAs, plus a couple of pics. DON'T take those too. It took me a long time to find those. I'll do something drastic as well. And for the minor updates, I have updated the pages 'Cutie Quotes' with a whole bunch of quotes from recorded Eps I've been watching since I was sick, 'Why Yamato?' was updated, also Matt-osis with new symptoms, and Goodies with a note, Miscellaneous, and Links with some new links. There's what's been updated. Also, I have a new main pic down below. I kinda like, it actually. ^^ It's Bubbles from PpG holding her new Yama Plushie, and she really likes it.. ^^ Well, I gotta go now. Bye! *leaves singing "Love Makes the World Go Round"*

April 25: *waddles in the room* Hi there... peoples. I'm kinda sick today. Not kinda, but really. And due to that, I can't get any inspiration or motivation to do anything. Today's been hella boring. And what's really bumming me out is that I can't draw right. My mind's a blank!! That totally bites. So I won't be able to update until about... Friday, which I hope I get better. But until then, I'll TRY to be working behind the scenes on MYIS. I'm hoping to change the main page's layout with a new picture, add s'more fanart, quotes, sections, yadda *yawn* yadda... *droops into chair* yadda... *snore* ZZZzzzZZZ *head drops unto keyboard* rkbjk23ny89n 48tnhv

April 24: Update 2  1/2. ^^;; This isn't really an update, since I just did a few minutes ago, but... I changed my e-mail address for those who want to e-mail me. It's in the disclaimer. Bye bye bye to Hotmail. Well, I must be going. Ta ta! *plays 'Hitch-hiking scene for the 32nd time*Update 2: *eyes light up* *screams hysterically* IT'S HERE!!! It's finally here!! What's here, you say? *clears throat* It's...  THE FAMOUS HITCH-HIKING SCENE WITH YAMA!!  You can go download the 48 second Japanese movie at Megchan's. ^_^ EEE!! I'm so happy. I now have an inspiration for a drawing... *grin*  Oh, I adore that movie sooo much. *sigh* Yama is such a bishounen. And that movie SO proves it. Gah, I think I've just died and gone to heaven... and there are tons of Yamatos everywhere.  You wouldn't believe how much I played that movie! So much that my computer almost froze up. Now, I just wish what they were saying...  Oh, and if you are trying to e-mail me, you can't. The hotmail server is down. -_-Update 1: *hoarse voice* Wazuup!!? Oh, *wipes a tear away* I love saying that. ^_^ Anyways, a much smaller update compared to yesterday's. God, I'm so glad I have Spring Break! Only a week, but hey, it's still a break. I've finally updated the YPAC section. Gasp. I added a new plushie. I think it's pretty kawaii. And I also update the Links section, taking away three of my Link to me banners. The only one left is the nice looking one, which is still kinda crappy. I'll try to make new, better ones. ^_^I'm wondering how long I'm gonna put that 400 Hits/Easter banner on the main page. Hmm... I think I'll take it down sometime this week. Then I'll prolly replace it with a picture I actually like that I made. ^_^ Okay, see ya later.
April 23: Wow, I actually updated the Yamato Info section. What are the odds? Anyways, I put some more basic info up, and I added a section about his crest.I added three new pieces of art in the Fanart section. It's for the the new section called "The Other DigiDestined." Of course, all I have so far are three new pieces of Mimi. ^^;;  In Fanfiction ( put it back up, since I finally got a submission. Yay! ^^) I added a fic called "Digidestined No More" by Cynthia, which I think is a really cool story. *cough* readit... *wheeze* *cough* Ahem. Wooo, got something in my throat there... The oath, the oath, oh the oath. I updated the Oath section, if ya didn't know. ^_^ I added a new stampy thing, added a definition (ooh), and revised the oath a little bit. Seiyuu Appreciation jas been updated. ^_^ I added some statistics of most of the seiyuus. Eee, yay! ^^ ... *sweatdrop* God, I've been watching too much Friends...Goodies has been updated! Yay. I added a new wallpaper called "Brain Freeze," and I THINK I finally came around and fixed the sound file. *crosses fingers* Oh I hope, I hope, I hope...Miscellaneous has also been updated. Wow. Who would have thought of that happening? All I did though was changed submission rules, that's all. I SO updated the Links section! There are a handful of new Yama Links (Yum...) and I added another section towards regular DigiSites. Ooh. Ahh.I also changed the stuff of the week. Yah see, that's the good thing. Everyone knows that I'll update at least once a week because of that. ^^ Well, that's all for the updating. Now... I added a new page! Gasp. *imitates Monica from Friends* I know! ^^ Anyhoo, the new page is called Say My Name, where it shows the meanings of Matt's names. Yes, I know everyone has seen something like that before, but what they haven't seen are my own comments about it! *crickets chirp**sweatdrop* Uh-huh... Anyhoo, I must be going. Oh, and I want you all to know that I'm on Spring Break till next month!! ^_^ So bye bye! ^^
April 19: A very happy birthday to Maeda Ai!  *hoarse voice* Waah-zuuup!?! Ack, am I in a mixed up mood t'day. I have this great idea for a fanfic, and I was making notes of it (during history class. *ahem*) and I left them at school. Gah! Now, I'm nagging myself trying to remember the stuff. =P Oh well, I'll get em tomorrow, I guess... Oh, you want an update, eh? Oh fine. I added a new piccie in the fanart section. That's all. Hey, don't all of you leave! This weekend, I'm prolly gonna make a huge update, due to Spring Break. ^_^ I've got a new ficcie to, from Cynthia. (Thank you Cynthia!! ^^) I'll post that up once I get my fic section back up. ^^;; Well, that's all for now. Buh bye!
April 16: Oooh, major changes here. I deleted the contests, fave pictures, and fanfiction pages for obvious reasons. I don't think that there will be any submissions, you can see those pics everywhere else (and you prolly don't care on what I think of the pics) and that I'm too lazy to make another chapter. If I get some fics, then I'll prolly change my mind. ^_~ Anyhoo, I revised the Fanart page, making it a lot easier to navigate. Mmm.. what else? *thinks* Nothing that I can think of. Oh! And I also changed the stuff of the week. ^_^ Okay, that's all. Well, sayonara!


