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Profile shot! Oh, joy!Hey Mikey.

Hiya,  one and all. Who's that guy to your left all dressed in yellow? That's Michael Reisz!

"But who's Michael Reisz, Mari-San?"

Oh, you silly person. You have been living under a rock! He is Yama's VA, of course. ^_^ Why, next thing you'll tell me is that you don't know who Yamato Ishida is.


Never mind that for now. Anyhoo, this page is all about Mikey. I wanted a different layout for this page and I was listening to Coldplay's "Yellow" at the time, so voila, take the sushi out of the oven!

   I don't have much info now. I have seen three other of Mikey's 'performances' shall you say. I've heard him voice as Prince Rex in Men in Black. I've seen him as hypochondriac William "Billy" Telfer on Star Trek: Voyager. I've seen him as the comedic disturbingly-kinky lead guy in Guy Planet. The first two I've recorded, so you'll see some screen shots of that. ^_^ As for Guy Planet, I think that if I showed or told you about that, you'll look at Mikey in a whole different way. *grins evily*  Besides, the short film was on a website which has closed down already. 


Star Trek: Voyager, "Good Shepherd"

    This was the eppy that Mikey guest starred in. Now, I will tell you more about it. Or do you not want me to? You don't!? Fine. Hrmph. But to those who wish to read my lil' synopsis on the episode and my opinions about it, go right ahead. ^_^

Characters That I Will Talk About Because I want to. So there.

Captain Janeway- The main, main character of the show. ^^; She's the captain of the Voyager who thinks "Hey, three people on my ship is not doing so well. They all have one thing in common: They're never been on an away mission! By golly, I'll take them on one!" And that's the whole plot of the entire episode. Right.  She's like the good shepherd finding her lost sheep. Ahhh... biblical reference. 

William "Billy" Telfer- The guy who's a hypchondriac. Oh Mikey, we are SO proud. Clap clap clap. *ahem* Anyhoo, what is a hypchondriac, you say? Basically, it's a person who thinks he's sick, but he's really not. Just like Joe. Hey. ^_^ His best bud is Tal, (Tal? Tai!?) who I will talk about now.

Tal Celes- She's not human, so that's a big plus. ^_~ She's the under-acheiving one. (Aww.) She's not accurate in her reports and she has low self-esteem. She always goes to Billy for help and advice and vice-versa. By the way, she and Billy are best buds. Cutie-patootie! ^_^ Her first name is Tal, but she also goes by Celes. Pretty. 

Mortimer Harren- The 'Matt' of the group. He keeps to himself and he's anti-social. WAY anti-social. People attempt to befriend him but nah. He likes to work on his theories. Correction: He's more of an 'Izzy.' *cough* On crack. *wheeze*

Synopsis In Less Than Two Minutes Go ahead and time me.

      Captain Janeway and her 'main' crew are having a meeting about what's going on, who's dating who, and so forth. They come across the topic about 'deficient' crew members on board; Telfer, Celes, and Harren. Uh-oh.

     Janeways tries to find a way to help them. Here is her solution: Give them their first mission. Woah, hey. So the four them go on this small shuttle to explore space. Yay. She gives each of them special jobs to do.

    Along the way, she has conversations with each of them, talking about their lives, their work, and encouragement, basically. But then BOOM! Something hits the ship and everything goes haywire. Augh no. There's an alien on board and no one knows where to find it. Typical. 

   So they take their detecters to find it and lo and behold and whaddaya know? The signals point to Billy! Billy panics and disappears for a second. He reappears and faints. Apparently, he's been abducted. =/ So they but him in a force field to rehabilitate him, but he breaks out of it, do to Mr. Alien Man. Janeway shoots Billy and Tal screams. The alien then gushes out of his neck. Not a pretty picture folks. Still hella cool tho. ^^; And Harren whines at how his theories were proved wrong about Mr. Alien Man.

   Our friend, Mr. Alien Man, is a sluggish looking creature who then tries to tap into their system. Harren freaks and shoots it. Janeway calls him a murderer. Billy says that it could 'hear its thoughts, that it didn't belong.' So we come to a conclusion: The alien did not belong in the ship.

   And then, something obvious happens. Mr. Alien Man's friends are ticked and attack. The crew, being loyal as they are, stay with the captain to distract the aliens and flee. Harren is the only one to go into an escape pod. But that was THE diversion. He controls the pod to distract the aliens to give his crew more time to escape. The ship gives off a radiation beam to destroy the aliens. It did destroy them, but they became unconscious while doing it. Oh poop.

   But luckily, they are found. Hurrah. The end!

Hwah! I did it. With much sarcasm, but does that really matter? ^_~

Quotes So you can get the feel of the show! Hurrah!

Here are some quotes from the episode that I took. ^_^ Enjoy!

