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M Y I S  S I T E  D I A R Y - M a y

May 27:

Update 2: Hey there. Sorry for the late, lack, whatever, update. I've got 'guests' over. ^^;; Anyhoo, It's a small update. I updated the links page, both sections. Well, that's something that's really been updated. Here's the sections I hope to get done by the next two days: Yamato Info, Cutie Quotes, YPAC, Seiyuu Appreciation, Goodies, and more shtuff. Also, 1000 Hit banner, even if it is a bit late. ^^;; Sorry for any inconveniences.Well, bye bye for now.

Smallie 1:Hello again, peoples. ^^ I'm in a good mood right now. Oh, don't worry about updates. They're a comin'. The 1000 Hits banner is taking longer to draw than I thought. I decided to add some shtuff to it, and now it looks so pretty. I can't wait to post it up! ^^ It's either going to be sometime this afternoon, or tomorrow. You know why I'm in  such a good mood? I'll tell you. Because... I'VE GOT A PICTURE OF MICHAEL REISZ!!! *pause* Ahem. Glad I got that out of my system. If you adore Yama, you prolly know who Mike is. I don't feel like putting it up. Maybe later... maybe. *grins* Some of you might not believe me. I don't blame you. I'm telling 100% the truth. I don't really care if you believe or not. Heck, I've got a picture of Michael Reisz!! Whoo!!


May 26: Hi. I'm back. Back, and shocked...I'm still in a daze for getting a thousand hits. *beams* Thanks sooo much. I'm just as shocked as Christina Aguilera was at the Grammys. ^^;; I'll make it up to you who are so desperately waiting for an update. I have some stuff due for the Memorial Day Weekend. Whoo-hoo! I already got a 1000 Hits banner almost ready. I just gotta add the finishing touches. Lemme tell you a bit of info about it: It's going to be the best, most kawaii picture I have ever drawn. *pause* That's all I'm gonna say...Did you notice that I finally, kinda made a MYIS banner up there? Pretty, eh? Also, I added a guestbook. I do want to know who's visiting my site. I just adore nice feedback. ^^ It's down there somewhere. Well, I gotta go. It's 11:20 PM right now, and I'm sleepy. Bye bye. See you tomorrow, and maybe Sunday and Memorial Monday. ^_~

May 22: Oh good, I'm not dead. ^^;;Sorry for not updating this weekend. I was preoccupied. Plus, I have a lot of things to study for school. Bleah. So I prolly can't update anytime soon. *sigh* Well, since I was busy, I was only able to update a lil bit.I did a HUGE update on the Cutie Quotes section. Yay! ^^ About 40+ quotes and conversations, mostly from my favorite episode, "The Crest of Friendship." ^^ I also divided up the Yamato Info section, to make it a bit more organized. And... a couple of more Yama links for you enjoyment so you won't get bored waiting for my site to update. =POh well, gotta go. I'm also in the works of revising the site a bit... when I get the time. ^^;; Well, buh bye!

May 17: Smallie 3:Yay! Yama's the lead in the bishounen poll! *grins* Whoo-hoo! And to think that before he was third... Anyhoo, I just wanted to tell you all that I'm VERY excited about this weekend's first episode: "The Crest of Friendship." *grins real widely* It all starts at 8:00 Pacific time to my knowledge, but then again, nothing is to my knowledge. ^^;; Well anyhoo, I'll be up at about dawn with my handy dandy... VCR! (No, not notebook. ^^) Also, my handy lil blank tape which I got just this week. Yeah, baby! Yama fans, be sure to watch! It'll prolly be the last Yamato eppys you'll ever see again... ever!!! Nah, kidding. There's always memories of re-runs. I'll be watching the classics like "Evil Shows His Face" and "Playing Games" while the new generation kids like Daisuke will be fighting of the Digimon Kaizer... *mumbles* Crazy kids. Get off my lawn!!! *throws rolled-up newspaper* Ahhh! *pause* Uh, what just happened...?

Smallie 2:Not an update, just a 'smallie.' That's what I call an update which really isn't an update. ^^;; Anyhoo, I just wanted to say that the lead in the fave bishounen poll as of *looks at watch* May 17, 2000, is so kawaii. ^^ Yes, I know it isn't Yama, but he is kinda cute. His name is Quatre Rabarba Winner. Look at his piccie. He's from Gundam Wing. Don't worry, I'm not gonna go 'GW Crazy' as many people are. It's a nice anime, but not my type of one. I think I'll stick to Digimon and Yama for a while... But you'll never know. I was once literally 'obsessed' to SO many things... 