April 15: 'Sup peoples? I'm just here to get something out of my chest: My website is so %*#*%&@^!!! *sigh* There ya go. ^_^ Somehow, my site is going out of whack, so I'll be revising it for a while. I think I used up too much space. 6 megabytes. Heh heh, whoops. ^^ I'm going to delete the frickin' conests page, and revise the fanart page a bit. Hmmm, what else? Oh yeah, I'm gonna find a way to fix the Matt-osis and other DD Diseases page. The pics won't work. They will. Read below to find out how, otherwise, ta ta!To get 'disease' pics: First, go to Matt-osis page and scroll to bottom. The 'I've been infected with Matt-osis' pic won't work. Then, click on the other DD diseases page, and the pics there won't work. Next, click on your 'back' button to the previous page and you will see that the Matt pic WILL work! Click on the 'forward' button to the other diseases of the DD where you were before and the pics there DO work. So weird... *mumbles* p**c**fcr*p... *stomps*

April 14: Update 2: See, I told you I'd update. ^_^ I fixed some sections, and added a new page all about the seiyuus. Cool, huh? ^_^The Seiyuu Appreciation page will continue to grow. I'm gonna add some info about EACh seiyuu there is, adding pictures, and all that junk. 

Update 1: YEAH! I'm finally home again! *hugs everything in site* Anyhoo, I'm back, and I must admit I would have regretted it if I didn't go. ^_^Right now, I'll go work on some sections. This REALLY isn't an update.  I'm just here to say hi, and to make sure that all of ya know I'm here. Well, so long, and expect a new section soon. ^_~

April 10: Hewwo. ^^ Nothing. Nothing at all, except that I changed the pictures down there. Hey, I'm WAY past 100 hits now. ^_^ Also, changed the stuff of the week too. I have a special announcement too... I won't be updating until the 14th. Wanna know why? Cuz' I'm traveling upstate for a school thing. =P It's gonna be heck!! *screams of agony and sorrow are heard* Good screams, TK. "No problem, Mari-San." Go play with your brother now. *TK runs off* Anyhoo, I'll be back with an update, don't worry. ^_^ I'm working on a very special section that will hopefully come up in a few weeks. Well, til the 14, buh bye! *runs off, following TK*

