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It's not true. It's a lie! It's a defective product!! Kagome thought desperately at the test before her. Not a math test, nor a history exam, nor any other test she might take in school. After all, most of those she would have failed. This one she had passed, and it wasn't a good thing. This one was a pregnancy test.

A Mistake Challenge Fic


Author- Ami/Clara (Call me one, call me the other, but please don't call me both at once)

Inu Yasha wondered what was taking Kagome so long in her other time. She had been acting strangely for the past few days. Ever since that morning when he had awoken to find that for some reason he smelled like Kagome, couldn't remember what he'd done the night before, and had a terrible hangover. Inu Yasha had had a few sneaking suspicions about the night before, but when he questioned a few others, he turned up nothing that could prove anything untoward had occured between Kagome and himself. Miroku had told him that during the New Year's Eve festivities, Inu Yasha -had- gotten drunk, but had merely slunk off into the forest. Thus, it wasn't very feasible that anything had happened.

However, Inu Yasha was still quite a bit concerned. Kagome had been in heat at the time, and he never trusted himself around her whenever that was the case. For the most part, he stayed away from her during that period of time. That was probably what had happened on New Year's Eve. He had gone into the forest -alone,- after all. So why did he not believe that was all that had gone on that night?

Kagome hadn't said anything, though, and Inu Yasha couldn't remember what had happened that evening for the life of him. Inu Yasha + Sake = Amnesia. He sighed and sat by the well to wait for her.

What am I going to do?! Kagome thought in panic. First thing was first, she had to get rid of the test! Maybe if she got rid of the test, it would all go away. She wouldn't be pregnant! That night would never have happened!! Some dim, remote part of Kagome realized she was giving in to hysteria. The rest of her was already too far gone to the emotion to react to this epithany.

Kagome chucked the test out the bathroom window. Quickly, though, she realized anyone could find it behind the house. Glancing out the other bathroom window, she noticed her mother at the side of the house, picking up sticks from the area so she could cut the grass. Her mother would be around the house and see the test within minutes!

Without wasting time, the teenage girl was out the window, clinging to the gutter as if her life depended on it. Considering the test and her mother's would-be reaction to it, added to the fact that the gutter was the only thing suspending her two stories above the ground, it was. Kagome dangled in the air a few moments, pondering her options.

After calculating her mother's position, and how long it would take to get to the edge of the house and shimmy down the gutter, then scurry over to the test, Kagome came to a decision. Noting an inviting bush that looked like it would break her fall, Kagome swung herself out into the air and crashed into said bush. With a speed born of the desperate, she disentangled herself from the foilage and limped over to the cause of her mental and emotional turmoil.

Scooping it into her hands, Kagome started to run for the side of the house opposite from her mother. However, upon hearing her mother's response to the loud clatter Kagome had made when she fell, and that she was now rushing around the house faster than Kagome could move, Kagome looked for a hiding place. Spotting the wellhouse, Kagome sprinted to it, ignoring what was probably a sprained ankle, and leaped in. Hurriedly, she closed the door behind her.

All of this took somewhere around a minute. Already, Kagome's mind was moving on to a new, uglier, emotion. Despair. She thought the exact same thought aloud, with a completely different emotion. "What on earth am I going to do?" Kagome looked down at her stomach and poked it. "Any thoughts?"

A/N: Well, there's the other Mistake challenge I promised! Kagome and Inu Yasha ^-^ Small first chapter, I know, but I am working on writing more! I know I promised myself I'd not write more series fics until I finished my others, but this will be a very small series (especially if the first chapter sets a precedence ^^;). Hopefully, with encouragement, help, and hopefully more free time, hopefully more will be out soon! Yes, there are a lot of hopefully's there, but the world could use more optimism! Besides, no use invoking a few, cruel universal laws by saying I'll have more written next week. Anyway, check back later for more!

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