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Saturday Morning Review
So I would have something better to do than stare at the crazy monkey going "Fruity-licious!"...
    Now this is different (other than the fact I'm using Comic Sans. EEP!). This morning, I actually wrote notes. Yeah. I thought it sounded cool the night before. Now it just ended up as being stupid. Not "That's whack!" stupid, but "Duurrr!" stoopid. And I didn't wanna waste all my 'writings' (all two pages of it. ^^;) so I decided to put it up. *shrugs* Who knows. If I'm still as bored next Saturday as I was this morning, I'll maybe continue... 
   The is all genu-wine. Everything in black writing I actually DID write in the morning. Everything in orange just my comments looking back... and to 'spice thangs up, aroo roo!' Lol.
   And remember: I never stay at on channel. I DO surf once in a while, so if I say something like "Augh! They're kissing!", it is not Digimon. *sweatdrop*
   And another note: This may OFFENSE you. I wasn't sane at the time. *grins*
Saturday, April 21, 2001


I just learned something. NEVER trust the familyroom VCR, because it never, ever records properly. I just found out that all the episodes from a very Digi Christmas have been erased from my so-called trustee video tape. Thank God for Made in Japan on Sundays. I will now use the real trustie VCR... in my Grandpa's room. He won't mind.
7:36 I am watching Stella Soleil's video on MTV for the 1st time. She reminds me of Gwen Stefani. The only thing I know in this song is the "kiss kiss" sound. I do it pretty well. Well, that's all the words I know, anyway.
7:41 How come I always have the urge to dance and sing along in Nelly songs?? I don't like his songs much, but still... I can't help it. Like I can't help singing Vanilla Ice songs. ^_^; I used to sing that when I was still a toddler. All my relatives threw money at me... to stop. ^^;
7:57 Digimon  is starting. It's a repeat tho. It's the eppy with Joe in Australia. I'm not gonna record this one. No offense, I luv Joe. There's just no Yama. *wails* My past episodes, chock full of him... gone! *cries* Such a waste...
8:00 Ooh hoo hoo... Joe said the word 'ho.' It's not the time to be thinking of Brit-Brit now! *grins evily* 
8:01 Why is Mia Hamm so popular anyway? Yeah yeah, so she IS a famous soccer star...
8:03 I know the whole Fruity Pebbles rap. How cool.
8:08 Submarimon rawks. Plus, my name's in there somewhere. But I don't get Oxygen Torpedo. "Omigod! I'm being attacked with air! Aaaaaa...."
8:13 I just saw that new commercial for Battle For Both Worlds. It looks so tiiight. Plus, it shows Ken. Yee-hee! I've been taking observations, and I've come to a conclusion: If you like Yama, chances are you like Ken too. ^_~
8:16 Ahh, now I see where Yama and TK got their blondeness from. Their granpappy. Who, by the way, horrifies me.
8:19 Catherine's voice freakishly resembles Mimi's voice. *pause* Oh wait... it IS Mimi's voice. Oh Philece Sampler, you tease! I don't know why I said that. It sounded right at the moment. ^^;
8:24 God lady, don't get so freaked out about green ketchup. The wrapper's green, for goodness sakes. Get a clue! I'm talking about that commercial for Burger King or MickeyD's... whatever the food joint is. It's twisted and wrong... It's BOTH twisted and wrong!
8:25 Saw the commercial again. Ken, still lookin' good. 
8:26 That boy with the cough sounds like Patamon! *laughs hysterically* It prolly is Patamon's VA. ^_^ I even heard Koromon's voice once, I think... In Outlaw Star. That's a cool show. I haven't seen enough episodes to be addicted to it tho. Good thing. I have this weird habit: Once I get addicted to something new, I'll dump all my other favorite things. ^^; Sad...
9:27 It's been an hour... and Digimon is starting! Yay! Yama! I would tell you what I was doing in the past hour, but then I'd have to kill you.
9:27 Yama and Ken in the same episode... how perfect. Ain't it a dream?
9:28 Nice to see Garurumon again.
9:29 He's in a tank... Enough said. I was talking about Yama, in case you didn't know. ^~
9:30 They edited out the gun scene. Obviously. It would have been funny to see their expressions tho.
9:31 Lol. Jose the Magnificent. What will they think of next? *looks on* ACK! DISTURBING! He's doing flips and pelvic thrusts. O_o I feel violated...
9:36 Aww, Wormon's jealous. Lol. "Ahh, the Ken fangirls are attacking Rosa!" 
9:36 "There's enough of Ken to go around"-Matt. Oh really, Matt? Do you want a piece? ^_^ I'm sure we all do...
9:40 WereGarurumon! Yea!
9:41 I thought Gotsumon would digivolve into an Onix. ^_^; Well.... I did.
9:41 Eeew! WereGarurumon hit that guy in the, in the... I won't say. Hell, I'll say it now. He hit him in the crotch. This time tho, it wasn't talking. 
9:42 Aww, that's it for Mexico. *sob* Now it's time for Russia with Yolei and Sora. Whoo.
9:45 God, is Yolei friendly or what. ^_^;
9:45 How RETARDED. They're not doing anything except bobbing their heads. 
9:49 Eew, they're drooling. Sure Sora, seduce Matt with that.
9:50 Shoeszies annoy me. "Fashion for your fingers" my ass.
9:54 Oh no, Sora fell. But she was caught by Halsemon. Hurrah.
9:54 They're all here! Yay! ^_^
9:56 Damn. It's over. Matt's last words were "Yuri!?" Yeah, he likes to read those. I'm kidding. Yuri's that Russian guy's name. JEALOUS?? ^_^
Well, that's it. And just to let you know: The 2nd VCR didn't work either. #%@$*@! >_<
Go back. PLEASE.