April 5: Hiya peoples. Isn't it funny that I always start out with a greeting? Huh. Anyhoo, I added a new page. *fanfare* Yeah, everyone's stunned. It's called YPAC. Now, before you go saying "What the heck is that?", go check it out. I'm sure it will amuse some of you. Hmmm, anything else? *thinks deeply* And, I 'updated' the Contests page. Heh, I might as well take it down. All I did was fix a few details and misspellings. And I changed the disclaimer down there a bit. Well, that's all for today. Grr, my counter is evil...*glares at counter*
April 3: Heyo. I'm totally revising the site. I decided to put the big details about updates in the Site Diary page, up there. Here, I'll just tell you what has happened. ^_^ Well, I just wanna tell you that Coming Attractions was moved to a lil separate page cuz it took up too much space here. Let's see, what else... Oh yeah. I added a nice picture of Yamato Ishida and Yamato in the fanart section. Don't get it? You'll see. ^_^ Okay, bye bye now. 


April 5: Hi there peoples! ^_^ Nothing today to tell you the truth. But don't worry, I'm working on some new features. Anyhoo, just wanted to say hi. "Hi." Okay, done! Well, not really... Remember on what I said about putting main details in the Updates page? Well, forget that. I'm just way to lazy to do that. Also, I deleted the Coming Attractions page. It was totally useless, and you'll see what happens anyways. *sarcasm*  I want to keep ya'll surprised and shocked... Also... *looks suspiciously at Hit Counter* Er, I think this is playing games on me. I swear that I had at least 5 hits extra yesterday. *pokes at counter* COUNTER: "Hit me baby one more time!" Um, well bye bye! *runs off*


April 1, 2000: Sorry, no update today... APRIL FOOLS!! Eh, I was just kidding. There are updates today. ^_^ I updated the Quotes, Fanart, Matt-Osis, Goodies, Miscellaneous and Links sections. ^_^ In the Quotes, I put some lil' sayings from 'Out On the Town' and Digi-Bloop that. ^_^ That should entertain you for a while. Next, I updated the Fanart page with more of MY drawings. C'mon peoples, send some stuff in. Anyhoo, there I put new Yama pics and an 'Angel' series, something I'm quite proud of. ^_^ In Matt-Osis, I put up new symptoms and all. In the Goodies section, I put up a wav file and a new wallpaper. ^^ For Misc, I transferred stuff. And in links, I just added some new Yama ones. Nothing too special. Also, I put up a 100 Hits banner down there. Ya like it? I did it myself. See, now you know why I'm not a color person. I also changed this week's stuff. And the theme is... SPACE GHOST!! Yeah! That show rocks... ^_^ Did ya all see today's ep!?! I loved it!! I blame everyone for Matt's feelings. But hey, that's my opinion. And I recorded it, plus the new commercial. I'm one happy camper!! ^_^ Well, gotta go. Ciao.

March 29, the last March update: Hello, fellow people who like Yama. It is I, Mari-San, giving you some news, so give a listen. This week, I have toooo much homework, so that means I'll be taking a break for the week. I'm also going somewhere tomorrow. But fear not! I'll be making a MASSIVE Update this weekend. A whole bunch of new stuff. ^_^ So wait, my impatient grasshoppers... Also, I wanna say thanks to all who have been visiting my site. I appreciate it lots! My site, which was REALLY first exposed about a week ago, has already gotten 100 Hits!! ^_^ I'm so excited! Yeah, to some who get a thousand hits a day may think it's not that big of a deal, but it is to me. ^_^ So, thanks once again. So this weekend, you'll a buncha new stuff to see here when I do the next update. Well, gotta go Bye bye people. Hey, I'm just wondering... Aren't any of you sad as me to think that there are only a few episodes left of season 1? I'm not a happy camper about that. -_- *sniffs* My Yama... *hugs plushie* Don't worry. Even if you aren't a main, main character, I'll still wuv you...

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