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Mari-San's Yamato Ishida Shrine V.02 Blur

Contributed Quotes

I was getting so much contributed quotes that I decided to make a separate page for it. ^_^ Besides, the quotes page was getting so so big...

These were contributed by Dr. Izumi ^_^
 "I don't think we should be standing so close to the battle."--TK
"Don't worry. We're in maximum safety range."--Matt, who then he get's clobbered by a fallen WereGarurumon ^^;  
"Man, there's nothing like being part of the DigiDestined."--Matt
"Boy, I'll say."--TK
"Batteling Myotismon and his evil dark forces, exploring through the Digital World, sharing new adventures and all with the help of our Digimon!"--Matt
"Yeah. Hey Matt?"--TK
"Yeah TK?"--Matt
"Is it just me or is this camera way too close?"--Tk
"I have an oral report on Laringitus tomorrow."--Joe 
These were oh-so nicely contributed by Petal Pixie. Thanks again! ^_^
Tai: (after he's turned back from being a keychain) "I just had an unexplainable urge to carry some keys!
Cody: We're near an oil pipeline that Ken's fortress will be flying over in a few minutes. I know you can figure something out.
Izzy: He has such faith in me.
Tai: So you have a plan?
Izzy: I don't know.. Pipeline...pipeline... That's it!!
Tai: You thought of something?
Izzy: No, I needed an 8 letter word for my crossword.
Tai: That's a little off topic.
Izzy: Sorry.

Agumon: Ready Gabumon? Pepper Breath!
Gabumon: Blue Blaster!
Agumon: Great job, Gabumon.
Gabumon: You were pretty hot yourself.
Tentomon: What am I, chopped liver? Sure I don't have dragon breath. But let's see either of you try to fly.
NEW! Woah, a ton of more quotes from Petal Pixie. ^_^ They're from various episodes. Some quotes I already have, some I don't. Just read them over again. 
The Ultimate Clash:
"Look, all I know is that all this arguing is giving me a humungous headache." - Joe

"Bug up the nose? That's a bad thing?" - Augumon

"There's no need for us to fight." - Wargreymon
"I must." - Metalgarurumon

"Matt, I'm gonna tell mom you were fighting." - TK

"I'm just going to sit here and stare at the flowers until all the fighting stops." - Mimi

"Woah, the balance seems to be really out of whack." - Tai
"No problem. Just find a light switch and turn the light back on." -Joe

"Couldn't you have taken Joe instead?" - Tai
"Hey!" - Joe

"Okay, this is getting weird." - Matt
"And floating in the sky is normal?" - Joe

"Okay. It's official. This is giving me the creeps."- Joe

"Let me guess. Those are the elves that make the shoes at night." -Joe

"What makes us so special?" - Tai

"It was the special qualities within each of you..."- Kari

"Mine is..." - Matt
"Wasn't it called 'friendship'?" - Joe

"All this time we've been racking our brains trying to figure out stuff about ourselves that we already knew. That's a fine howdy-doo." - Joe

"Don't come any closer! Shoo! Go away!" - Joe

"So that's why I was brought up alone. That explains it." - Gatomon
"Cheer up. We're all together now." - Biyomon

"It's not about what's right or wrong. You have your path and I have mine." -Matt

"I believe in you and I'm not going to stand in your way." - Sora

"I just don't want to see anyone else fight or hurt themselves." - Mimi

"Then I'm going too." - Joe

"It's not safe for her to be alone..." - Joe

"I'll make sure she's okay and then hopefully we'll meet up again." -Joe (Joe's so sweet!)

Flower Power:
"I made this recipe myself. I call it 'shrimp fried rice with whipped cream and strawberries.'" - Mimi's mom.
(I only think this one's kinda funny because that's -exactly- what the meal is)

"It could be worse..." - Gomamon
"Would you stop saying that? I've got news for you, it is worse!" - Joe

"It could be worse..." - Joe

"It's just a bird... A large bird, grant you... A large angry bird!" - Phantomon

"I'm in bad taste?" - Palmon

"A 'C'? Forget Myotismon, this is a real disaster."- Gomamon

"Even my cell phone isn't working. It wasn't working before, but still." - some woman that works with Yama's dad.

"I'm dying my clothes pink again!" - Mimi

"You both saw it? Good. At least I'm not the only one going crazy."- that woman that works with Yama's dad.

"Oh no! Another monster!" Tai's mom.

"I'm not used to being captured by monsters from another world!" -Mimi's mom

"You could work for minimum wage in foam rubber costumes with kids kicking you all the time." Some people in foam costumes being held by Myotismon.

"You couldn't be in safer hands!" - Mimi's dad.