Smallie 1-Heyooo. Well, I'm done with the busy shtuff. (Hooray!) Now, I'm busy with the updating stuff. ^^ This isn't a real update, but just to say to vote. Yes, that's right. VOTE. Apparently in the web, there's a voting poll for your favorite bishounen. Currently, Yama is ranked number two, thanks to moi who just had to make 2 votes. ^^ Well, let's make Yamato number one! Click here to go directly to that site and start voting! You can do it! Well, buh bye now. See ya later! ^_^

May 15: Heh heh... whoops. I put the wrong date up yesterday. Said the 15th when it was really the 14th. Well, that's fixed now. ^^  I just wanted to say that I'll be busy studying and cramming this week for some competitions, so don't expect an update. Maybe one here and there, but don't count on it. One for sure on the weekend... but it's not the weekend, ain't it? ^^ Anyhoo, I'll keep the main piccie up for a bit. I kinda like it. ^^ Well, bye bye now! *waves frantically*
May 14: Happy Mother's Day!! Hiya! I told ya I'd update!! ^^ *grins* Everyone prolly thought I was gonna update yesterday. I got 34 hits, and that's a lot to me. ^^ Anyhoo, about everything has been updated. Plus, 3 NEW SECTIONS in Yamato Info, Say My Name, and Seiyuu Appreciation. Yay!! ^^ Also, I added a new main piccie. You like? It took me a while to see how Nancy generally looked, but by george I think I've got it! Okay, the sections that have been updated in a fair good, decent amount are Yamato Info, Say My Name, Fanfiction, (Yay! Two new fics! ^^) Sieyuu Appreciation, (Info on some of the VAs) Goodies, (added new wallpaper) and Links with a whole buncha new Yama Links. The others just had little tidbits added to them. ^^ Also, the stuff of the week. Well, that's all. I'm on the move for the next update already. Hmm, fancy that. ^^ Well, bye bye! And have a happy Mother's Day! ^^

May 9: *screams* AAAHHHH!!! No, I'm not home alone. ^^ Anyhoo, I just want to get off some steam, cuz Angelfire is soo damn hard to upload files! It took me about an hour to fix everything. *people laugh* *sarcasm* Ha ha.. Anyhoo, I FINALLY fixed all the the broken links and pictures. *sighs of relief* Now... I have to work on the next update. *grins widely* It's gonna be a biggie, lemme tell ya. Let's just say that it'll take the place of all the times that I haven't updated. Mwahaha!!

May 7: Hiya. Sorry for not updating this weekend, like I said. A whole buncha stuff came up, such as the big move from AT&T to Angelfire. In a way, Angelfire is a bit better, but a bit worse. -_- I've had a topsy turvy weekend... Don't worry, I've got a lot of things planned. A whole handful of new stuff. For now, I just gotta make sure things are running properly. I updated the stuff of the week though. Since I'll be busy this week, hopefully you can expect the update on Saturday, when Yama makes his return. ^^ Happy belated Cinco de Mayo and Children's Day, both on the 5th, by the way. I couldn't update, since my computer was screwed up. Add that to the bad day list. Well, buh bye. I changed the stuff of the week, if you wanna know. So I'm signing out. See ya.

May 3: Update 3: Hi again. Not REALLY an update. Just a minor change. I finally got the hit counter thing fixed. Yep, it's all right and nearly, completely correct now. ^^;; Well, gotta go. I'm working on a ew-nay ection-say. *looks puzzled* Is that right? *reads the book Pig Latin for Dummies* Well anyhoo, *throws book away* I'm also trying to make a new main picture, since the Bubbles one is really not that good, as much as I adore PpG. 'Sides, I'm making a new one. I'ts still in the works, as they say. Oh, and thanks so much for all the hits. *sniffle* I never that MYIS would even get up to a hundred hits!!! Oh thanks so much... *sniff* This surely deserves a really nice picture... and I'll let ya know when I get around to that...

Update 2: Hiya again. I changed the hit counter. I made it go at 570, when previously it was almost or above 600. Yes, you must think I'm stupid to lower my hits, but that counter was just bizarre! It's evil, I tell you... EVIL!! But still, it was my first counter, and it will not be forgotten. *sniffle* So that's why... I saved it's code and page! Now I can 'visit' it whenever I want! *laughs idiotically* 

Update 1:Hey there. ^^ We-eell, this day, I'm not loaded with homework, so I finally have a chance to update. Yay! Actually, this really isn't an update. I am working on some new shtuff though, so prepare for that this weekend or maybe earlier. (Hey, if you were here in the beginning, you'd remember that I said major updates on weekends, since my weekdays are packed.) Well, that's it. Until next time, buh bye!

May 1: Yay! It's May! Happy May Day!! Oh god... that whole line there rhymed. How pathetic was that? *sweatdrop* Anyhoo, it's May 1. ^^ Gosh, I'm just so over enthusiastic, aren't I? It's May, and you know what that means? I'm back to school. *sarcasm* Hooray. But that also means that it's just 33 more schooldays until Summa Vaca for moi!! (Translation: Summer Vacation for me!!) All right! That's sooo cool! Ooooh, I can't wait! (Translation: Swell.) I'll be checking off my calendar. Weeeell, since I'm back to school, that means not much updates. (Like there ever was before =P) But, I've got a lot of stuff planned, so stick around. You'll never know what might pop up in my little head. Mwahaha!! 

April 30, the last April update-  Ah, the last day of April. *sniffle* I'm gonna miss April... ^^ But here comes May! Which means... summer vacation is just around the Dairy Queen! Anyhoo, I changed the week's shtuff. Oh, and I forgot to mention that yesterday was the 29, and on March 29, I got 100 hits! And now... I've got more than that. Wah! Thanks so much, all you people who come here! *sniffle* I feel so gosh darned good. ^_^ I have to draw a picture... Well, au revior, or whatever. ^^