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= Taichi =

= Sora =

= Yamato =

= Koushiro =

= Mimi =

= Jyou =

= Takeru =

= Hikari =

= Kitty Digi Club is part of MYIS. =

Kitty Digi Club is a mini shrine to the DigiDestined. So far, nothing but the layout has been accomplished. ^^;; Don't fret! I'll get to it sooner or later. Kitty Digi Club is a bit like MYIS, just for all the characters and a tad less content. It's a mini shrine, remember? Anyhoo, KDC is run by moi. Well, I'm done for now. See yas later. ^~

Opening soon.


Kitty Digi Club, or KDC, is the property and copyright of Mari-San, 2000. As far as the webmistress know, the name of Kitty Digi Club is completely original, and thought up by herself. Sorry for any inconveniences if you also have a website titled that. The background and layout was also made by me. Don't steal the background, like you would, please. Er, what else? I'll put some more stuff here when I think of more stuff. Buh bye.