[Scene: Celes is trying to contact Billy from a... radio, type thingy, in the middle of the night.]
"Billy? Billy? Wake up."- Celes
"What do you want?"-Billy
"I need help."
"Good night." He's really annoyed at this point.
"Billy! Don't you dare go back to sleep!"
*sigh* "What's the problem?"
"I'm in trouble."
"Go to sleep!"
"Help me first!"
"Mr. Telfer's a hypochondriac. I'd treat him for that, but he's afraid of medication."-Doctor... Guy.
"Have you tried counseling?"-7 of 9
"He's afraid of that too." *sweatdrop*
"They may have moons."-Billy The way he says 'moons' is just so amusing. =D
"Celes. Celes. Respond... Celes, respond!"-Billy
*knowingly* "You're not sick."-Celes Hee, they're so close that they already know what the other is going to say.
"Yes, I am."
"No, you're not."
"Really, I am."
"We have to sleep."
"I can't go on this mission!"
"Yes, you can."
"No, I can't!"
"Yes." By this time, she's really annoyed too.
"Bye." *click*
"It's nothing."-Doctor... Guy
"It's a FEVER."
"Your temperature is .2 degrees above normal."
"That's right!" Oh my, call an ambulance! Or the NATIONAL GUARD! *Kari fans chuck tomatoes at Mari-San*
"Where did it take you?"-Janeway
"I don't know. It was dark. God, breathing all around me..." An alien had just abducted Billy.
"Did it try to communicate with you?"
"I couldn't see. I tried to say something, but there wasn't enough air. I tried to move, but something was pressing down on me!"
"If it wasnted to know me better, it should have just asked me out for a drink."-Billy Alleluia.

Men in Black

     Ahh, the voice of Matt in a different cartoon on a different network. A rival network, in fact. Very cool, Michael. Playing the field. ^_~ Okay, I'm going off track now. *ahem* 

     Mikey voices Rex on MIB. So what's so special about that? The fact that Rex isn't human, but an alien, could be it. ^_^ Rex is a foreign exchange student in this high school, whose name slips me at the moment. A REALLY foreign exchange student! He's actually a prince from the planet Naaria. Naaria, is that it? I forgot the planet name, but that doesn't really matter... Anyhoo, Rex is also known as Prince Raax. ^_^ So what's his role in the show, other than being alien royalty?

It turns out that there are Naarian rebels out loose in the school, disguised as normal high school students. And they're trying to hold Rex for ransom. Bad bad. So it's up to Agents Jay and Kay to guard him. But how can they do that? Jay will pose as a normal student and be Rex's unknown body guard, while Kay will be a teacher. Howdy-doody-doo, the plot's all set! ^_^

Characters I will not talk about them much...

Rex/Prince Raax- The foreign exchange student (Like Fez, har har!) and the entire point of the eppy! Yay!

Agent Jay- Rex's bud and body guard. He poses as a high school student in order to carry out the mission.

Agent Kay- Also from MIB. He's disguised as a substitute Science teacher so he could watch over things.

Amber and Co.- Three stereotypical cheerleaders who giggle way too much for their own good. Is there something we don't know about them?

Two Jocks aka Bob and Steebe- The two lugs who always causes inconvenient trouble. Not that trouble is convenient in the first place.

Worms- My favorite part of the show! Go, cappucino! Down with decaf!

Synopsis This will be pretty tedious. You might as well skip this part over, it's just my needless summary of what happened in this episode. 

   I'll do my best on giving you the whole summary of the show, considering I only saw half of the episode. But luckily, I saw the good half that gives you the entire story. ^_^ I'll start off where I first saw it. Great! Let's just hope I can remember some parts that I didn't record correctly. (Yes, I recorded this. Such good timing! My VCR and tape was all set. *grin*)

   Jay is strolling along the high school campus when he notices Rex sitting on a bench with his books, being the good student that he is. I think that three cheerleaders, one whose name is Amber, approach the unsuspecting Rex at this point, being all flirty and such. He simply brushes them off, and the girls walk off giggling. Jay then comes up to him and comments on what a 'Prince Popularity' he is. 

   "Prince Popularity? I don't have time to be Prince Popularity," Rex states back. (Okay, I KNOW that this is what he said since I have the whole thing glued to my memory. It's a great moment. Remember, this is Matt's voice saying that. ^_~) After this, two big football jocks come up to them and do the whole teasing and 'Oh, I'm so fly. Flyer than you' thing that stereo-typical jocks do. A fight ensues between them and Jay. Rex is just is in the background, being very quiet. And as if on cue, the principal goes up to them!

   Jay replies that he was just sticking up for his friend, Rex. "And where is your friend?" the principal asks. They turn around to see Rex walking away. I guess he just wants to keep a low-profile, with his alien background and all. 

Okay. Now these parts I remember clearly. (It's nice to know my brain hasn't abandoned me... yet.)

