How to Make Digi Gurl Cosplay

Digi Gurlz cosplay is very easy to make if u don't want to pay 200 bucks for a cossplay on a site make it yourselh

Mimi & Sora's circus Cosplay

this costume is sorta hard for beginers but her is what you will need 3 difernt color fabrics

1. leg size in very light green blue (for pants) and top to botton of head size in the same color (make it alittle biger for puffyness)
2. about 1 foot (child) or 1/2 (adult) in white
3. 3 feet (child) 4 feet (adult) in navy blue
4. and about 2 or 3 feet in dark purple

now you are ready to make your cosplay

how to make the hat
1. get the head size light blue green matereal and puff it up like you are making it into a bowl. then get a strip of purple and put it around the open side of your maatereal and sew it togeather

the Shirt (rember the back of it to! :)
1. get the white peice of material and cut it into a vest/tanktop shape but conect it in the middle so it wont fall of (you can also use a button to hold it together)
2.nextget the peice of blue matereal and cut it into a short dress/tanktop design but leave a small 6 inch slit in the front and 2 inch slit in the back and use gold fabric paint around the botom all the way around and going up from the middle of the front to the top then go all the way around the top even on the straps
3. let it dry for about a day

now the pants!
1. get the remaining blue green fabric (if you dont have enough to cover your legs all around get some more) and cut it in to 4 peices of fabric that are 5 inches wider than your legs and get 3 inches smaller at the bottom and sew them togeather so that they look and fit like pants and at the bottom edges put a strip of purple at the bottom

the wristbands
1. just tie a strip of purple fabric around your wrist