"Mimi, you're a very special girl, even though your wardrobe sometimes clashes." - Lilymon

"I've got a dinosaur to tame!" - Lilymon

Evil Shows His Face:
No question man, you're the dude of doodles. - Matt

If you follow that map, it'll lead right to a headache. - Sora

Call me paranoid, but I think it's time we run. - Joe

Sorry about your map. - Augumon
That's okay. At least it didn't fall into the hands of the enemy. - Tai

Come with me, TK. - Matt

I think I need a facial. - Mimi

Hey, what happened to the bad guys? - Sora

They didn't have wings, so I guess they weren't air worthy. - Sora

Palmon's looking tired. - Mimi
I've been tired before. Don't worry. - Palmon

I hope they have a hot tub. As long as it's not too hot. - Joe

Maybe we should knock. - Joe
Nobody knocks at a hotel. - Matt

I hope they have a dress shop. I've never worn the same thing two days in a row before. - Mimi

This place should be on your map. - Augumon
Augumon, if you recall, you burned up my map. - Tai

If this was a spooked out haunted house, would there be pictures of angels? -Joe

Watch the hair dude. - Matt
Is that what that is? I thought a bird made a nest on your head. - Tai

He hates you because I command him to. - Devimon

I have no further use for this imaginary building.- Devimon

If you don't bring back my friends you're gonna be in really big trouble. - Tai

Didn't anyone ever tell you not to play with fire? Someone could get hurt. Namely me. - Ogremon

Turn back! Or he'll beat you to a pulp! - Matt

Fist of the beast king! - Leomon
Are you okay? - Matt (hehe.. He got hit pretty badly.)

TK! Watch out! - Matt

These things pack quite a punch. - Matt

You've just begun to see our power. - Kabuterimon

I'll finally be able to change these clothes! - Mimi
That's right! - Izzy (Why is Izzy thinking about Mimi and her clothes?)

It's time to show our true self, Joe. - Ikkakumon

You feelin' okay, Joe? - Sora
Just a little seasick. - Joe

Bad guys always seem to think bigger is better. - Izzy

Let's turn this guy into pudding. - Matt

My biology teacher would love this. - Izzy

I do like the way our colours match. - Mimi

I think he's got him! - Tai (Greymon is about one 5th the size of Devimon)

So you wanna needle spray, do ya? - Togemon

Nice hair, Love the colour. - Mimi

I wanna take him home with me. - Tk

Stop it! I won't let you take my power! - Devimon (hehe. Then he stomps his foot and yells for his mom)

I am ready to fight for peace! - Angemon

I'll get him. Relax. - Angemon (this is that crazy, super-hero stereotype Angemon voice that makes this so funny.)

I'll stop you! - Angemon

TK, I'll come back again. If you want me to. - Angemon (Nooo.. Angemon just saved his life. So Tk decides he wants a new digimon.)

I think I broke a nail. - Mimi

Playing Games: (??)
I'm pushing everyone away. - Matt

Does it hurt? - Kari
No, I'm just doing this because it's fun. - Joe

Wow Mimi, your doll is really pretty. - Sora

Ogremon's Honor:
If I had known we were going to go riding, I'd have worn long pants. - Joe

There's not even a clean chair to sit on. - Mimi

They delivered the triple hot fudge sundae! - Palmon

We're not hurting anyone, except maybe you. - Gatomon

It's time to do some weed whacking! - Tai (Right. Stop the battle!)

I could have stained my clothes with perspiration. - Mimi

If Devimon had defeated you, you would not be ready for this challenge. - Leomon (They'd be dead)

You listen. I can take on this tin can if I want to. - Ogremon (Now Ogremon is throwing a tantrum)

No matter what you attempt. I'm invinsible! *crack* - MetalEtemon

My Sister's Keeper:
Do you think they have a bathroom? - TK (A big city without a bathroom. Right.)

Tai, humans aren't supposed to be this colour are they? - Gatomon

At least I know I'm leaving her in good hands with you. - Tai to Sora (Taiora! Taiora!)

I have to unplug myself! - Izzy

No wonder this hospital is so clean. There's no sick people. - Augumon

Strange as it may seem, I wish Joe was here. - Izzy

That's the thing with doctor's kids. There's never one around when you need one. - Tai

Good thing we're in a hospital. Looks like we're gonna need one. -Tai

Initiate plan 'eliminate'. - Machinedramon
'Eliminate?' How about 'elimi-nine?'

Can I blow something up?
I don't know. Can you?

The Crest of Light:
Hit the snooze button one more time. Please. - Kari

How long do humans sleep when they're sick? - Gatomon
Anywhere from eight hours to eight years. Give or take a few minutes. - TK

Somebody's been sleeping in my bed! - Warumonzaemon (Eek!)

Catch us if you can you big throw rug! - Sora

What do we do now Sora? - TK
Running comes to mind! - Sora

Lend me a hand! Literally! - Warumonzaemon

I think it's like this night light I used to have that used to guide me to the bathroom. - TK

I hope your light doesn't run out of batteries. - Sora

Look at my owwies and boo-boos. - Warumonzaemon

You better stop giving us orders. Or else! - Izzy
Or else what? - Tai
I didn't plan anything after 'or else', I just thought it sounded tough. -Izzy
You want tough? *punch* - Tai

You're a bully and... a ruffian! - Izzy
That's the best you can come up with? - Tai

Augumon digivolve to.. Greymon! Greymon, yeah! I'm Greymon! I'm big and bad... - Augumon
Your digivolve was a digi-dud. - Tai

And while I'm here, I'm going to fix that drip.- Andromon

They're coming. - Kari
Tai and the others? - TK
When? - Sora
Now. *boom* - Kari

You missed what I did as Wargreymon. I sliced ya like an onion. -Koromon..

Now isn't that a lot of contributed quotes?! You people are so nice. ^_^

Go back to Cutie Quotes.

Disclaimer: *yawns* I'm tired, so let's make it short. Just don't steal anything, and everything will be peachy keen. ^_^