   For some reason, Jay is on the football team. I forgot how or why he is on the team, but it's all good. ^_^ It also seems like that those two jocks are out for him. They too, are on the football team. They try to tagteam on Jay and knock him down during practice, but Jay, having a bigger brain than the two combined, easily dodges them both. All the while, Rex is sitting on the bleachers reading his books. And under the bleachers are the four coffee luvin' worms we all love and adore. ^~

   The practice is over, and the two jocks walk over to Rex and tease him about being such a bookworm. The worms' reply after overhearing this; "Bookworm? Cousin? Homie!!" So now, the worms are convinced that Rex is a relative of theirs and plot revenge on the two thick-headed lugs for messing with their 'bookworm cousin.' So what do they do? They rig their lockers to dump hot coffee on them when opened. Pfft. As fate would have it, they blame it on Jay. ^^;

   In the boys' locker room, Rex coyly approaches Jay and asks if he could teach him some football. Jay is all "Sure man!" and thus, the teaching begins. While walking home, they pass the football around. As it turns out, Rex is unbelievably good. Amber and her cheerleader friends strut down the sidewalk giggling at Rex's abilities. *sweatdrop* A couple minutes later, they stop at Rex's apartment. He claims that he's living with family friends. He's from 'out of town.' Yeah, tell me about it. 

   While walking home, the two jocks (Okay, I don't like calling them that repeatedly. I will call them Bob and Steebe from now on.) evily stalk Jay into an alley. It turns out, Bob and Steebe are Naarian aliens also. Aliens are crawling all over the place! So anyhoo, a fight starts and is ended by Agent Kay. Jay informs that he caught the rebels, but Bob and Steebe are actually just foreign exchange students too, who are a bit on the mischievous side. And then they leave happily after!

   Next day in class, Kay appears as a teacher since somebody needs to look after Jay looking after Rex. Okay, let's skip when to when  Jay is by his locker in the hall. Rex is there too. So they chat about football (by the way, Rex made the team. Yay!) until Amber and co. gang up on Rex, practically smothering him. So they flirt and comment on what such a good player he is. Also, that coach has made an emergency practice. One of the cheerleaders snobbily say to Jay that he's been cut from the team due to he's on the principal's naughty list. Then the cheerleaders and Rex flee to the field.

   "Shortest football career in history." Poor Jay. He gets over it and opens his locker. Ah! The four worms are in there! Having coffee! *pause* Well, it's not that out of the ordinary but it still would surprise you. ^_^ They declare that they were helping out their bookworm cousin. A bunch of stuff happens, like the principal seeing the worms. Kay takes care of that. Oh, and that Steebe and Bob saying that there isn't any practice that day. Jay is confoozled, until he puts all the pieces of the puzzles together. He runs to fetch Kay. MEANWHILE!

   The cheerleaders are cheering (Ah.) for Rex. He comes out in uniform and sees that the other players aren't there. Amber laughs evily and looks at a strange watch on her wrist.

   "Hey, that's a Naarian Keptonic Quam Link..." Rex wavers out. Amber's voice does a 180 and says "Why, yesssth it isssth, Princeth Raax." (She has a speach impediment, don't worry.) You guessed it folks; the cheerleaders are the bad guys! *sigh* It's always the cheerleaders that are evil. ^_^ So anyhoo, there's a big fight between the MIB and rebels. MIB naturally wins and the angels sing and holler for them. Ah, and Prince Raax is safe. Hurrah! So Rex's true form is shown at the end and he blabbers to his father that he is just fine. Oh, and that'll he'll be back home once football season is over. *sniffle* Oh, such a marvelous ending!!!



Pictures for your soul. ^_^Note: Steal and I'll crush your pancreas. Like you would steal them, since you ARE a nice person AND a Yama fan, and Yama fans are expected to have integrity cuz if they don't, they're not really a good fan, riiiiiight?!?!?

Men In Black

Star Trek: Voyager

Catching a football. Wow. 

He's a little feeble when explaining where he's from. Okay, I find it scary that the girl at the right reminds me of Jun Motomiya. O_o It's like I see her everywhere. The street, the 7-11, behind my window. (Just kidding. ^_^) Nyah, makes me hurl. =P Ew, get away Rex! You don't know where its been!     Amber looking her finest. Rex... is not. AHHH! *laughs hysterically* "You the man." They actually do say this to one another. ^_^

Billy a little aprehensive about the mission. "What wrong with you!?"-- Harren. "EVERYTHING."-Billy The slug coming out of his neck. Augh... But man, look at Tal! I know what you mean, girl. Okay, this isn't Billy or anything. It's the doctor. And I just like this picture. ^_^

 The Three Muskateers! Billy and Tal. Looking on proudly. (Awww.)

Take me back to that place I was b'fore.

Legal Disclaimer: Just don't steal anything and I'll be happy happy. ^_^