What Can Their Names Be?

Part II- More Nameless People…

By Aeris

Disclaimer (again): Obviously, I don’t own FF7. **jabs at a man-eating lawyer with her staff** Down, boy…

Onto the nameless folk…enjoy! Reviews (and constructive criticism) are welcome.

Zack Yuushi (brave warrior)

His sword in hand, the brave warrior stands tall, fighting for what is right.

Lesse… well, Zack was a SOLDIER, and most likely fought in the infamous Midgar-Wutai war. Fighting for what he believed was right…his mind was probably corrupted by Shin-Ra. After he and Cloud break out of the lab in the Shin-Ra mansion, he supports his friend (who seemed to be stricken with makou-poisoning or something of the sort) and in the end was killed by Shin-Ra troops, while protecting Cloud.

Heidegger Kouki (conceited)

Pride-filled, selfish man…you’ll be the end of your own existence…

Heidegger seems to be very full of himself in the game…always laughing at others, walking with his nose in the air, all the while thinking he is better than everyone else. Even the SOLDIER’s are afraid of him (eg.- Rufus Shin-Ra’s welcoming ceremony…)

But he has dug his own grave…ironic, he dies while operating a machine called ‘Proud Clod…’

Reeve Sakarau (to defy)

Rebel against what you know is wrong, join with what is right, and help to save the Planet…

Obviously, Reeve disagrees with Shin-Ra eventually. At first, he joins AVALANCHE in the guise of Cait Sith, as a spy. But he seems to change after the betrayal at Gold Saucer (Keystone incident). In the end, he helps the citizens below Midgar’s plate to escape Meteor. And even before the betrayal, when President Shin-Ra proposes his plan to drop the plate over Sector 7, Reeve insists that they find some other way of ending AVALANCHE. He may not be the best in FF7, but all in all he seems like a good guy at heart.


Short and sweet, I know, but there’s more to come! ~Aeris-chan