All about kari

Mimi: i read over the guestbook and it seems you all seem to want kari so i made a section with all you need to know about Kari (in the Digi-Gurlz)

Pics of Kari

Kari info

in the digi-gurlz kari is the only one not to have a cabbit but when they restore cotton candy cloud Princess Cabbit will belong to her. kari also only has to find one person that her locket leads her to althow mimi has 3 and sora has 2. The digi gurlz also have sorta codenames kari is the angel of light mimi is the thunder samari and sora is the fire warier. My sister thinks kari is the best dressers in the digi gurlz mimi and sora have cool coustumes to but they all look better on kari. But i think mimi and sora will have more boyfriendz and costumes!
If you have any questions about the digi-gurlz e-mail me
